Saturday 23 December 2017

It's a Festivus Miracle!

Festivus is getting more and more popular every year! It has grown far, far beyond its original Seinfeldian roots. Now it seems like EVERYONE celebrates Festivus!

Well, gotta run . . . that big meatloaf dinner ain't gonna make itself, you know!

And of course, to celebrate the holiday season, a charitable donation in your name has been made to The Human Fund (Money for People).

Happy Festivus! You all disappoint me.


  1. THIS is one holiday I can get behind! and boy do I have grievances to air...

  2. Even though most of the year I'm grasping a bare pole, still don't know I get what this is about.

  3. Wait you didn't do it properly. I challenge you to a "Feats of Strength" match. But first the meatloaf!!

  4. Dear Goddess, it's everywhere!

  5. lol,,, you slay me lol,,,,

  6. We celebrated Festivus at work with our small group for several years. I totally dominated at the Feats of Strength, but the Airing of Grievances could really drag on...

  7. Definitely ready to rumble or, in other words, a prepared for a a Festivus Frolic!

  8. Debra, you ready to rumble? But first, the meatloaf!
    I'll be ready in a few hours. I'm baking cookies, shortbread, and mini carrot loaf cakes. My kitchen smells like, like, like CHRISTMAS!!

  9. I suggested a Festivus Feat of Strength to my oldest nephew for his three teen-aged boys. A gift that I sent to them should be tossed into the middle of a room. Then they have to fight for it. I guess that might lead to more Airing of Grievances.


  10. Lol...Debra, that whole episode is unbelievably funny...I love the two race tracks guys "You know who's a man? Charlie here is a man"..."I'm a man" lol...Merry Festivus! :)

  11. HAHAHA! I love this. It was one of my favourite Seinfeld episodes. So funny.

  12. Oh, I loved that show. Funniest sitcom ever.

  13. @ DEZMOND -- One of the best bird's eye overview I've seen is found here at Leanna Henderson's blog today. It will make a Festivus convert of you! Here's the link:

  14. I love Seinfeld. I have all the episodes on DVD but haven’t watched them in ages. I need to again. So funny!

  15. Thank goodness I did not encounter Chuck Norris in the words that one scary night. He'd beat me in the feats of strength, I'm fairly certain.

    Festivus for the rest of us!! Woohoo!

  16. All I want for Festivus is for a different resting place for at least one of those poles Chuck Norris is holding.

  17. I've never heard of Festivus! Happy meatloaf cooking and eating!

  18. Happy Festivus! Always happy to disappoint and I am getting so good at it!

  19. Happy Festivus..Fun post as always..Meatloaf really??? I think we had it for Christmas several years ago..LOL!!1 Happy whatever..

  20. Laughing at this one Debra - think I will make the family perform feats of strength tonight.

  21. If anyone needs doubles, it would be poor old Chuck! LOL!

    May the Festivus be with you, too!

  22. Hey Debra!

    Gotta' have some Festivus for my Festive Ass!

    Oh don't mention "Meatloaf" to me, that bloated, loud-mouth American who would do anything for love but he wouldn't do that! WTF!

    Penny's human dad,

    Gary :)

  23. Happy Festivus! I will be celebrating Festivus as well, I have many grievances this particular year...

  24. I wonder if that is what pole dancing is really all about---celebrating Festivus! lol Sorry-you know how irreverent I

    Happy Holidays, Debra!! xo Diana

  25. ha! Hope you aired all your grievances!

  26. I think I'll add Festivus to my monthly planner next year - I especially like the idea of airing my grievances around the dinner table. lol

  27. This out-of-it person has never heard of Festivus until now. How pitiful is that! I hope your meatloaf turned out well, Debra!


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