Friday 30 June 2017

Thanks, It's Been a Slice!

Well, that's it for another edition of:


THANKS TO EVERYONE for your witty, touching and perceptive comments and insights all month long! It was a pleasure to read them, as always. So, go on -- help yourself to a BIG slice of yummy rainbow cake as my thanks to you! It's NOT as many calories as you might think, HONEST!


Oh c'mon then -- at least have a CUPCAKE! You can walk THAT off later, EASY.


REALLY, I don't know WHO you think you're kidding with all that "Oh no, no, no, I couldn't POSSIBLY" nonsense.

Look. I'll lay it on the line. My spies are EVERYWHERE and tell me EVERYTHING. So all I've got to say is . . . .


  1. Nice cakes, I would fancy a slice of what looks nice.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  2. I will have a cuppycake, TYVM. cuppycakes are made from air and unicorn farts and glitter, so NO CALORIES! :)

    everyone, take pride in who you are and screw the h8ers!

  3. Would you mind if I take both :)

  4. A slice of that yummy looking rainbow please - it looks like heaven on a plate

  5. Okay, I signed a waver for that Klondike. You have nothing on me. NOTHING!!! YOU HEAR ME?!? NOTHING!!

  6. Speaking of lezbithings, our lezbiprime minister (announced her government yesterday) is today being attacked by the high priests of our church who call her a 'barren' woman (cause she won't be having babies). Sometimes it's like we haven't moved from the middle ages. Did I tell you her name is Brnabich which those nasty idiots quite conveniently pronounce as 'burn da bitch'... Really, nothing new here... I mean, not that she isn't a bitch (you must be if you're willing to work for our tyrant of a president), but not for her lovely lesbiness.

  7. I stopped caring about calories a long time ago so I'll take five of those cupcakes please! :)


  8. Now I want macarons.

  9. Great looking cakes and who wouldn't want a slice of that. Warm greetings and happy July!

  10. MMmmmmm a Klondike bar sorry I don't eat cake. But the rainbow and clouds look fun.

  11. I miss those Klondike bar commercials!

  12. I wish I had one of those cupcakes right now! Just finished my rabbitty diet lunch.

  13. Those cakes look so good! I'm going to make a strawberry shortcake type of dessert tomorrow. Your blog is always so happy. Glad I found you! :)

  14. That cake is awesome! Almost too pretty to cut into and eat.

  15. Lol. Hope you had a great month. I enjoyed each post.

  16. That gorgeous macaroon goodness. Those cupcakes are adorable!
    Definitely would chow down on those macaroons though!

  17. I was just about ready to eat lunch, but now I'll eat dessert first.

  18. I'd love a slice of that cake.

  19. the cupcakes are too cute. i am making a bunch of food for my best gay friend's birthday party on monday and i should make them! thanks for the fun month!

  20. Debra, I have had so much fun taking the pride ride with you! I've laughed and grimaced and had my eyes opened. Absolutely loved the meme "I'm going to fuck the fat bearish one after the parade". Couldn't get the smile off my face. Thank you 😊

  21. Those cupcakes look like pure sugar, so I'll pass. But the cake is covered with healthy fruit... and that's all I see. I'll take a big slice, please!

  22. I'll take the cake and a dozen of the cupcakes, please. I'm not shy about expressing what I'd like.


  23. And to sweeten the deal, Germany is soon to legalize marriage equality

  24. The last one...HAHAHA! You have to eat the wrapper along with the candy bar to eliminate all the evidence.

    It was a blast once again visiting your blog during the TRANSLESBIGAYAPALOOZA! period. Looking forward to next year.

  25. Can't make it so won't eat it and would rather keep the rainbow flag flowing anyway... It isn't over!

  26. LOL I just had a Klondike bar the other night....yours spies really ARE everywhere! ;)

    Thanks for this month's postings- loved them all!

  27. Learnt lot this month from your blog dear Debra!

    I enjoy the sense of freedom and livelihood here .
    Cakes look yummy and though I have to be careful but will love to eat cupcake

  28. Thanks for another wonderful LesBiGayTransPalooza! So many funs! So many awesomes! So many thinkabouts!

    And, yes, I'll have a slice of that, Ms Seeker! Yes, please, with carpet on top!

  29. One of each please..That cake is too pretty to cut..

  30. Wow, all the colourings will keep you up for a week!

  31. Just now catching up on all your gay pride posts and having a blast! Thanks for always keeping things sparkly.

  32. Your "Translesbigayapalooza" posts were lots of fun, Debra! Thank you for putting so many great laughs together, along with a little education. I'll have a slice of the rainbow cake please. It looks a little lurid, but at least it has a little fruit on it. Looking forward to next year's production!

  33. I can't stop laughing! LOL! You are the best Debra!! Big Hugs!


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