Monday 18 December 2017

My Christmas Wish

All I want for Christmas is . . . THIS BRA!

And wrap it up PRETTY, too!

So what do YOU want for Christmas? Tell me in the comments!


  1. Peace on earth. Goodwill to ALL... And 20 billion dollars to spread around. (Or that bra.)

  2. materially, I want nothing; I have everything I need.

    what I REALLY want could get me in trouble (re: our government).

  3. that bra would be a hit at parties for sure lol,,I want a dog,, thats all just dog,, thanks for making me smile ,,

  4. Peace. I ask every year and I'm still waiting and still hopeful.

  5. For Christmas? I got my wish. Tim has TEN DAYS OFF!!!!! Love the bra. That's a handy feature. Happy Christmas.

  6. I would like a much lower blood pressure and the vitality of a 35 year old plus world peace.

  7. Sleep. Lots of sleep. Why am I never blessed with the gift of sleep?

  8. I would like an impeachment please. I don't ask for much, do I?

  9. Does the bra come with matching panties? Imagine...

  10. Hi Debra :) All I want for Christmas is harmony in my home and health for the pets. A snowblower left under the tree would be a bonus! :) I hope you get everything you wish for!

  11. LOVE IT! The best part is that it is metal. It doesn't matter that I have nothing to fill it.

  12. I got a phone that turns on the camera just like that bra shoots, with two shakes. Related mechanisms, I think.

  13. Nothing material. My family to be happy is all! Big order this year!

  14. Merry Christmas Debra, to you and yours.

  15. whom would you shoot with it?
    I'd like a million bucks, a Hiddles (or two) and a new body for Christmas, I'm modest...

  16. Don't point those things at me lady, they might be loaded! I wonder if I can find some of that wrapping paper?

  17. Obama as president of the USA for life. Whirled Peas. That bra would be fun when David get's out of line. I'd like that for a stocking stuffer.

  18. Doesn't Marg,Princess Warrior have one like that?

  19. That bra, a swift and just impeachment and one of Martha's mini pecan pies!

  20. Here in the US you DON'T have the right to bare your breasts BUT you would have the right to arm your bra.

  21. Right now, I kinda just want the holidays to be over. Otherwise, I want your President. I mean that in every sense.

  22. i would wish to wake up and find out that trump is just a bad dream.

  23. That bra is dangerous....tee hee.
    Hope your holiday wishes do come true and that you are blessed, xoxo Oma Linda

  24. A bullet proof vest by the looks of it.

  25. Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of her name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.

    but I'll settle for a big tv I guess...

  26. YOU wear a BRA? Here I thought you burned yours years ago! lol I really only want my family together for Christmas and pray that everyone is safe and healthy....that is the best gift for me!
    Blessings to you and a very Merry Christmas, Debra!!!! xo Diana

  27. Well, I have a post coming on this very subject. But that bra would come in handy......

  28. I don't really need anything...but...I wouldn't refuse a vacation in a tropical place. All inclusive. For two.

  29. My loved ones that have gone to heaven back..... and just health and happiness for my family. :-) Hope you have a wonderful day!


  30. That bra is something, but, like Mitchell, I have nothing to put it on (I wonder if I could get by with a pair of rolled-up socks...)

  31. I don't even know what I want...
    That wrapping paper makes me laugh every time I see it!!

  32. The most uncomfortable bra ever!

    What do I wish? Can I be totally selfish? I wish I wasn’t depressed anymore. It’s been 46 years. I would like to know what life is like to wake up and feel okay. Not happy. Just okay.

  33. I want to hear from my daughter. Now that I've written that I'll cry.


  34. Well, if I get anything wrapped on that paper I hope the room is very warm. In case I feel extra giving.

  35. I want my family to get along for the day. It's a lot to ask.

  36. LOL! I want that bra too! LOL! You are so cute Deb! Thanks for the smile!
    What do I truly want? Can I give you my list? LOL!
    Peace and happiness within my soul and my family.
    And, a "nice" hug once and awhile! LOL!
    Big Hugs!

  37. Hey Debra,

    There you go, because I'm in a generous mood, I shall buy you a "Brazooka", because I want to make your dream come true.

    What do I want for Christmas? Thanks for asking, eh. I want the Vancouver Canucks to win another game before Christmas.

    Penny's human dad,

    Gary 😲

  38. hahaa
    oh you are so naughty !

    you created war where the peace lies more

  39. All I want for Christmas is my two back teeth ... the front two are fine, Thanks .
    I'd like to be the age I was when I first sang that, too. Just for the day .

  40. hahhaa.gotta love that bra.
    Hoping you and your Rare One have a great Christmas.

  41. Peace and good health...Merry Christmas to you both!!

  42. for once they asked me what I wanted .so if all goes well I'll get a new vacuum a new food processor and barry's irish tea.

  43. Now I think I would like that bra, too!


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