Tuesday, 22 September 2020

You Hate, I Hate, We All Hate . . . New Blogger!

I know everyone hates New Blogger and misses Legacy Blogger. I do, too. It seems like everything takes three times longer to do now and at least six times the number of steps to accomplish. It especially sucks for posts that are meme- and image-heavy, like mine.

Does your draft insert a double blank line every time you hit "return"? Louise at Standing Into Danger has the solution -- click here to read her post!

And apparently, there IS STILL a way to revert to Legacy Blogger, although it involves a few steps to accomplish. Two excellent explanations of the process are found here at Leanna's blog Can We Have A New Witch, Ours Melted and here at Mike's blog Billions of Versions of Normal. 

I haven't tried it myself yet but will do so soon, especially if I can't get a solution to this problem --

I have New Blogger more or less figured out except for one thing -- GIFS. Does anyone out there know how to insert them into a New Blogger draft post? Copy and paste does not seem to work anymore, nor does putting them into my photos file and uploading from there. Help a sister out, LOL!


  1. Oh, the new blogger is a pain.
    I cannot embed from IG or Twitter. Videos come out mangled. The editing is a nightmare. I've sent so many snarky comments to blogger they'll probably ban me.
    They want to center everything in youtube and google. Greedy idiots. I'm going to follow your links, because I really like the legacy interface.


  2. I've had mixed feelings since switching from blogger to wordpress. A MAJOR benefit, however, has been the responsiveness and assistance I receive directly from Wordpress. That always concerned me with blogger. I never eve received a response to any of my requests for help. So sorry for what you're going through. Hope it resolves itself. Blogger does have some great features.

  3. Thanks for helping to spread the word on Uglemor's work-around.

    I haven't tried including a gif in a post using the new interface yet, but in the old interface, I did it just the same way is with ordinary jpg or png images -- using "upload from computer". That, at least seems to work the same way in the new system as in the old one. Does the new interface treat gifs differently than other images?

  4. Hello Debra, I have not tried the new Blogger yet, but everything I have heard makes me afraid to. The last time I posted, I automatically got the old Blogger, perhaps because I am in Taiwan. However, none of the new decisions seem to make sense. For example, you could edit an old post, perhaps to fix a typo, without completely reposting it. Also, the comment-following feature has gone berserk. Incidentally, what was the purpose of creating new Blogger? No one has mentioned a single benefit or new feature. It seems to break every rule of good program design.

  5. Oh yes, new blogger is a nightmare. What happened to just centering a picture? And when I click on a blog from my reading list, why does it tell me I am going there and do I want to go? Well, I wouldn't have clicked if I didn't want to. And to make it worse, FB decided to change at the same time. This old brain can't handle all that.

  6. I've heard the new blogger is a nightmare; why do they make things hard?
    I'm currently in between two WordPress sites. FYI, if you ever want to move to WordPress, use the wordpress.com and not wordpress.org.
    The first one is super easy to navigate, not free, but super easy to add in gifs, photos and videos.
    Good luck!

  7. I am BEGRUDGINGLY using New Blogger--did the world learn NOTHING from New Coke--and my only issue is that the post tags list doesn't show up when you want to tag a post.

    I may keep up the new, and might keep it, but I will save the Revert Instructions for the next time I snap!~

  8. This feels like the first time you took a class in computers. Everything takes forever and it's all new and has to be formatted correctly or it fucks up the look of your post. How is this improvement. Unless they are doing it to make us pay for legacy and like heroin attics we will.

  9. Grrrrrrrr!!!!

    I hate so many things but especially inserting videos and pics and my comments have been disappearing into the either!

  10. I'm going to hang on to the old one as long as possible.

  11. I'm still trying to find a way around the gif problem too but nothing yet. Thanks for tagging me, darlin.

  12. I had a difficult time at first, though through repeated use, I'm gradually getting the hang of it. The real problem is they've done away with any easy instructions. For instance, you can still center an image, but the easy-to-understand LEFT, MIDDLE, and RIGHT is missing, and instead you have to interpret some symbols. Same thing with the size of the image. Gone are SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, and ORIGINAL, replaced with a + and a -, which to me is not quite self-explanatory, but it works.

    Videos. Even with the old blogger, I personally could only use videos from YouTube (owned by Google which also owns Blogger) without things going wacko.

    Labels. I only can seem to put them on not when the post is in draft but whatever that page is called where there's a list of your posts. There's a label thing to click on and that seems to work. The labels list from the past is no longer there because I've exceeded some kind of limit.

    If I want to change an older post, apparently I have to revert to draft, which means taking the post (along with the comments) off the blog. However, once the change is made, it will let you repost at the exact time it was posted initially, and the comments return intact.

    Sigh. I guess I'll get used to it.

