Tuesday 28 March 2017

It's Our Anniversary Again!

My Rare One and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary today. From the first time we met . . .

. . . until now, things have been just one delightful romp!

Fun, fun, fun all the time!

Of course, all you long-term couples out there know that can't possibly be true!

No, we have had our fair share of choppy waters and stormy seas as well, but so far have successfully managed to sail through it all!

We still want to be each other's adorable little angel . . .

. . . and little devil too!

So here's to another year!


  1. congrats! life ain't all fun & games; those who stick out the rough times have what it takes. many many more happy years to you both!

  2. Happy Happy Anniversary!
    It's the choppy waters that make you appreciate the smooth sailing, and the reminder of smooth sailing that helps you navigate the choppy seas.

  3. Congratulations. Glad you are still each others little angel x

  4. Which one is you in the first photo, Debs? You don't have to tell about the second photo :)

  5. Congratulations!

    It's not easy finding an adult person to be around all of the time. Anyone who can manage that for 14 years is quite a person!

  6. Yee-Haw! Happy Anniversary and many more.....

  7. happy anniversary to you two! 35 years here and the sailing is only slightly smoother! but then, he is a man so that explains a lot.

  8. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! May you be blessed with another 300 more! :)

    Much love to the both of you!

  9. Congratulations and may your happiness continue over smooth waters forever.

  10. And here is to you and your Rare One. May you make every day an adventure and every night a pleasure.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  11. Happy Anniversary, you two! Fourteen years! Wowza!

  12. Congrats on 14 "togethers". You are both blessed to have found, nurtured and loved each other. Here to a future of many more blessed years together. xoxo Oma Linda

  13. Awesome collection of photos, Debra!

    Congrats on surviving 14 years together. I wish you smooth sailing for the next 14... and beyond!

  14. Awww, Happy Anniversary.

  15. Happy anniversary; very nice set of photos.

  16. Congratulations! If being together was easy, well everyone would be doing it! Only for the brave, stubborn, optimists! Cheers! March On! xoDebi

  17. Happy Anniversary! Now go out to dinner and celebrate. Next year celebrate with champagne.

  18. A very happy anniversary so both of you? Where do you manage to find those pictures.

  19. Happy, happy day to one of my favorite seekers and The Rare One! Here's to many more♥

  20. I love the photos. I wish you wild women happiness everyday for the rest of your lives.


  21. Awesome! Happy Anniversary, you two love birds. Wishing you many more wonderfully crazy and happy years together.

  22. Congratulations to the both of you!! It thrills me to hear of long term relationships. Your right, of course, that things aren't always perfect but having a person that shares the rocky times makes life grander, I think. I wish you both many, many wonderful years ahead.

  23. Congrats Debra :)) We just celebrated 4 years, seems like forever already. I like forever! :)

  24. Congratulationsto you both! Here's to many more years together!

  25. Happy Anniversary to you two cheeky lesbians!!!!! Is there a night of seduction planned💋💋💋

  26. Congratulations. Of course there have been stormy waters - that's make up sex is there to calm!

  27. Happy 14th anniversary!! May your love will always be blessed by the elements and theGoddess!! Congratulations!!

  28. Best wishes to you. Celebrate love always. x

  29. Aren't you'll afraid of going to hell, for being too awesome?

    congrats on 14 years

  30. Congratulations! I hope you two have many more wonderful years together. I have my 27th wedding anniversary this year and we were together for 5 years before we got married to make it 32 years together. YIKES!

  31. You put a smile of my dial with this delightful post Debra.
    And I am sure it put a smile of your rare one's dial too.
    I wish you both all the happiest in the Universe.
    Keep shining my friend.
    Peggy xxxxx

  32. Wishing a happy one to you both, dear Lady Debra...

  33. Congratulations to you both!! 14 years without killing one another is good!

  34. Happy Anniversary you two and many more to come. I've been reading your blog for a couple of months. Enjoy it very much.

  35. Happiest Anniversary to you and your Rare One. Relationships are all about keeping up with the ups and downs and fully enjoying all the inbetweens. And you guys are doing it.

  36. awww, happiest Anniversary...14 yrs with ea other makes a heck of a statement. We are blessed when we find the one person to share our life with.
    Many thanks for coming by to visit me. I am trying with all my might to get back the heart for blogging...if not for such precious friends such as you, blogging would be on the back burner for now. Life got really hard all at once for us but he has such an amazing attitude about it all, I try to, too...."gettin' old ain't for sissies".....I am just thankful my health is good enuf to take care of him thru this hard time....I can't help but be scared, tho....
    love to you, sweet friend

  37. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary....Love the picture...

  38. congratulations..so happy for you both..much love to you and your rare one.

  39. Happy happy anniversary - 14 times over. May you have smooth sailing ahead.

  40. All the best to you both! Forever!

  41. 14 years!! Congrats to you and your Rare One, Debra! This is such a beautiful post! I love the images!!! Big Hugs to the both of you and many blessings!!!

  42. Congrats! nice to see you're keeping the flame alive ... and these vintage pics are awesome

  43. Happy anniversary to you and your Rare One, Debra! Those pictures are fantastic. :)

  44. Happy anniversary to both of you dear Debra and wishing you more joy and success in life ahead.

    relationship is a scale to check one's level of keeping his commitment,loyalty and above all patience .


    14 years of happy togetherness is certainly something to be proud of. May you have another 14 years (and more) of happy togetherness.

    I Are Writer!

  46. Happy Anniversary to both of you Rare Ones! Love is the best!

    What a wonderful line of well-wishers. I would have posted my congratulations earlier but it took two days to get to the bottom of their comments.

    Isn't it nice to know that so many care about you?

  47. @ Toni -- Yes, it warms both our hearts! Thanks to you and everyone!

  48. Happy Anniversary to you and your Rare One, Debra! I'm so glad that you two have negotiated all those choppy waters! Wishing you many more years of happiness together!

  49. Happy 14th. That is very cool. Very cool indeed.

  50. Happy anniversary guys. It's no mean feat keeping a relationship together.

  51. Happy belated 14th anniversary! Love your fabulous photos! Looks like there's never a dull moment when you're together!


  52. 14 years yay!! Congrats and Happy belated anniversary.


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