Sunday 14 May 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

Special wishes being sent today to all you Moms out there! You're in an exclusive club!

Here's the fairytale every Mom wants to read . . . .

Remember the days when you had privacy and time to yourself?

Kids can be, well, a little demanding sometimes . . . .

But you know what Hillary Clinton said! "It takes a village . . . ."

I hope you all get lovely gifts for Mother's Day! Especially from your adult children!

And just remember . . .  despite everything, YOU DONE GOOD, MOM!


  1. Lol. Have a great day too, Debra!

  2. LOL still looking for that village, AMEN sister!

  3. Cuz, yeah, even bin Laden had a mother and she must be shocked at how that worked out!

  4. thanks for the pukeworthy mention of the pompous, fame hungry racist Obama

  5. ha! I can so relate to that tiny hand under the bathroom door! only mine would just come right in

  6. HAHAHA! I had a good laugh with these. That bathroom break is so true. And now that the kids have moved out, the cats do it! :)

  7. The far right claims Michelle Obama can't be a mom because they KNOW she is really transgender. They same way they know President Cheetos Mussolini is a good president.

  8. I am so tired today. Woke up with a headache. Your post made me laugh. So thank you!

  9. Great laughs! I don't know how moms do it. I knew early on that mommyhood would not be a good one for me. Society is better off this way. :)

  10. Deliciously funny, Debra! Although when I read, "Why do they want dinner every night?," I saw my husband. He usually shows up glancing hopefully around the kitchen for whatever the next meal is. Drives me nuts when I'm doing something and don't want to stop and cook. Poor guy, sometimes I'm making a fabulous meal from scratch and sometimes I give him the evil eye! I hope that your mother has an enjoyable day!

  11. Read a forwarded email? That is quite a gift. I'm not sure I care about anyone enough to give them that.

    I have an uncle who hasn't talked to me since I responded to a forwarded email with the word, "Unsubscribe."

  12. Always look forward to your posts - this one, as usual, was perfect. Happy day and happy week ahead to you.

  13. The bathroom one is hysterical... and frustratingly accurate.

  14. Thanks for the laughs..Hope you had a super day...Enjoy your week..

  15. I loved the little hand under the door. Too cute.

  16. LOL! The one where mommy gets her drink.....I laughed right out loud!

  17. Some of these comments are so politically spicy and angry. Maybe I should tell their mothers to make them play nice? Speaking of, I'm going to go hug mine now.

  18. hahaha...

    i have lots of memories about "bathroom breaks" haha
    thank you for portraying it in such light and fun way,loved and enjoyed so much

  19. Haha! Looking for that village. I love it.
    Thanks for the amusing tribute to all the good mommies.

  20. Ha! The one about forwarded emails - my friend Barbara, who calls herself my unofficial "mom" actually prints out those forwards and mails them to me because she can't figure out how to forward them by email. I'd tell her, but love the mail. :)

  21. Thank you- Hope you have a lovely day.

  22. Dinner every night ... oh yes. I've been cooking for 40 years and I am sick as hell of it.

  23. My brother and I, cleaned the house for mom! I'm still recovering! LOL! Great post Debra! Big Hugs!

  24. I felt like I did a good job as long as they didn't end up in the pen.


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