Friday 19 May 2017

The Tragedy of a Nation Divided

NOOOOOOOOO, I don't mean Trump supporters vs Trump resisters! I mean something much, much more serious!

Are you on Team Waffle or Team Pancake?

Is this your attitude to the whole issue?

Or this?

What, exactly, is your position on syrup? Does it reveal where your true sympathies lie?

Okay, here's the real test of loyalty. Cue the pancake porn!

Or maybe hardcore waffle porn is more your style?

Are you a pushover for waffles?

Or do you hold out for the good stuff?

Oh yeah, baby, yeah!

Don't be fooled, my friends. There is a powerful secret organization pushing the Waffle Agenda!

They want you to believe all their waffle propaganda!

But don't be taken in! I'm here to tell you the truth! THE TRUTH!


  1. WAFFLES with REAL maple syrup from canada and pecans mixed into the waffle batter. bliss on a plate!

  2. I'd do waffles if you can make them savoury for me with melted cheese on top, thank you very much, I never had a sweet tooth, just the sweet personality :)))

  3. The solution to the problem is, of course, why not both?

  4. i'm with dezmond.....i don't like either. but with herbs and cheese, i would rethink it!

  5. I am pancakes.
    No syrup.
    Either good quality Apple Butter, and just butter and cinnamon.

    Rise up against the waffle!

  6. I think waffles are better but pancakes are cheaper

  7. I never pick sides...I eat both. With much joy and maple syrup! :)

  8. Chorizo breakfast burrito. Wait, what was the question?

  9. I like the pancake porn. Very much.


  10. Every now and then I get hungry for waffles..Some restaurants don't even make them..I had a chicken and waffles sandwich drizzled with maple syrup the other night at a pretty high end restaurant..Yum..Have a good weekend..

  11. I want that pancake porn. Yeah baby! Give me my blueberry whole wheat pancakes every day.

  12. I love them both. I wa,t waffles much more often because I love in the land of Waffle House Where you can get pecan waffles at a de ent price. I never get how in most restaurants a single waffle costs as much or more than a stack of pancakes.

  13. I am definitely more pancakes, then waffles. Unless Chris Evans is feeding me, then who the hell cares!!!

  14. Hahahahahaahah, being a waffle, pancake and French toast girl as well, this blog had me grinning from ear to ear. I loved it. Loved it.

  15. I'm sorry but what exactly is the dilemma here? Waffles of course!

  16. i I love them both, but only with real maple syrup. I worked at a pancake restaurant about 45 years ago. I lost 25 pounds in 5 months and couldn't look at a pancake (or waffle) for about 5 years until therapy got me back on track. Now I love them like a father loves a prodigal son. I like all the versions of both pancakes and waffles that I have ever eaten.

  17. PANCAKES! ....with REAL MAPLE SYRUP!! Blueberries in them of on top!....I'm not fussy.

  18. I just love low carb pancakes any day or week of the year!

    All the best Jan

  19. always makes me feel good when I read one of your delightful posts...
    I could eat either one day and night ...for every meal...and I just was sitting here at 8:30 pm, wondering what I wanted for dinner...buttermilk waffles with thick, peppered bacon...and coffee....xo

  20. A little of each, please. And some fresh fruit on the side, too. Preferably some watermelon. Thanks :)

  21. PANCAKES. With real butter and real maple syrup. Heaven.

  22. A subject I have always been torn on. Recently out for breakfast I almost ordered pancakes, but at the last minute changed my mind to waffles. The decision was not regretted.

  23. I hope you know that I will never be able to eat a waffle again... without thinking about abs.

  24. There is a Waffle Association? who knew? for me ... it depends on if I'm making or eating. If I'm making, then it is waffles (I love my Belgium iron!) but if I'm eating ... then absolutely pancakes! I like them with butter and jam then folded in half like a quesadilla. Yea, it's the weird Scandinavian in me

  25. I love both..but since I'm limited to amount ..I will go for waffles every time.

  26. Oh god, that food looks freaking delicious.

  27. This should end the discussion, eh? :D

  28. i will eat just about anything if you put maple syrup on it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  29. I don't know how widespread the custom is, but where I grew up we would put chicken and gravy on waffles. Oh by all the Gods, what a treat! Of course I also love waffles with maple syrup, preferably REAL syrup from Canada or Vermont.

  30. @ G.B. Miller -- I should have KNOWN that Weird Al Yankovic would have the last word on the subject!

    @ Anne Johnson -- You'll never guess what! For the last couple of years, chicken 'n waffles is one of the cool "in" dishes in some better Canadian restaurants. Does this count as cultural appropriation?

  31. "Waffles are just pancakes with abs?" Huh. I always thought waffles were more just pancakes with the same scarring that the singer Seal has.

  32. I'm on Team Pancake - so much easier to make. And so good with maple syrup. And butter. Yum.

  33. I'm with George Carlin, BUT...only because I don't have a waffle maker lol...but Debra, what about crepes??? I have to take the independent vote of crepes on this one...though pancakes are so fluffy and yummy. :)

  34. Had a lot of fun going thru these, about feacebook on a scale of one to bizarre rule books! Hope all is well, must get back at it one of these days!

  35. Haha. George Carlin in all his brilliance.

    I choice waffles, but only if I get to make them myself in one of those fabulous waffle makers that hotels/motels have.

    Have a great week, Deb.

  36. It's difficult to find truly good waffles. Decent pancakes are much easier to find, even though I am rubbish at making them.

  37. I refuse to choose because the choice is artificial. I can have both. Now I want a pancake and waffle sammich.

  38. I'll have French Toast please - a little butter to dip each bite in - now that's heaven.

  39. oh my you are very good at your promoting job.
    i am confused with your brilliance here .
    laughter is springing around my stomach hahaha

  40. I have to admit waffles are my thing, but I do love french toast too!

  41. I'm definitely for buttermilk pancakes and real maple syrup ~ Hard to beat!

  42. It's all alien to me. Pancakes are savoury in my world and waffles are made from potato.

  43. Hahaha. Waffles with thick syrup.


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