Tuesday 21 November 2017

Triumph of Life Tarot

I just bought an interesting new tarot deck called Triumph of Life Tarot. Created by an international group of volunteer artists coordinated by Andrew McGregor of The Hermit's Lamp in Toronto, its purpose is to raise money for cancer research. All profits go to the Terry Fox Foundation, a well-known cancer charity in Canada and abroad.

Each card was created by a different artist who donated their art to the project. Every card is dedicated to someone in the artist's life who battled cancer. That person's initials appear on the back of the cards.

Because so many artists created this deck, it is a extremely eclectic mix of images, styles and media which makes it very interesting to look at and use. For example, here's a few cards from the suit of Cups . . .

. . . and a random array of various other cards --

My deck just arrived in the mail a few days ago and I'm very pleased with it. The cards are a decent size and printed on quality cardstock. I love the varied nature of the artwork, some of which is quite compelling. The imagery is sufficiently related to the standard Rider-Waite-Smith tarot model that it is no problem to read with.

If you're interested in obtaining a deck, it can be ordered here. Please note that all prices are in US funds, not Canadian, and may be paid via PayPal. With shipping and handling, the deck costs $51.

[Photos #1, #2 and #3 from The Hermit's Lamp website; photo #4 from The Pure and Blessed Way blog]


  1. What a very cool idea. I don't know much about reading them but like having mine read. I'd love for you too read me one.

  2. A great idea and beautiful work!

  3. They look beautiful, and for a great cause, too!

  4. what a beautiful idea!

  5. Wonderful idea and great cause.

  6. What an interesting deck! I might find myself distracted from the reading...

  7. I decided, last summer, I should learn Tarot. It's a slow go.

  8. I know nothing about Tarot, other than what little I've read about it in "The Rebel Angels." His description of it was quite interesting and sympathetic, nothing like the usual "tool of the devil" nonsense Tarot cards get tagged with in most other media. He made it seem like a form of proto-psychoanalysis, something to give structure to the intangible. Do you have a recommendation for a book that describes the Tarot in a down to earth way?

  9. oh, Debs, you must opet Tarot for me sometime!

  10. What a fantastic idea. I'm completely inept, when it comes to tarot reading, but I think the deck would be a wondrous prompter of stories and poems. I think I'll get myself a deck, since it's for such a good cause.

  11. @ brewella deville -- Robertson Davies subscribed to a Jungian interpretation of tarot, which I do as well, so his interpretation is based on human psychology, emotion and experience. In this view, tarot is a way to understand the human journey, both of life and of spirit.

    A good introductory book is "Learning the Tarot" by Joan Bunning. Other good, straightforward books by tarot masters include "Tarot for Yourself" by Mary Greer and "The New Tarot Handbook" by Rachel Pollack.

  12. Such a great idea to raise money for a great cause. I'm compelled to buy a deck.

  13. Looks like a wonderful deck of tarot cards. This is something I know my mom would love...thanks for sharing!

  14. They're beautiful, as are you.


  15. What a wonderful idea to raise money for Cancer Research. I might buy a box even though I don't really know much about Tarot.

  16. I'm not into Tarot cards, but I think I'd buy a pack just to see the different works of art (and, of course, to support a good cause.)

  17. Gotta pass on the Tarot cards Debra, but I'm here to say I support your blog even when it freaks me out! Haha.

  18. So cool! I love these cards. And I love that this supports the Terry Fox Foundation.

  19. Meh. Did the Tarot predict the result of the Australia 'voluntary' postal survey about ... paraphrasing - the legal definition about who should marry?
    The majority of Australians agree that same sex couples should have the same legal 'right to marry' under Australian Federal Law.
    (um, this was a 'voluntary' survey covering close to 100% of the voting population in Australia. 80% returned their vote (a muuch larger percentage of 'non compulsory" voting populace than seems to elect the American "Presidents" heh).

    The majority from all electorates returned a YES. 70% vs 49% (somewhere there).
    BUT, this response was always "non binding" on Federal parliament (AKA the rusted on adherents to Roman Church dictats from circa 360CE)

    There are still some quibbles from rusted on roman Church and High Anglicans before it actually become -"the Law of this land".

  20. (PS. Debra ... if asked, and pushed into the concept of "wHAT GOD DO I BELIEVE IN"? Would have to say 'Gaia' ... or 'god is the sum total of all the energy available in the known and unknown COSMOS'.
    Good luck to anyone who believes they can put it in a bottle, or image; park it on an 'altar', and ask for subscriptions ... wry heh)

  21. Great project! I've never had my cards read. But then, not being a believer in 'anything,' I might snicker the whole time. Sorry! Still, I love these cards and the fundraiser.

  22. What a great idea for a great cause!!!! Thanks for sharing this Debra!! I love the art work!!!

  23. what an amazing idea. a little known secret for me ... my husband (before we married) was reading tarot cards and we kept getting cards for marriage. That was when he proposed

  24. That is so cool! I admit to being a little afraid of Tarot cards - someone stuck an ominous one in my door once - a little frightening.

  25. @ Lynn -- What a shitty thing for someone to do! Do you remember which card it was?

  26. Beautiful..What a nice tribute!!! Thanks for sharing..

  27. What fabulous gesture! I love anything Tarot. I enjoyed reading all the books you recommended above - I leased them from the library.

    Do you also interpret dreams?

  28. That is one Tarot deck I'd love to buy.

  29. @ bobbybegood1 -- Alas no. I've always been useless at that.

  30. Those cards are very artistic.

  31. That appears a wonderful assortment of art, for such a vital cause. Thank you for the info and the link. I may return. I think it makes for a great gift.
    Be well, Debra.

  32. This is really inspiring Debra!

    such events rise my faith in humanity higher .

    artwork on cards is very pretty and impressive .
    best wishes for the good hearts


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