Friday 19 January 2018

The Inside Scoop

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!

Hahahahahahaha, a likely story! Seriously, here's the REAL reason that Trump's state visit to London has been cancelled . . . .

She. Is. Not. Amused.


  1. I really love the last one. Yes please, make it look like an accident.

  2. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Trump were no longer physical able to tell a lie and every time he opened his mouth the truth would come screaming out. Love love love that last one.

  3. OMB, that last one...spouse and I LOVE IT!

    the rest are an insult to HM QEII.

  4. the queen is so much prettier! i'll take any accident, any kind at all. i'll even help create it!

  5. No, a better excuse for not going to London...the dog ate his passport.
    Also, he looks better as queen than as president.
    Also, he IS AN ACCIDENT.

  6. Bush made the call to move the embassy, Obama was in office when the sale was final

  7. Making myself sick I'm laughing so hard. Good Morning!

  8. Funny! But fitting. Loved the last one...go 007!

  9. (((sigh))) If only Daniel Craig could save us.

  10. High.Larious.

    That last one, however, maybe ......

  11. Funny at first, then my stomach was knotted. Until double 0, of course.

  12. oh my gosh he's a homely man lol,,,even an uglier woman!!

  13. The Photoshopped pictures are amazing

  14. If only 007 would rescue us!

  15. O.M.G. If it wasn't such an insult to the Queen (of whom I am inordinately fond) I would have peed my pants laughing. But the last one? Yes, please. And sooner would be better.

  16. Perfect. But now the queen it’s going to give me nightmares!

  17. I'm glad he's not going to the ribbon cutting - he's so embarrassing.

  18. Fantastic! You would get a kick out of our news here. Due to this presidency, there is breaking news almost every day. It has been very entertaining in a very sick way.

  19. Real reason he's not going? He received an email from her majesty. "Dear Cheeton Von Tweeto, Keep your slime-ball ass out of England!"

  20. he and the queen really look alike!

  21. Yes, PLEASE, to the last one. PLEASE!

    Actually, I don't care if it looks like an accident...


  22. These are hilarious -- you just made my day.

  23. Make it look like an accident! Hahaha! Whatever works.

  24. Personally I think these images are disrespectful to our Queen.

  25. Great Goddess Bast KNOWS that I have had my differences in the past with my cousin Betty Windsor (the OTHER HRH), but I would not wish Trump's face on ANYONE. Not even on Trump, actually. And hey, Betty, I'm still waiting for my invitation to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. DON'T DISAPPOINT ME!

  26. Ha that's what photoshop is good for!! Hilarious.

  27. Too funny! Like anyone believed Trump's reason for cancelling his trip to England! LOL Have a great weekend with your Rare One!

  28. The. Last. One. !!!! BAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh, so funny...

  29. After seeing these Queen Elizabeth will be doubling up on the gin at tea time.

  30. Hey Debra,

    Very good and totally hilarious. Of course the real reason that Trump is not visiting here is because he's terrified of the protests against him that would occur.

    As for the Queen and the rest of the royals, the Yanks can have them, as far as I'm concerned. After all, they just "lurve the lil' ol' Queen!"

    Have a good one, eh!


  31. Please stop making me look at his face. It's too disturbing, no matter what body it's on.

  32. ha, ha! So I have a plug in on my computer that over rights any Trump photo with a cute kitten ... it's called "Make America Kittens Again" so your post was full of cute kittens for me ... except for a few ridiculously funny Photoshopped queen pics - that was awesome!

  33. That was an LOL for sure..Hysterical if not a bit disrespectful...Too funny esp. the last one..I'm with her..majesty

  34. Our poor Queen! LOL! These are great! LOL! Love that last one!

  35. Don't make it look like an accident, 007. Send him off a cliff in a flaming Jaguar.

  36. Oh my Goddess, I LOVE this last only. If ONLY.
    Dying here, in a happy way.
    Thank you, Debra. Have a great week.

  37. I always loved the last one, with James Bond.

  38. I believe you are correct Debra! I will only laugh at these because crying won't help. Every horrible thing you can imagine about trump is true. I never liked him when he was just a TV personality, and I detest him now more than ever.

  39. HAAA!! Oh no. these are too good - I can' t believe I didnt see em before!

  40. The ignorant "Red-Neck" Hillbillies of this Town have Finnaly gotten us to "give up" even "trying"... Maybe Health "issues" will end This for Stacey Soon...
    Our best wishes to you and yours, dear Lady Debra... Thanks for having been there as Someone to whom to "talk"... our blessing upon you as well

  41. he is funny
    after photoshop looks even more .

    i waonder how he became president as if people dislike him so much

  42. Hello I missed you! I've been historically rebelling on twitter. Any way, His tweet is bull shit as usual, it was George W. administration who sold it and I must report the orange pimple tried to follow me on twitter, but was quickly BLOCKED, yes! By an out of control housewife in northern Ontario! Take That!

    Okay I'm better now!

    Yes! It will be " Daniel Greg" type that frees the USA 🇺🇸 people from this orange plague tick, tick, tick......

    Enough....How have you been? Clever & Humouris as always I see! I'm going to dust off my blogs for another go at being social!
    Be well xoDebi

  43. Since I live under a big rock,
    I've never seen these mash-up
    photos. Oh my word. The peach
    hat, really makes it.


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