Sunday 11 June 2017

Journey to Your True Self

I've known my fair share of trans people over the years and have always found them to be brave, deep-thinking and fascinating individuals who are making one of the most profound journeys a human can undertake.

The non-binary and increasingly fluid conceptualization of gender is a truly revolutionary idea. It's one of the most important developments of our historical era, I believe. So here's a few memes and lols in tribute to the community in the vanguard of that change!

So much hatred and violence get directed towards the trans community on a scale that is truly appalling. I have no doubt, however, that the trans community shall overcome in the long run! And those of us who are cisgendered must actively demonstrate ourselves to be unflagging allies in their struggle as well.

Even their pets are discriminated against!

But you know what? They have friends in high places. Very High Places indeed.

And because it's Father's Day today, here's a special acknowledgment of the Dad of the Year --

That's what love is all about. Happy Father's Day, everyone! [Oops, sorry, it appears I'm a week early and Father's Day is next Sunday, June 18th -- d'oh!]


  1. our dad's day is next sunday. and I adore the jesus cartoon!

  2. I like the head not genitals cartoon. Says it all!

  3. What a great post.
    I remember seeing the documentary "Becoming Chaz" when he said "Gender is between your ears not between your legs."
    That seems to explain it rather nicely to those who don't get it, though some might need to have a Come To Jesus moment and watch their heads explode.

  4. have you seen that trans lady that underwent surgery and became a man and now stars in gay porn movies! Forgot his name, but not only that you'd never guess he was ever a lady, he now looks like extreme bald tattooed muscly ginger hunk of a man... with a pussy of course, but that often comes handy in them naughty movies :) Some of those trans surgeries really are miracles.

  5. This is such an important topic! Yes, there is a lot of hatred and violence directed towards this community. I hear the most derogatory and most disturbing comments about this group.

  6. ErrrrrUm ... i could put on my cynical elderly male curmudgeons hat and mention - that since this planet seems to be rather over-infested with human beings .... perhaps 'same sex' conjugations might be the best for the planet .... wry heh.

  7. i blame the whole trump thing on bruce jenner. he pushed a lot of people way out of their comfort zone. the bible thumpers freaked out. why the hell people just can't let other be who they truly are is beyond me.

  8. Am, of course, waiting for the evolution of a real human hermaphrodite - or is that merely a fantasy .. heh.

  9. I like it when people share photos of two trans people who really look like the gender they identify as to freak people out.

    Because honestly if a regular guy had the choice between either having one night with

    a FtM who looks like a masculine guy but still has all the "lady" parts down there


    a MtF who looks like a feminine girl but still has the ol banana

    they might not admit it, but I know what their answer is in their heart.

  10. Love the Jesus one.

    A blogger friend of mine had a post a few years back about this - about how, at any rate, Jesus would have had to be a clone, and a clone would necessarily mean that she'd have to have exactly the same gentic makeup as the mother.

    I think the change in attitutudes about gender is one of the more exciting revolutions to take place in our time. And it seems to be moving so fast that even many of the middle-aged gay and lesbian folks have a tough time wrapping their head around the fluidity of everything.

    But the high school kids are not thinking along the same lines as what the prior generations did. It's fantastic.

    Even if an easier-to-remember acronym is needed.

  11. I love the memes especially the one with the brain. that says it all. I'm officially stealing the cat NC litterbox meme for my Wet Cat Wednesday.

  12. Harry, 'technically' "Jesus" was not a 'clone'. Apparently 'parthenogenesis', So yes, he/she would have to be female.

    However, some of us believe that there was a real person of note, a philosopher beyond his time , by the name of Yeshua ben Yoseph.

    What the Roman occupation, and subsequent Vatican dictats and dogma made of the legend is their problem, not mine.

  13. A great post and ode to out trans friends. Here is New Hope, it's a hot bed location for the trans community. They can live as they want without fear of getting ridicule and feeling uncomfortable to a point. It a very excepting town. I have several friends, at all different parts of their transitions currently, and have just met another new friend about a month ago. Hearing their stories is never dull that's for sure and they truly are brave hearted. I will see my friend jess today at the pool, Ill have to share your pot with her, she'll get a kick out of it.

  14. I meant share your post with her!!!!!! Unless you have pot too Debs!?!

  15. @ Dezmond -- I think I know who you mean -- have seen photos of him, but not porn. Did not know that's how he's making a living. Oh well, more power to him!

  16. @ mistress maddie -- Ha ha, sorry. It's not legal here in Canada YET.

  17. Oh.Em.Gee! Hey Zeus is TRANS! Finally something I can like about all of that mythology!

    Also, while jokes and memes are fun and serve to normalize our marginalized brethren and sistren, remember that trans people of color are murdered at an alarming rate in our country. It's the most dangerous demographic, possible even more dangerous than being a young, black, cis-gendered male.

    Strong hope for the future, but the present sure is hard.

  18. I love, love, LOVE that dear old Jesús knows his biology.

  19. Um, allowing my 2 cents worth .... the ancient Australian fossilised male Federal politicians restricted to white shirts, and 'tied by the neck' with either red or blue 'neckpieces' (whatever happened to the regency 'cravats' ?)...

    are still prevaricating about the 'legality' of 'same sex marriage'.
    WHY?? The planet will not melt. humans will still procreate. The 'Economy' will not change much, and everyone can get on with their lives. It's not IMPORTANT compared to the major challenges of human existence on this planet!!!!

    Simply vote YES. 'Tis simple. Change the law to "marriage between two adult humans" - problem solved ...
    (though yer, the definition of 'adult' is problematical ... heh).

  20. @e ... um 'tis interesting to note that while Austrian politicians are spending BILLions trying to prevent 'terrorist attacks' (there have been few) - there has been at least one female per week - murdered by a partner.

  21. whoops ... typo with previous - replace 'Austrian' with 'Australian'.

  22. Whatever makes you happy shouldn't be a problem for someone else. However, I feel religion is the basis of all bigotry and intolerance in the world - just read the Bible or Koran.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  23. I fucking love everyone..except them fucking trump supporters..

  24. I love the cat mugshot. And honestly, people should mind their own business!

  25. I love the Jesus one. I identify as an idiot, so I guess I'm lucky the exterior matches.

  26. I hope time makes it easier for those who live with such challenges. It is a huge step seeing actors like Laverne Cox and Asia Kate Dillon in such successful roles playing transgender and non-binary as they identify with.

  27. Who the heck is wonderfella? I am so far out of the loop. Need to spend less time doing art and watching news and get with it!! But I must say I do wonder about the two kids i taught during my career who were not the gender everyone identified them as being. Glad things are changing!!

  28. Cat mugshot! Sums up the ridiculous. My first act of kindness to me was a transgender, took me battered, off the street, gave me shelter and badly needed make over, while I was being schooled on the dangers of being a street kid . " Baby, baby it's a Wild World"
    In my heart always and always defended. xo♥️

  29. Hi Francie M -- Wonderella is somebody's Tumblr creation. I've never seen her before this cartoon, but what a great cartoon, eh?

  30. @ Debi -- How wonderful that you met a compassionate and empathetic friend just when you needed one!

  31. Great post overall although that kitty and Jesus made me smile extra wide!

  32. Great post. Love the graphic with the brain and pointing Not Here....LOL

  33. Love that last one--my job as a parent is to raise a happy kid, end of story!

  34. Oh the jesus one killed me!!!Think about it!! Hahaha...

  35. I love the Jesus one Debra! Great post! Big Hugs!


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