Monday, 6 January 2020

My Resolutions -- #2: Exercise More!


  1. Wonder how many calorie one burns when using their rocking chair.

  2. I guess that it is the time of year when everyone is talking about losing weight. I like the attitude conveyed in these memes however.

  3. I can relate to the "shaking my head". and the "crunches".

  4. Oh Deborah, thanks for all the chuckles. SG and I are all smiles because of you. Oh, and that one sit-up with the trainer: I was a trainer. SG was my client... briefly. That was us!!!

  5. What you need is a new bra! See my blog!
    I am definitely that raccoon. (I think it's a raccoon.)

  6. The disbelief one is totally me!

  7. I really needed this kick in the pants today.

    Sometimes, when life gets intense, we need to be reminded how to laugh.

  8. I love yoga, hiking, birding, and riding the horse and spend hours and hours at each. I think the key is to find something you love. Crunches and the gym never did it for me.

  9. OMG, these are hilarious! Morning tea through nose on the last one.

  10. Those are awesome. Love the raccoon. Happy Day to you!


  11. The one with Nestle's and Captain is my favorite.

  12. Kale does me in! Cruel punishment!

  13. From Healthline... "When you stand, you burn anywhere from 100 to 200 calories an hour. It all depends on your sex, age, height, and weight. Sitting, by comparison, only burns 60 to 130 calories an hour."

    ONLY?! Hey, calories burned are a good thing no matter how!

  14. I thought those were supposed to be dumbbells, not cruelbells.

    I am looking forward to the resolution about reading more books.

  15. I never understand people eating kale, it's like someone crossed leaf lettuce with a rubber plant and then had a skunk pee on it!

  16. These are funny, but it's that wry kind of funny when you know they reflect your actual behavior. Still funny, though!

  17. That one with the situps and trainer? That's David. The man will not do exercises even if it's saving his life. He will walk the track but that's about it.

  18. About "burning calories doing nothing," you burn more calories when you are colder, so after a January and February in Canada, you should be thin as a reed!

  19. If being sarcastic burned calories, I'd be transparent by now.

  20. Ha! Love this.
    "Try this kale" - how rude can a person get?
    Thank you, Deb.

  21. I need to do more exercises. You remind me why I hate it.

  22. Just laughing at these suggestions gave me a good workout.

  23. Just popping over to wish Your Rare One a Merry Orthodox Christmas :)

  24. oh the pain
    I am using these ha-ha posts to inspire me to persevere

  25. why run? we all end up at a dead end anyway

  26. Can't recall ever making a New Year's resolution. Seems pointless.

  27. But he could easily double his exercise

  28. LOL Croissants! That's great. On Christmas day I ate 3 of them. I think the motion of my arm lifting the croissants to my mouth counted as some kind of calorie burning.

  29. Exercise is not good for you. The depression from knowing you are not doing any is debilitating.

    the Ol'Buzzard

  30. You,,,,,ALWAYS make me laugh.
    thank you for that.


  31. I can't stop laughing! LOL! Actually, this is one of the reasons why I love my job, there is a lot of shit to do! LOL! I never stop moving. I am tired, but it has made me better for it!

  32. Ha! Ha! Ha! I so get all these funnies, Debra! I still haven't reached my goal of doing a pull-up. Monday I had a session with my trainer, just after her session with Tommy. Tommy is the other woman who wants to be able to do pull-ups. The person after me cancelled at the last minute, so Julie, our trainer, made Tommy and me work out with her for another session on a "pull-up" circuit. (Gratis!) Toward the end, I sank on a mat and said, "I don't want to do a pull-up any more." "Yes you do, Julie said. "Back into that plank!" I wish you all the best with your exercise plans. Speaking for me, the exercising I'm doing now is the most important I've ever done. *Sigh*

  33. It's why I ride a bike to work, I hate gyms and can't face the judgement I feel I get in those places.

  34. I bought new yoga pants, which I love and wear all the time! I have yet to do any yoga though...

  35. Yeah - me too. Resolve to exercise more - get back on a daily exercise schedule. Maybe tomorrow.....

  36. That safety first photo is why I won't go back to the gym. I was always terrified I would end up in someone's making fun photo.

  37. I need to trick myself into exercise. This is why I miss sportball time at work - I've convinced myself it's free run around like a maniac time.


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