Sunday 26 November 2017

Grey Cup 2017

Yay, today is Grey Cup Sunday! I've got my foam finger, my snacks and my Grey Cup pool tickets all ready to go. I've watched every Grey Cup game on TV since I was five years old. It's a Canadian tradition, right up there with butter tarts and maple syrup.

This year, the Canadian Football League championship is being fought between the Calgary Stampeders (West) and the Toronto Argonauts (East).

The big game is being held in Ottawa, capital city of Canada and home of the Redblacks football club. EVERYBODY has been getting into Grey Cup Fever --

Since I'm a good prairie girl, I ALWAYS cheer for the West and this year is no different, even though it is Edmonton's chief rival Calgary that is vying for the Cup. So-o-o-o-o . . .



  1. I hope you get the end results you wish for lol,, gee that sounds weird lol,, I mean I hope your team wins!!! enjoy your day!!!

  2. I'd like to take justin trudeau home as a prize (hee hee)! may the stamps win!

  3. Oh cool. Looks almost like the Stanley Cup. Any relations?

  4. Trudeau should be packed and sold in drugstores as laxative, makes me wanna poop whenever I see the idiotic libtard... and I say that as a mild liberal :)

  5. Hey Debra! That is some fun years watching The Grey Cup coverage!

    Guess what, I JUST found the Edmonton Oilers bookmark that you sent to me years ago! I thought I had left it in a library book but I hadn't! I just came across it in one of my books and I was so tickled! :-)

  6. I would like to see a cross over match between your champions and superbowl champions just once.

  7. Good luck. We’ll be watching too!

  8. I used to be a big CFL fan when I lived in Montreal. I had season tickets to the Alouettes when they moved over to McGill stadium. It was a fun time. Since I gave up tv though, I've kind of forgotten all about sports! But I do remember loving those winter snowy games! :) Enjoy!

  9. Well, sorry it's the Stamps and not the Eskies, but GO WEST!!!

  10. @ Leeanna Henderson -- Yes, the Grey Cup and the Stanley Cup do look a little like each other, don't they? They are of a similar age, both a little over 100+ years. Both are silver and both were donated by different British Governor-Generals of Canada, Earl Grey and Lord Stanley.

  11. @ DEZMOND -- Oh c'mon Dezzy, he's CUTE!

  12. @ Kay G -- I'm glad it turned up again! Hopefully that's a good omen for the Oilers season 'cuz they're in the toilet right now. Go Oilers go!

  13. @ Adam -- That's a contest no one needs the answer to. But we love our Canadian football!

  14. Right on, enjoy the fun, unpredictability of sport. I do not want to yuck your yum, but man, they should have gone to a second draft on the name "Grey Cup." The only way that could be a more boring name is if they called it the Khaki Cup or the Tan Trophy. Go Stamps!

  15. I so wanted Edmonton to go to the Grey Cup but sadly not this year! I too have watched the game ever since I can remember. We are a football family - I played it, my brother played it and my dad coached. He had four TV's in the house when I was growing up and each one had a different game on! Go Stamps! (or Eskies! :))

  16. @ MrsDuncanMahogany -- Believe you me, I was yelling at the TV when the Edmonton coach made that stupid call in the Western Final to go for a field goal instead of the touchdown they needed. He lost us the game and Edmonton's chance to go to the Grey Cup.

  17. Has anyone ever tried making maple beer? I think the Grey Cup would be a perfect occasion to try it.

  18. oh, YAY for your favorite team...I just know they will win.....xo

  19. I will never think of foam fingers in the same way again after Miley Cyrus's use of one when performing with Robin Thicke. Anyway, have fun with your finger. ;)

  20. I hope the Stamps won.
    Thanks for showing us Trudeau. We Americans can never see enough of his handsome face.

    Have a great week, Debra.

  21. Oops, to the result, eh. I mention the Grey Cup to folks over here in England and I get puzzled looks. Then again, I get puzzled looks anyway.

    Next year, BC Lions win the Grey Cup and then I woke up!

    Gary 😀

  22. I'm reading this backward so I know what sorry my friend.

  23. Oh that is quite a passion as you been watching this game for many years dear Debra!

    i wish your team play for your dreams :)

  24. I love the video! I never saw it before!!


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