Tuesday 27 February 2018

So It's Come to This

Now that I'm a lady of leisure enjoying seven day weekends, I'm doing a lot more lying around than I used to. I've come to the realization that I need to build more exercise into my daily routine.

Exercise is not my favourite thing, to put it mildly.

Of course, exercise alone is only half the solution. There's another issue involved. Isn't there always?

Well, I should at least strive for some kind of balance, I guess . . . .

On the other hand, exercise does have one terrible side effect . . . .

Dare I risk it?


  1. nah, not worth the risk. I like the "fitness cupcake" blackboard.

  2. Go for it! My exercise routine started again yesterday! Lol.

  3. The actress one... love it.
    And the chocolate water bottle. I just mat do that one to see the reactions.

  4. I love them all, I couldn't pick a favorite today!! Good luck with the exercise!!

  5. too funny! i want to run one last marathon before i croak but it's hard to think of all of that training.

  6. You put in a lot of work on this one. I assume you did anyway, because I got exhausted just looking at it.

    Which could be good. Let me go weigh myself to see if I lost any weight reading your blog!


  7. So, here's the plan....Workout for 8 min. a day. With a margarita in one hand and a cake in the other hand. Now that's balance.
    Go for walks. That's what I do. I just bundle up to keep the harsh wind at bay.
    But I gottta do the chocolate syrup water bottle thing....that's priceless!

  8. That's just it.....the auto correct always "corrects" my eating habits.

  9. Awesome! I laughed so hard. Would you mind if I shared this post to my Keto diet group on FB? I'm sure they'd love it as it is a great FB page with lots of "real people" eating Keto not Keto police trying to make everyone fit their mold. Please let me know. Thanks!

  10. Too funny! The crazy weather here has mucked with my morning walks. Waiting for balance in the weather to begin again.....!!!

  11. Those poor cats are dangerously fat.

  12. So have you got the bloggers's butt yet? Enquiring minds need to know. Or you could just tell me to mind my own f*****g business.

  13. ... thanx 4 makin me smile 2day, friend D ... u r the best ... Love, cat.

  14. the "drinking bottle" one try blue "Sports drink" in a Windex bottle...
    we are getting low scores on scales ... back down to only 121 lbs.

  15. A gym called Planet Fitness has a day where they give out free pizza...

  16. LOL.... love this :-) Have a great week!


  17. Oh, these made me lol for realz, Debra!

  18. I love Rebel Circus. That Push Yourself meme is perfect. I'm still on my diet but I do sneak a couple of girl scout cookies with a glass of wine now and then. A girl has to have rewards now for losing that one hard to lose pound.

  19. I'm that cat! Which one? Both of them!

  20. I stand behind cupcake fitness. All right, most of the time I just sit or lie down. But I will consider standing for three cupcakes.

  21. Oh my gosh, I needed each and every one of these. The actress and tequila are my favorites. Okay is I put the Tequila one in my blog's side bar?

    Just read latest issue of YES magazine. It talks about Blue Zones for longer living. Going-to-the-gym exercise or treadmill at home is not as healthy as living in a community where one rides a bike to get groceries and run errands, parks a car and walks to the different stores, walking neighborhood and meeting your neighbors. Natural exercise and friendly conversation are good for body and soul!

    I'm going to die early!

  22. LOL these are great. I have a tank top that says 'burpees? I thought you said slurpees'

  23. OK, I LOVE to exercise and to stay in shape. But I LOVE this post even more. I'm about to share it with Jerry who HATES to exercise and stay in shape. This will make his day!

  24. Don't do it, Deb. Inspirational posts are so annoying. I much prefer your healthy, hearty snark.

  25. I’m in what I call my “growth mode”.

  26. Uggh - been trying to drop a few pounds for awhile. My advice is find a activity you love - Like hiking or yoga or birding ect. Try something you and your Rare One can do together I find trying to exercise just to lose weight pointless. I always quit. But if it is a hobby, I will stick with it.

  27. Debra, hit me up in the comments section of my blog. I've been dealing with the same issue for a while and found a no-nonsense podcast four months ago that's got me half-way to my goal of dropping 50 lbs, ironically during a time in which I've haven't been able to exercise as much as I usually do.

  28. LOL- We think alike my friend!!! Never met a cupcake I didn't like or an exercise I didn't hate. lol
    Good luck finding a "program" that works. xo Diana

  29. I have drank the syrup before.

  30. I like that example of balance. Also tequila over exercise would be my choice.

  31. I was doing tai chi for a while.... yeah for a while.....

  32. hahahhahaa this was the best one ,all sounded you are hitting on me Debra:)

  33. Using the Hershey's bottle as a water bottle at the gym would be the best. I would watch a video of people's reactions. Good luck attempting to give up the wonderful, gorgeous, relaxing sedentary life.

  34. Exercise is for the leisurely deficient. Another syndrome that needs to be faced squarely and resolutely! Keep up the good work.

  35. There are more than a few of these that I could use as the Motto Of My Life.

  36. Oh these are so funny. I love the gal who uses a chocolate syrup bottle for water at the gym. Brilliant!

  37. I start walking more as the ice melts and injury is less likely.

  38. Ha! Love the Hershey's water bottle!

  39. I can relate..Not worth it!! Poor kitties.

  40. Great post Debra! LOL! I love the chocolate syrup bottle! I should try that! LOL!
    I say give it a try Deb! See how the work outs go! I'm starting back from square one again! I have to personally admit, I feel better going, then when I stopped going! Good luck! I know you can do it! Big Hugs!

  41. hahhhaaa...I just LOVE your cute sense of humor...
    and regarding BALANCE..that's when you have a warm chocolate chip cookie in each hand...:)

  42. Yes it is a dilemma, but it beats working.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  43. Some people finish working out and think about how good they feel for doing it. When I finish I pretty much am thanking the stars the torture is finally over. Not a fan. ;-)

  44. I'm trying to find a way to make it not seem like exercise. That's the hardest part. LOL. Every time I get up from my chair where I am reading/crafting/interneting/stitching, I make myself do 5 minutes of core exerciese from my physical therapist - and then I do laps around the island - the island in the kitchen that is. I figure after a month of doing this five or six times a day (with between 5 and 10 laps around the island) I will have eventually walked just over a mile. Seems a lot longer when you are doing it in bits and pieces. LOL At least I am moving a bit more, and am trying to increase the laps until I can do 20 or 30. I had polio as a little kid, so this is sometimes a hard task for me - but I'm trying. I love the cupcake sign board

  45. OMG ... funny! especially the chocolate water bottle, ha!


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