Wednesday 15 November 2017

Jesus and the Love Labyrinth

The second labyrinth at the Sacred Garden of Maui is located inside the plant nursery building and is constructed in the traditionally pagan Cretan/Minoan style. The labyrinth consists of white lava stones laid out on a bed of crushed grey gravel.

A labyrinth is a tool used for "walking meditation" because, unlike a maze, there is only a single (unicursal) path to follow. You can never get lost in a labyrinth -- you simply spiral in to its heart-centre and then spiral out again. It is a metaphor for the spiritual journey, as well as for the journey of Life itself.

The inner-focused, contemplative nature of this labyrinth is reinforced by a large, central art print of Jesus portrayed in meditation by Bruce Harman, a visionary artist from California.

To further reinforce this labyrinth's connection to the Prince of Peace, there is found at the centre of this labyrinth six special, naturally-formed lava rocks which spell out:


Here's a better view in close-up:

Friday's post will explore the Divine Feminine's presence at the Sacred Garden.

[All photos © Debra She Who Seeks, November 2016]


  1. Love the 'Love.'
    I also love how so many hospitals these days have some sort of labyrinth on the grounds so if you're waiting on someone you can take that journey and still be close at hand.

  2. That s beautiful. I haven't been to the lovely ladyarinth here in Doylestown in awhile. I'm sure all the flowers are buy gone now. Had not been for you, I may have never went to check it out.

  3. Nice. A beautiful and serene retreat. And those stones are amazing!

  4. I don't think I ever knew that about how a labyrinth differs from a maze. So this post was educational AND beautiful.

  5. The rocks spelling out love is so amazing.

  6. I think I need a trip or five in and out of that labyrinth. Meditation is such a challenge for me.

  7. Seeing Jesus with bare knees seemed a bit weird, and I'm sure he was a lot less handsome than that in reality, but that would spoil the serenity a bit wouldn't it? What happens if you kick the stones out of place by accident?

  8. Yogi Jesus! He looks nicer than the NRA gun toting Jaysus!

  9. That's a beautiful message definitely. I do walking meditations daily, that's my walks in the woods I label nature therapy. It's very powerful. Nice photos!

  10. @ LL Cool Joe -- Yeah, those knees, I know. No guy has nice knees from what I've ever seen. If you kick the stones out of place by accident, the heavens will open, choirs of angels will descend, and they'll look at you disapprovingly.

  11. Are you sure that's Jesus and not a homeless man in a toga, you wouldn't realize how many times I got that wrong.

  12. Jesus is showing quite a lot of leg there channelling Yoda

  13. Oh, very beautiful! Jesus meditating. I love it.

  14. Ah. Now I understand the point of a labyrinth. I would enjoy such a journey.



  15. Divine message dear Debra!
    i find this sacred garden very spiritual place

  16. Nope. Wouldn't want to walk THAT particular labyrinth. Maybe one that involves the Divine Feminine.

  17. I love this! There is a labyrinth near me that I keep saying I'm going to visit and never seem to get to. I really need to there! It's supposed to be huge and beautiful.

    Have a beachy week!

  18. I actually didn't know the difference between a labyrinth and a maze. It's good to know I wouldn't get lost. The little rocks of love at the centre are very interesting. It must have taken a while to find them but the effect is easily worth it.

  19. since I think this is the last year for the garden as my garden partner george died..maybe I can convince city to let me build a maze..sigh*

  20. I'm not much into spirituality, but it looks like a rather pleasant place to be alone with one's thoughts.

  21. Jesus "Krishna" of Nazareth. I like it!

  22. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Have a great night.


  23. The word LOVE spelled out at the end. Perfect.

  24. How I would love to walk this stoned path...I have never seen one before.

  25. This is so beautiful Debra! Love!!! The rocks are amazing! I have never walked a labyrinth! I will some day! Big Hugs!

  26. I'm too ADHD to walk calmly in a labyrinth. I'm seem to be lacking that meditative gene. The geologist in me is whispering that the stone may be coral. Although I won't rule out the possibility of it being pumice ~ since I'm having cataract surgery Monday ~ LOL!

  27. @ Fundy Blue -- Yes, Louise, I'm sure you're probably right and it's coral, not lava rock! I know bupkis about stones, rocks and geology, LOL.

  28. how cool is that?! natural stones to form the word 'love' ... that is awesome

  29. I LOVE a labyrinth. What a wonderful place.


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