Tuesday 6 February 2018

There's Nothing Like a Cup o' Joe

Are you grumpy first thing in the morning before you've had your coffee?

Oh, I see. Yes, you are.

Oh, dear. I understand.

Well, let me pour you a cup right away!

I know it's impossible to function, really, before that first big hit of brew.

"Working" can have more than one meaning, of course.

Ahhhhhh, now the work day can begin!

But please don't harshly judge those who drink coffee without working.

In reality, coffee is probably inspiring them to think super deep thoughts.

Be careful, though, not to drink too much coffee or you'll get wired!

Thank goodness Friday is coming!

And as promised in the comments,
here's "the most important meme of all"


  1. fuck off (sips cawfee), installing java now (sips cawfee), c'mon friday (sips cawfee). it's 6a currently and I just woke up. go away!

  2. As a decafe coffee drinker I'm always grumpy.

  3. We have one Cafe con Leche with breakfast, but i don't know what my day would be like without that ONE!

  4. Lol. I’m not grumpy, just don’t talk much. Maybe I’d sound grumpy if I did talk though! Lol.

  5. Well that explains a lot. I’m not grumpy, I’m undercafinated. Looks like I need a new bad habit

  6. One strong black coffee with a dash of milk and no sugar please and just leave me alone until it is half finished - OK ?

  7. ... omg, friend D ... this post is priceless ... only 0600 hrs here, but this made my day ... thanx for making me smile ...Love, cat.

  8. When I think of coffee - and I do love my coffee in the morning - I always think about Agent Cooper and how he loved his coffee. "Damn fine coffee".

  9. I'm the odd man out,, I don't drink coffee lol,, I love the smell but don't drink it but I understand the addiction completely,, my husband is a coffee lover.I love that cat!!!

  10. You forgot the most important meme of all. Don't worry, I'll email it to you.

  11. This is me, me, me. Except iced coffee on Friday. Iced coffee is for an outdoor spot on a warm day at a restaurant that makes pressed coffee for serving iced. I've had my cup already, and laughed my way through your collection.

  12. Where do you find this stuff?!?!? I love this. And it is all, all about me.

  13. The last image....hahahahahaha!!!

  14. It's a well-known fact at my house that there should be no talking in the morning until the coffee is consumed. And, since I haven't finished my morning coffee yet, I'll just sign out... it's best for all that way.

  15. a really cool Coffee post, good Lady Debra !!!

  16. As a teenager, I tried and I tried and I tried, but I could never develop a liking for coffee. I get my caffeine fix from cola.

  17. What a hoot! Coffee is a must, although sometimes my hubby says, I start ranting after two cups of coffee..

  18. These are great, Debra! I have to remember them, but first another cup.

  19. Hilarious!
    I haven't drunk coffee in about twenty years or so!

  20. Ahhhh I am enjoying my morning cup right now....

  21. Too funny! Good think I had finished my morning drink before I ready your post..... :) :)

  22. I support procaffeinating. Yes, I do. *sips*

  23. Well I gave up coffee and booze this month and have to say, there is life after caffeine. On a different note, are you gonna blog about the Canadian National Anthem? That's really got some people's panties in a bunch.

  24. like that finger salute on the cup bottom

  25. I can't identify. I'm a tea drinker.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  26. My grumpiness has nothing to do with coffee, strangely. I might as well get with the program, since I'm grumpy regardless.

  27. @ Lady M -- I wasn't intending on blogging again about the new gender neutral wording change to "O Canada" but I fully support it and it's about goddamn time! It's been in the works for 5 years now and back in 2013 I wrote about it, suggesting a few other changes they could make at the same time! Of course, none of my excellent suggestions were implemented. Here's the link:


  28. Thanks for your reply - I will check it out.

  29. Shutup already and bring me coffee! Ha!

  30. LOL I LOVE my coffee!!! I have successfully managed to cut down to a maximum of two cups in the morning. But it's not just the coffee...it's the ritual. Grinding the beans, boiling the water, pressing it down...then ahhh, the savouring! But I also whip up some milk so I have a "coffee-cino" type of bevvie! Love it! :)

  31. I don't drink coffee. Except in Italy.

  32. That first picture is soooo me in the mornings

  33. Believe it or not, I never had a cup. I just drink soda, does the same thing.

  34. I don't even drink coffee but I want that mug with the finger on the bottom. I could fill it with Diet Coke.

  35. It's really funny, I'm a little bit of a recluse but my friends and sisters-in-law all know that if they are going to drop in on me the should be prepared with a large hot Kicker from the Dutch Bros coffee hut.

    Being an old crank has it's benefits!!!

  36. hahaha you are AMAZING!!!

    thank you for the laughs was needed just like coffee lol

  37. What the hell is wrong with that cat!?! Also, I want that "wait for it...poop" mug. I used to love coffee, until I started to get acid reflux, now it's only super mild tea for me. Oh how I envy the coffee drinkers.

  38. My older sister could totally get behind all these memes! She's the one that always asks if my coffee pot is the one you can interrupt and pour coffee before it's done making. :)

  39. I love that HAVE A NICE DAY mug! Would love to have the guts to drink from it. I have two cups of cafe con leche every day, but I don't wait for the coffee zing or the mood surge. I just enjoy the coffee. But have you ever had a coffee martini?!? SO good!

  40. Coffee, coffee, coffee.......love my black coffee. I am not grumpy until mid afternoon when I've had too much coffee and my stomach is letting me know it. Then it's TUMS, TUMS, TUMS......... I will never give up COFFEE! Have a wonderful day!

  41. So this might shock you, but I've never touched the stuff. *shrugs* Sometimes I feel like I live on a different planet because of that, but it's a cheaper planet. ;)

  42. I dare not leave the house in the morning before coffee. Not a good human companion at the best of times but yeah, 25 to life is certain if I have deal with people without coffee.

  43. Would it surprise you to know that I hate coffee? Or that I pronounce it cawfee? I'm from NY after all. So, I drink a Coke instead. Better than what I used to. Snort it.

    Have a beachy week!

  44. I don't drink coffee, but I LOVE this post!!
    Deb, do you know where I can get those coffee mugs?? I have to get them for my brother! They both describe him so well! I hope you know!!
    Big Hugs!

  45. @ Magic Love Crow -- Alas, Stacy, I don't know where to buy any of the mugs. They are just random photos and memes I found on the internet. Sorry!

  46. ...looks like we've had coffee and tea on our minds...lol

  47. I never understood the coffee obsession that seems to have taken over the world. Mines a tea, none of that transatlantic crap either.


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