Wednesday 7 June 2017

Closet Funnies

The Closet is not a fun place to be but once you're out, we can all laugh about it!

Remember that most poignant scene of all in the movie Brokeback Mountain? Ennis visits Jack's oppressive and hostile childhood home after his death and while there, finds hidden in his closet Jack's coded shrine to the early days of their love -- Ennis' and Jack's shirts nestled together on one hanger next to a postcard of Brokeback thumbtacked to the closet wall. That scene breaks my heart every time I see it.

So let's give the last word on long-term life and love in the closet to the middle-aged Jack --


  1. What a delight to read. Warm greetings.

  2. Anna Kendrick is sooo cringeworthy....

  3. Love them all ... and you're right about that scene in Brokeback ... it gets me every time.

  4. Certainly made me laugh. Especially the daughters and son one.

  5. Loved em, especially the Narnia one.

  6. You are so right, Jack and that scene in Brokeback is heart wrenching.

  7. i bet i've watched brokeback mountain 100 times!

  8. Could the rainbow be any more perfect for our symbol??? I was never in the closet, but those Polos hanging could be mine. I swear I have them in every colorSome of these made me laugh real hard, especially the coming out board.

  9. #2 - spouse and I got a chuckle outta that one this morning. and the keith haring art makes it perfect!

  10. We have some family still in the closet so we go and visit them there instead. That is fine too, we still love them even if their society blocks their door.

  11. This was a great post. Love the jokes and puns, they made me giggle. Thank you my dear.

  12. Makes me love Canada fiercely, admire our young ones emencelly , keeping it that way my mission. xoDebi

  13. Haha. Jack's got it down. I loved the joke about none of the kids liking boys. Except the boy.
    Hope all's well for you and Rare One.

  14. Oh my goodness! Very good. Although when I started, I took your subject line literally and was pretty skeptical about how many good jokes that could provide... :oP

  15. Back after a looooong break. The one about the kids made me laugh my head off--thanks for that!

  16. Hahaaa, the grandma is great! :D Didn´t know about any closet jokes before this!!!

  17. I love all the funnies, and yes, that's a poignant scene in Brokeback.


  18. I still haven't seen Brokeback Mountain. I guess I should!

  19. Keeping a straight face - good one.
    I think someday the usage of "straight" for this will lose it's meaning.

  20. Lots of funny things to enjoy here, Debra! I got a special kick out of the Narnia one!

  21. These were fantastic! Thanks for the chuckles...and then you just had to add the one that would make me a bit sad. Sheesh!


  22. Hilarious! The Narnia one....BAHAHAHAHAHA. OHMYGOSH but that is funny! And the one about going home for the holidays. I don't know where you find these but they are just too good.

    I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain yet. I am WAY overdue!

  23. I loved that movie and was sobbing when he opened that closet..sigh*

  24. These all made me chuckle. I think everyone should be able to get a laugh out of themselves!

  25. I've not seen Brokeback Mountain. A friend wants me to watch it with her. That sounds like a very powerful scene.

  26. Where do you get these?? Great post..It's been a long time, I need to revisit Brokeback..

  27. The dad kids coming out meme cracked me up... and the two shirts cracked my heart.

  28. Ha! Thank you for the chuckles. I love these :D

  29. Crying again over that pic of the two shirts. Never have I yet made it past that one without tears.

  30. The one with the kids coming out to dad made me laugh so hard! LOL! Thanks Debra! Great post!


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