Wednesday 27 December 2017

Public Service Announcement

Hello. Her Royal Highness the cat here.

Well, Debra She Who Seeks has done it again. Buggered off, I mean. Apparently she won't be back until the New Year.

Nor can I be arsed to write any guest blog posts while she's gone, so you'll just have to wait now until 2018 for this blog to resume.

I'm sure you've all got better things to do anyway. And if you don't, you should have.


  1. Catsin charge. As it should be.

  2. HRH, you are SO correct! HNY 2018 to you!

  3. Happy 2018! See you in the New Year!

  4. wink wink !!!!

    Happy Holidays♥

  5. Well I'm glad she left someone in charge! Make that still in charge.

    Happy New Year and love, health and wealth in 2018.

  6. You always make me smile. (Don't tell Debra.) As my Kid Brother used to say... without understanding, "Happy You Year!"

  7. Ok, so that's where you went... Pierre was wondering. He could have used your help this past weekend when there was a dog in the house. But, I'm guessing he'll be thrilled to pick up where the two of you left off when ol' what's her name returns to blog duty.

    Happy New Year, Your Maj! And, if it suits you, please pass along my greetings to your friend Debra. Or not. I mean, that's asking a lot of a feline.

  8. You rock, HRH. I love you posts. Wish Debra a merry Christmas for me.

  9. Happy New Year - get your cats in a row for the new year

  10. Take it easy my friend! Tell the cat to take out his/her own litter if they are in charge! HA HA!

  11. HAHA! These posts are always fun. HRH is such a cool cat!

  12. I can only think of one or two - actually, only one - thing that's more entertaining than Debra's blog. But she deserves a getaway, so I hope she's having fun and has a fabulous New Year's.

  13. Please give my love to dear Debra and be nice until she gets back with her rocking idea ans splendid posts!

    Happy comign year dear friend ,may you be blessed with more love and peace in life

  14. hope you off doing something fun - Happy New Year!

  15. Wow - hope Debra has a great time.

  16. Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar has told me she looks paward, um, forward to your hopefully pawblishing something on here in 2018 using the peeboard, sorry, keyboard.

    Penny's human dad,

    Gary, eh!

  17. Thanks HRH!!!
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year Debra!! Many blessings to you and your Rare One!! Big Hugs! Big Hugs to HRH, too! LOL!

  18. I always love that your honesty has claws... and teeth... and probably a growl or three...

    Have the best New Year's celebration ever.

  19. Oh, I just had to stop by.
    I loved this!

    Happy New Year Wishes

    All the best Jan

  20. Your majesty, season's greetings and best wishes to your slave that all your needs will be addressed next year promptly and diligently.

  21. See you next year! My cats wish yours a Happy New Year.

  22. Please pass along my regards to your mistress and my wish that she and her Rare One have a wonderful New Year's Eve. And a wonderful NYE to you as well, HRH. YRH? I'm not sure of the protocol here. 🖤

  23. Hey cat, please tell Debra Happy New Year!
    With love & Joy,

  24. Wanted to stop in to wish you and yours the best 2018!

  25. Happy New Year to you and your loved one!!

  26. Both of those pictures are just perfect. Cats can be loving, but they can also be evil. Happy New Year!

  27. happiest of new year to you and your rare one.

  28. I hope you had a good holiday, Debra. Love the disdainful kitty!

    Happy New Year!

  29. Cats and kitties are such an exciting combination. It's always great to see you, HRH!


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