Friday 7 June 2019


Lesbomania? Yes, it's an actual term!

Unfortunately, being lesbian does not
prevent us from having to put up with
a lot of nonsense by and about men --

This next proposition happens all the time to lesbians too.
Men never seem to grasp the idea that
our sexuality does not include them.

Lesbians live in a very interconnected and
emotionally intense community.

This can produce unbelievable levels of devotion --

But the flip side can be true as well:
"there's no drama like dyke drama."


  1. i always open my own jars....why did i ever get married!

  2. Oh. My. Gawd.
    I am siting here, after reading this post for the third time, laughing my head off. Priceless.
    Especially the trying to explain the lesbian web to straight people and finding out that men are useful for opening jars, basically.
    I'm gonna read them all again.


  3. First place I visited on my return. Always a good way to start my morning.

  4. Come on, jar opening is useful!

  5. I understand the jar reference, totally.

  6. The jar opening bit is brilliant. And that headline? Classic.

  7. Is "opening jars" a euphemism? Also, is there a Lesbian equivalent of a "fag hag"? I'd ask my best friend, but she'd probably hit me with her wrench and tell me to stop wearing flannel shirts.
    These are too funny!

  8. That last one has me intrigued. Did she have a craving for chocolate on the side?

  9. I'll have to let my friend who coming today. He gets mistaken for a lesbian constantly. So I'll share this.

  10. I use those rubber grips that they hand out and vendor booths. My husband travels a lot with his job so i'm alone a LOT!!

  11. OMG! I love ALL of these. They are all so damned funny especially the jar and the three-way tweets.

  12. Most straight men are probably lesbomaniacs :)

  13. LOL! That jar comment has to be the best one.

  14. Funny, my lesbian neighbor opens all my jars.

    I love that first graphic!

  15. Some true LOLs! I genuinely guffawed. Thanks, Sister!

  16. girls just wanna have fun.
    no, we ALL don't need a man around!
    we do just fine on our own, TYVM.

  17. Ha - this is all great fun. Thanks for the belly laugh!

  18. I read this final graphic three times. I still don't quite understand, but I'm going to keep reading it for its incredible entertainment value. And wth would a man be doing dressed as a Snickers bar? Sigh.

    Happy weekend.
    Stay proud.

  19. I was at lunch today and a woman (this is true) got out a jar from her handbag and asked me if I'd open it for her. She asked me if I was strong. Of course I opened it for her. At the time I felt flattered, now I feel used.

  20. As a granddaughter said, years ago, Girls rule; boys drool. Girls open jars and change tires, too.

  21. The jar comment....hahaha! And the news headline!!! HAHAHAHAHA

  22. These are great Deb! I love the line, "Why, you can't satisfy her on your own?"! LOL!

  23. Oh, opening a jar on your own. Priceless! Do you suppose that woman's mother would appreciate the irony even now?

  24. Seems a bit excessive to team up with someone just to have jars opened, however much marmalade you eat.

  25. These are great ..Love the jar opener...

  26. I want to know about the lesbian web now. I'll bring my own string to help out!

    I have to show my godchild this post. :D

  27. What a groovy word ! I am going to try it out this evening with Kat my future ex-wife.

  28. It is obvious, lesbians get the best news ever! Bwahahaha!

  29. you rock dear Debra!

    you always make me laugh louder and all around me look with curiosity lol

    i can relate to the "sir are you lost ??? though i am not one lol

  30. We had a coworker tried to hit on a lesbian cashier. She was cute, very cute, but he was certainly barking up the wrong tree.

  31. Men ARE good for opening jars! and a few other things as well though they all seem to escape me at the moment.

  32. I love to open my own jars, my gramma taught me to pound that jar on the counter and give it some elbow grease! LOL...great post Debra! xx

  33. unless that man can open my jars with his dick..I see no need for him

  34. Many of these are true lol, I have always been envious of how my sister has this entire network of lesbian friends and acquaintances, the best get togethers were lesbian ones. The gay boys just don't seem to have that.

  35. Ha! I used the jar opening one on my daughter just the other day!

  36. I sometimes think my only use is to open jars...

  37. A lesbian couple was assaulted in the UK. It got me and my Krav Maga mates very angry. We want to meet the guys who did this.

  38. I once kissed a lesbian. Well, I did not know, and neither did she at the time. She found out later. So I might actually have turned a lesbian... into a lesbian.

  39. I stubbornly unscrew my own jars, thank you, even if I'm fighting with one and my husband offers to help! Another great collection, Debra!


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