Monday 22 March 2021

"The Wellerpossum"

Well, that viral sea shanty "The Wellerman" 
has been given new life again! 
(See my previous post here)

But this time the video stars
the world's cutest possum --

And, just like before, another 
random person on the internet
felt inspired to participate and 
complete the lyrics for it --

Possums have not received this much
attention since the glory days 
of Red Green and his
Possum Lodge Oath and Man's Prayer!


  1. Hello Debra, A very cute video, although I would not feed a wild animal (or a domestic one either, for that matter) from my own silverware!

  2. Love that Red Green too. He makes us laugh at the simplest things. We loved the show we attended.

  3. A nice laugh on a Monday morning, thanks I needed that. My mother loathed Possums, one of her irrational dislikes of nature.

  4. I had to trap and relocate more than just a few possums. I like the little guys.

  5. Wellerdeb, keep your stick on the ice and your possum fed, I guess.

  6. The possums will one day take over the world and we'll be entertaining them!
    Thanks for the giggles.

  7. I did the oath and even worked out what it meant!

  8. Imagine my baritone... "He'll scream and eat some ticks." I can't get that out of my head.

  9. Oh, yes, that possum chanty is pretty sweet (just like the jam he's munching on)!

  10. We don't have possums here, but we have plenty of hedgehogs.

  11. I almost didn't click on the shanty videos because that song is a verified ear worm! But, I couldn't resist. And now I'll be humming about possums all day and pray that it's not all week.

    Love that Red Green!

  12. I watched that video four times.
    Really. Mesmerizing.


  13. Holy moly! I just spent 1/2 an hour looking at Red Green stuff. Did you know he's doing a podcast with his son? And I found out more about Steve Smith than I ever wanted to know. Here's a link.

  14. Oh but I miss the Red Green show!
    I so wanted to join Opposum Lodge.

  15. That possum was so cute! I enjoyed all the videos. Those guys could sing! Have a great week, Debra!

  16. I have never known anyone to hand feed a possum. Amazing. Or maybe I should say Gross. I may think I'm a Shield Warrier but they scare me with their beady eyes. We have one (??) in the apartment complex and he climbs in the pots on my ledge and digs. I don't know if he is looking or planting but if I open the door and see him I give him the right-of-way.

  17. Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
    (When all else fails, Play dead)
    the Ol'Buzzard

  18. Loved Red Green..Cute Possum...Great videos!!

  19. So adorable and random!
    Makes me want to feed a possum, but I don't think we have any around her. I'll keep jelly on me just in case.

  20. thanks a lot for putting the "Wellerman" ear-worm back in my head!!!
    Cute possum!

  21. Ohhh I have a huge mama opossum living in my barn. She has a parcel of babies each year.

  22. We get opossums in our yard and I try SO hard to 'hide' them from the dogs. They're so smart though when they see a dog moving around, they FREEZE for real and my old girls usually just saunter by none the wiser.

  23. there used to be 2 possums that would come and eat cat food off the porch and then they would play with Dexter...miss that.

  24. I wonder if that's a child possum, as it looks like it's on the small side. Back when I lived in the country--OK, a countrified suburb of Cleveland--a possum wandered into the yard and it was like the size of a St Bernard puppy!

  25. You can never have enough see shanties, says I.

  26. haha
    enjoyed the last video so much :)

    cute possum

  27. Excellent!!! I remember the Red Green show!


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