Saturday 27 May 2017

Rockyview Hotel and Texas Gate Bar 'n Grill

So as I said in an earlier post, Cochrane is a pretty kickass, happenin' kind of place in the heart of Alberta's cowboy country just north of Calgary. Its historic town centre has great gift shops, restaurants and MacKay's ice cream (always a huge lineup!) Plus it has the vintage Rockyview Hotel, built in 1904 and still operating!

I have fond childhood memories of my grandparents' country hotel in Saskatchewan which was of a similar vintage, so I was looking forward to staying at the Rockyview. The owner has done a marvelous job of ensuring that the hotel remains a tribute to Cochrane's heritage and history.

Several of the guest rooms have been modernized and renovated as "theme rooms" to reflect local historical culture. There's the Trapper's room, CPR Railway room, Victorian room (it's apparently haunted!) and the room we had -- which I think of as the Pioneer room. And do you know who was the decorator for the hotel's theme room project? Lynne of Insomniac's Attic!

The Pioneer room has vintage furniture like I remember from my grandparents' hotel. Look at that old radiator, the horse collar on the wall, and the reproduction mini ewer-and-bowl set!

And lovely framed doilies on the wall!

The Rockyview Hotel also houses the Texas Gate Bar 'n Grill. We played some pool at the Bar and had breakfast at the Grill. And OMG, was that breakfast good! Can't remember when I last enjoyed a classic brekkie so much! Oh, and I should also mention that the Grill has an exquisite pressed tin ceiling which I just love!

All in all, a marvelous little foray into Alberta's past and present!

[All photos by Debra She Who Seeks, May 2017]


  1. oh what fun! thanks for showing this!

  2. tell me you inherited your grandparents country hotels and now you own a franchise!

  3. well-made furniture stands against time well; my grandmother had pieces like that in her home.

    looks like a fabu place to stay!

  4. Looks fun although, maybe it's just me, but the doilies seem haunted?

  5. Love this post, Debra. You stepped back in time and had an embrace from your grandparents!

  6. it reminds me a little of Texas Roadhouse in the exterior design at least

  7. By the looks of the pics and the sound of the post, you coulda been in Texas! Yee-haw!

  8. Oh what fun! You feel like you've travelled through time.

  9. look at that big, open, blue sky! sounds like you guys really enjoyed yourselves!

  10. What a cool place. Your room was beautifully decorated.


  11. I'm liking Alberta more and more - so much character.
    I couldn't help but wonder what Martha Stewart would say about the doilies on the mirrors on the wall. She'd probably say "What a dreadful waste of good...mirrors."
    Have a great weekend.

  12. oh the grandmother used to make them..I had so many I could have made a spread with it..don't know what ever happened to them..
    I have to go to that place and want to sleep in the haunted room.

  13. Looks like a really characterful place! I had to grin at the framed doilies. That I've never seen before. That old radiator you pointed out is like most of radiators here in our house in the UK! Ha.

  14. I love visiting vintage hotels! I'm glad that you enjoyed your stay at Rockyview, Debra! And now I know what I can do with my antique doilies ~ LOL!

  15. My husband and I love traveling in Canada. With all the craziness in the U.S. we will be traveling in Canada exclusively now. I would love to check this out!

  16. So cozy looking. I love the decor, thanks for the photos! I hope one day to make it across Canada to visit...I've only been as far East as Trahnna. ;)

  17. As far "west" I should have said lol...

  18. I love how this place looks like something out of the set of an old western film!

  19. Loved the sense of decoration here!

    i am loving this sophisticated looking place,very charming indeed.

    thank you for giving us the glimpse of it's beauty my friend

  20. Love the look of the place! The tales I just know would brew into being if I stayed there...

  21. Tatting! I had an old lady come into the shop one day with a doile she wanted framed. She made damn sure I knew it was tatting and not crochet. She didn't place an order that day, but kept returning for several weeks running to look at different options. It was frustrating as all hell, but I tried my best to remain polite as we discussed tiny details for hours. It took forever, but I finally earned her trust, I guess. She was so happy with the final result that she returned many times after that with new pieces for me to frame. My gosh, I had forgotten about all that stuff.

  22. Fun! It must have taken you right back to childhood. And, what a satisfying journey it turned out to be! Thanks for sharing it!

  23. What is this? Such a lead up and then no picture of the brekkie?? I AM disappointed!

  24. That looks like a very cool hotel!! Love the horse collar!

  25. looks like so much fun....wondering what was so good about the breakfast....:)

  26. I shared your post with JJ ... she was disappointed they were up in the mountains that weekend and didn't get to meet you! She hopes you had a wonderful time and she can spend some time with you next time you come ALL the way down to the southern part of the province. lol

  27. Looks amazing. The sky looks higher than ours.

  28. I would love to stay in a place like that.

  29. I am really of thinking of going on a little trip! This looks so wonderful and sounds wonderful too! Your grandparents had a country hotel in Saskatchewan?? How cool! My father is from Saskatchewan!

  30. You LUCKY GIRL! I am ENVIOUS! I hope you got that insomniac drunk while you were their! xoDebi. Have you visited the new shop?
    Waving from the Land of Nodding Off! XoDebi


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