  13. I do not like it but I am trying to adept. We either adept or we are left behind.

  14. Good luck, Debra. It looks like you done well with the new blogger so far however.

  15. I AGREE!

    I've had issues inserting a group of pics (one or two never load) and when I view my reading list on the iPhone the font is weird and the accompanying photos are distorted.

    I always use legacy when viewing on the phone and have not used the new version much as I haven't posted frequently lately...my life is boring.

  16. re GIFS - I've just inserted a GIF into a draft post using the insert image icon, then upload from computer in the usual way. Copy and paste also works for me. Again, I've got the style selection as Normal.

    Let me know if still having problems and I'll see if it's possible to tweek the html.

  17. Oh dear. I was going to post this week and now... well, if it's too damned difficult I may have to throw in the towel. I don't have the emotional bandwidth to fuck with it right now. Fingers crossed that a simple text post won't break me.

  18. Debs.....give me a double!!!!!

    I tell you, year 13 may be the year the Mistress closes the doors to the Casa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. I've had to drop photos altogether. I don't know how to preview my posts. I hate, hate new blogger. But I hate even more new Facebook. I can't read stories, can't find friends, can't see my own posts the way I used to...What is this cyber world coming to? Why must people keep giving upgrades that are actually downgrades - don't they have enough to do. Oy vey. Sigh.
    Thanks for saying what we're all feeling.

  20. Yes, you avoid double spacing by choosing NORMAL instead of PARAGRAPH layout when you start writing a post. It is generally horrible, we've all been telling them it is next to impossible to put in multiple photos within a post (especially at mine where I like the text to go around the photo) and they did nothing. The only thing I like are new fonts, everything else creeps the hell out of me. What I've discovered is that it is all a bit easier if you first write the plain text, then edit it, and only then after you've done with that, upload, edit and then insert photos.
    PS for those who expect help from Blogger, Blogger does not do that, you have a Blogger help forum where you can seek help if you have a problem.

  21. I'm limping along with it but hadn't even thought about trying to add gifs. UGH, such a pain.

  22. There used to be an option to click on in order to revert to Legacy version ... but but anymore ... Feel reminded of My beloved Windows Spaces days and the catastrophic demise ... It took us friends months to find each other again on different platforms. And now Blogger pulls this mind control on us ... again. My poems will not go on this platform as I feel muzzled. c.

  23. Sorry I have never ever used a GIF but for some reason, I know not why, I have no problems with New Blogger - she says crossing her fingers.

  24. I have worked out how to post most everything but never use gifs so can't help a sister out. Boo Hoo. Now I know everyone is gonna scream at me for this, but new blogger has made it easier to upload posts from the phone which is nice when the pictures I am using are on the phone. I am technology challenge though, so what do I know? Not much.

  25. Trying not to throw in the towel but this is pretty terrible.

  26. My main issue with the new blogger..Is fixing flubs. I once load a photo and could figure how to remove it...I was smart enough not to bang my head against a brick wall

  27. I hope Blogger reads all the comments here! Thanks for the shout out! Take care!

  28. thank you for links and thank you for this post dear Debra

    you might have noticed how messed up were my few posts in shape when i started to use new blogger while ago
    i will try to find old one by using these help offered by kind friends

  29. I really hate it too. It's not as slow and clunky as it was, but it's not very good either.

  30. I have not posted on the new version yet since I went on hiatus back in July. Reading all of these comments makes me not want to blog any more. The only issue I had with the new Blogger was that they moved the "view blog" icon from the top to the bottom of the screen, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    I did have to moderate a comment for the first time since the switch and it was......eventful.

    Completely changed on how you could publish/delete/spam it. Fortunately I was able to deduce that the "checkmark" meant that you wanted to publish the comment. Not quite sure what they other two symbols stand for, since I don't I got any descriptors when I hovered my mouse over them.


  31. I've adjusted to it but have no idea about the GIFs unfortunately.

  32. When I got back to blogging, I found the new blogger my only option. Ugh! I wonder if those that made all these idiotic, frustrating, annoying, irritating, terrible, awful changes even use blogger?? Probably not.

  33. I must admit that I have not noticed a big difference. This might be because I do not use a lot of memes and such things. I also usually write my posts in word and then transfer them over.

    My blog really needs a refresh so when I tackle that I might see what you mean.

  34. I can't add any photos, so I'm screwed.

  35. I guess it’s good I jump ship

  36. I have been fortunate that it has worked very well for me and I can resize images to a ridiculous size now, which my excessive nature likes. *LOL* It does do some weird stuff on it's own that I have to edit, I think they're still 'enhancing' it and I wish they'd just stop so we can all catch up. I'm Tech Challenged so I can only learn just a few new things.

  37. My mind seems to be erase a lot. I can look in area and wonder why I am there.

  38. Loved the movie "The Vickings" back in the late 50's..Must have seen it a dozen times..

  39. I am not technical Deb, but I just upload my pictures from my computer. I have them in a file. Seems to work for me? But, I agree, I do not like the new Blogger!!


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