Friday 8 December 2017

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!

Yes, it's that time of year again in my LGBTQ+ community!

Haul out the tree!

And the ornaments too!

Hang your stockings by the chimney with care . . .

. . . and don't forget to add those special touches of holiday decor!

Now get busy and write your letter to Santa before Christmas Eve!

And speaking of Santa . . . .

He and his crew are moving with the times, man!

So it's time for everyone else to do the same!

Don't forget to send out Christmas cards to everyone you know . . .

. . . along with the annual family photo! Hey, what's Ellen doing in here? I guess it's true what they say -- there's one in EVERY family!

And always remember, there's no place like . . . .

. . . because it's where our loved ones are.

So Goddess bless us, every one!

And see you all at the Boxing Day sales, eh?


  1. I love these! wonder if there is such a thing as a rainbow holiday tree?

  2. I knew at a early age I was gay when I was smitten with hanging balls.

  3. Oh, I want the LGBT stockings and the Spread the Christmas Queer pillow! Fabulous!

    Tears back we went to a concert in Ft Lauderdale by a local gay orchestra and singing group for a Christmas festival. As the choir sung the line "Make the Yuletide Gay," they all passed between yuletide and gay and shrugged. it was high-larious.

  4. I love them all,, especially that tree,,, I love that tree!!!!

  5. Excellent Debra! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas hope you have a gay old time!

  6. I love Tommy. That kid’s got spunk!

  7. Those are all so great! LOL :o)

  8. I hope you make your yule happy and gay! This is a very clever post. Love the meme about how to explain "gay" to your kids.

  9. Tommy rocks. Santa better watch out...

  10. And us dingbats in the Southern Hemisphere wish the bushfire Season on you lot also ...

  11. I hope the holidays ARE happy and gay. I can't think of anything better!

  12. AHAHAAAHAHAHAAA! I love these! That letter made me laugh. All of these memes are so great.

  13. Many happy returns on what ever you celebrate !

  14. "Tonight on Fox and Friends, the gays declare War on Christmas"

  15. oh, I so wish my holidays would be gay, but tough luck!
    There's a Lady Gaga doll?
    Dear Santa, please send me a Hiddles Doll... life sized... with all parts... thank you very much...

  16. There used to,be a theater group in SF that did an annual show called Homo for the Holidays.

  17. The LGBT stockings has to be photoshopped, right? If not, I hope it was taken at a Michael's Crafts.

  18. Oh goodness gracious. I needed a reason to laugh this morning. WONDERFUL!

  19. Everyone should be allowed to kiss whoever wants to be kissed under the mistletoe. Funny memes - Merry Christmas

  20. I love this post! Merry Christmas Deb!!!

  21. That's a helluva collection. May your days be merry and bright, too.

  22. Here's to love, whatever form it takes. Love is love.


  23. Hey Deb, did you hear about this?

  24. The letter to Santa! BAHAHAHAHA These were all hilarious. And I love that Christmas tree with all those beautiful colours. And hey, did you run across this year's Starbucks controversy? Most of the time they are accused of being anti-Christmas. This year is different. With gender-neutral (holding) hands on their cup, they are now accused of pushing the 'gay agenda'. LOLOLOL Each year people lose their minds over a coffee cup. LOL

  25. I wish Ellen would see this post and see herself with the Royal Family! So funny.
    Hey! If she does, I bet she would have you on her show.
    She would, I bet if she read your blog. Just saying.

  26. Those are the first one..bad looking tree in #2..Hope you are having a good weekend!!

  27. Good to see the Royals in all those ugly Christmas sweaters!! lol

  28. and bless us every one.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  29. Thanks for more smiles! Wishing you a very Queery Christmas. Me? I'm waiting for Christmas Steve.

  30. You had me chuckling at gay Yuletide.
    Wait, Santa is...not real? Sheesh! All these years. I'm so naive.
    A very gay season to you and your rare one!

  31. Which reminds me that Carol with Cate Blanchett should be on my Christmas movies list.

  32. A very Merry Christmas to you Debra and your. (Love the tree!)

  33. The letter from Tommy and the royal family with Ellen just about put me on the floor.

  34. Tommy's Lady Gaga drawing is uncanny. He's got a career as a cartoonist after he's done breaking all of those legs.

    Also, with the whole 'Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve' thing, let us not forget just how much Adam and Eve loved fruits.

  35. I love your post Deb :) Hope you're having a nice buildup to Yuletide. We just got our tree today and it's all decorated. The house feels very cozy! I must get to more baking!!

  36. These were all great, but my favorite was Tommy's letter to Santa! Looks like Lady Gaga and I are about the same shoe size. The royal family with Ellen was also a nice touch! Merry Christmas to you and the "rare one!"


  37. That royal holiday photo!!! I wish they'd actually do that! lol

  38. loved each bit of this post dear Debra!
    you rock really!

    yes i am GAY this type of gay :)

    wishing you too a fabulous time of the year my friend!!!


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