Saturday 30 January 2021

Do Ye Know "The Wellerman"?

[Hand-painted miniature of 
© Anne O'Leary, 2012]

Avast, ye swabs, aye, 'tis me, 
Her Royal Highness the Cat
Pirate Queen and Scourge of the Seven Seas!

A mighty sea shanty called "The Wellerman"
has been taking teh interwebs by storm for the past month.

This phenomenon started with a video of one guy singing
a cappella. His video was then modified by other video fans
who later added bass lines, harmonies, and fiddle music!

And I got in on the act too!

I love this shanty so much, me hearties, that I actually had a bath
cleaned myself up, and joined in right at the end of this video!

Now, if I were a pedantic bore like my tiresome human
I'd explain the meaning of all these odd lyrics
but lucky for you I'm not

However, if you do want to know more, go watch 
the first two-and-a-half minutes of 
this video right here for an explanation.

Alas, my landlubber human has completely
gone off the deep end over this song and has
obtained the sheet music so she can learn to play it.

An intervention is necessary and 
I'm just the cat who can do it.


  1. Hello Debra, In the very early 20th century, there was a group call the Minster Singers, who put out a series of records of sea shanties. I have all or most of this series--it's too bad they are not immediately available; this would certainly be the time to put them on Youtube. My favorite was Haul Away, Joe.

  2. I’ve watched this shanty several times but I’ve got to say, your contribution is the best part, HRH.

  3. That song totally cheers me up!

  4. Great video, HRH! Glad to know there's something in the universe that will motivate you to take a bath AND do a kindness for Debra's neighbours!

  5. My son just directed me to this yesterday, it's great! Gotta love the white kitty in the video too :)

  6. Nice post with, I must say, happy music. Have a great day.

  7. I love this so much.
    HRH, when is my sugar and tea going to arrive? And the RUM??

  8. @ Suz -- No rum for you, lady. I hear you can't hold your liquor.

  9. I didn't know HRH was mixed up with pirates. You learn something new every day.

  10. Thank You, Your RH! Loved this!

  11. @ Leanna -- Oh gawd, who HASN'T she been mixed up with? She's the bane of my existence.

  12. I loved this, Debra! Being a Bluenoser, I've enjoyed sea shanties all my life. I did not listen to the whole three hour plus mashup, but I did read the history. I bow to you, Pirate Queen, for your sense of rhythm and excellent music taste and for introducing me to this catchy sea shanty!

  13. Cool...not exactly the theme from Gilligan's Island, but....

    P.S. Thanks for the feedback re:my audio/visual book recording

  14. HRH when will Debra obtain your reincarnated self?? It is obvious she misses you very much.

  15. A cat concerned about the neighbors? I don't think so.

  16. Ha !
    I've been fond of sea shanties for decades, long before they've come into vogue these days

  17. @ Lady M -- Oh, I can't reincarnate any more. I've used up all nine of my lives. All I can do now is haunt my human in a ghostly kind of way. Luckily I'm a tech-savvy kitty and can take over her blog whenever the hell I feel like it. SOMEONE'S gotta post some decent content on it.

  18. How we amuse ourselves when we're out of options.

  19. Oh Debra this song just scratches an itch in the back of my brain.
    I have uploaded it to my Pinterest account to play at will - the 3 hour version!
    You are the best!

  20. SO good especially HRH's contribution. I'm going to now listen to it for the third time.

  21. George here. My human knows she can't sing but she thinks it's fine to do so when it's just me here. I need intervention!

  22. That was great ..Thakyou you to HRH!!

  23. Thanks for sharing :) Always loved sea shanties, this one included, friend D ! Says this cat and her cat :)

  24. Going to have to do something about the sound (the too-softness thereof) on my laptop, but it looks like it will be complicated. Perhaps I should pirate a new laptop.

  25. Oh my gosh...I shouldn't have clicked on it. It's addictive! LOL

  26. I think this was the song that I heard on a college radio program a week ago or so (bless college radio here, as the jockeys have unfettered programming access for their show). Extremely catchy and shanties are the best storytelling songs ever.

  27. Darling Debra,

    Long time no see but glad to hear that you and your shanties are well.

    Surely this is just preparation for the 'Last Night of the Proms'....yes, we can see your talent and hope that the Albert Hall will be thronging again to such wild tunes before too long.

    Stay safe.

  28. I love this SO MUCH!!!! LOL! Thanks for the smile! Big kitty hugs!!!

  29. I should have known that the Pirate Queen would have a go! I laughed out loud when she came on at the end because I was doing the exact same thing with my head. We were keeping time together there. Thank, YRH, for improving the quality of the recording!

    That Nathan Evans hit the sweet spot, didn't he? I hope he lasts more than 15 minutes.

  30. I miss seeing Anne around the blogging world! She's so talented!

    That shanty is the best! I love how much attention it's gotten.


  31. This sea shanty is amazing.. I have seen and heard many versions of it and there is just something so mesmerizing about it.

  32. A long-ago bf took me to listen to sea shanties along the ocean in SF Bay. It was really fun. The tunes stick with ya. Good memories. Thank you, HRH.

  33. Lovelovelove💕💕💕. HRH, you have never appeared more astounding. Nicely done. Would you like a Shrimpy Shrimp now?

  34. @ Deborah -- Yes, I LIVE for Shrimpy Shrimp! Thank you!

  35. Ohhhh
    HRH has spoken!
    And that video! I live!


  36. A great way to smile this Tuesday morning, and we thank you! Hope you're doing well. Hugs, RO

  37. I. Love. This!!!!

    I had heard rumors that sea shanties were making a comeback. I used to love listening to things like this when I went to ren-faires, but it's been ages. By the end of the video I was singing the chorus and bopping my head along with the cat.

  38. what a fun and amusement :)
    thank you
    best wishes and hugs!


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