Monday 4 June 2018

The Changing Nature of Outrage

Saw this on Tumblr and it is TOO PERFECT!


  1. hee hee hee! and NO comment about 2 guys in a tub...FORWARD!

  2. that blondish hairy guy is sooo hot!

  3. I'd like that tub...does it come with the mens???

  4. It would be nice to relax in a tub like that. Too bad I wouldn't be able to get out of it--literally.

  5. I hope we're there.

    Not sure we are.

    I still see complaints about political correctness when a black person gets cast in a movie part that could have been white.

    But hey, it is probably getting better?

  6. I don’t care if the tub WIDE enough to fit two. I say, where are the tubs LONG enough to fit my knees AND my shoulders at the same time?
    Oh, right, those are called swimming pools. Or a canal.

  7. That is cool! The fact that there are ads like this shows that companies know which way the wind is blowing.

    Harry: Oh, sure, the religious nuts are still out there, being outraged about everything and yammering about Leviticus and whatnot. There seem to be fewer of them all the time, though. If we can enjoy a funny ad now and then without worrying about them, that's progress.

  8. I love this! 😊 Times they are a-changin'

  9. I wonder which Lush bath bomb they used !!!

  10. Chiming in with all of my 5'10" - even a regular tub is not sufficient for just me! :) And yes, where, where are they? :)


  11. Love is love, and tubs are tubs - both come in all shapes and sizes - neither is a problem. Attitudes.. are the problem. Great ad!

  12. This totally made my day.

  13. Nice.....I only have a shower built for 2. A tub would be a nice change of pace.

  14. Only two? Wasn't there once a tub big enough for a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker?

  15. LOL! I miss my big tub and am planning to have one installed as soon as possible! :-)

  16. AWESOME!!! Wish I had a tub like that. Also, I hope that's not bath oil because one of them could slip and hurt themselves. They say 80% of all accidents in the home are in the bathroom.
    ; )

  17. Ojai Valley Inn in the mountains of Southern California. Ranging from $400. to $1200. a night. Nice big tub if you can afford it. :(

  18. Ha! The comments are even more priceless. I'm small, though. I'm determined to fit kinda on top and kinda between them. Please forward their address, Debra. Thank you.

  19. Ha ha ha...that's great Debra. I'm also outraged...we can barely sit side by side in our tub lol! :)

  20. The rich are different from you and I, their tubs are bigger.

  21. That is indeed shocking. I take a bath with my son and I get pins and needles.

  22. We had a gigantic tub. My husband wouldn't get in it with me. See why we're divorced?


  23. LOL! I love this!!! I want that tub!!!! I love the photo shoot image!

  24. Ha - that's my feel good for today!

  25. That's pretty messed up

    he really needs to groom his chest hair.

  26. Oh, thank you for this. Not what I was expecting! We DID have big tubs like that at different times in our lives... and we used them. Such a luxury. Of course, stall showers can work just fine sometimes!

  27. They are lying! Straight up lying, I tell you! I'm barely 5'4" and not even I can fit in my tub without doing some rather impressive contorting.

    And, um... scented hydration rocks.

  28. LOL..What a great ad and the comment that went with it is priceless!! Great post..Times are changing for sure...

  29. 2 men in a tub or 2 women in a tub or 1 man and 1 woman in a tub showing affection 2 each other should remain private ... no matter how big or small the tub is, friend D ... Love, cat.

  30. I could almost swim in that thing!


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