Monday 6 September 2021

Happy Labour Day!

Time again to celebrate the joys 
of being in the workforce
and all who labour in it!


  1. That Target employee one reminds me of when I would have employees ask me about clearly incorrect things they wanted to do, and then I would officially tell them, via contract, what the contract actually says, then end it by saying, "this is what you're supposed to do per contract".

    Thus, covering my butt from HR retribution, because we all know that govt employees have no qualms in throwing others under a double decker bus to keep themselves out of trouble.

  2. Love that last one especially. I never thought of my peasant ancestors in that light but of course…

  3. Enjoy the extra long weekend, I am. Great collection. 22 months and 25 days, not that I am counting or anything.

  4. Way back when, I was born on Labor Day!!

  5. The one that made me chuckle was the one where you hand in your two weeks and still have to show up.

  6. As I have said before: “A cloudy day at the beach is better than a sunny day at work.”

  7. My working environment is a good one that my bosses are lassize-faire and I work more or less by myself.
    I listen to people all day long about their working environment and most of the time they sound awful (the environments)
    I suppose this rests on the axiom work has the goal to get as much out of their employees as possible regardless of their employers wellbeing or wants.

  8. Glad to have you back and hope you had a fabulous month off!
    All of these memes are too funny! Of course, being retired I can laugh at them because ... ha! ha! ... I don't have to clock in anymore and haven't since 2004!!! So ... LOL

  9. Just thinking about going back to the office makes me nervous. ARGH!

    Good ones Debra ;-)

  10. @ bobbie -- Happy Birthday, bobbie! Clearly, your mother took "Labour" Day literally!

  11. “More than a company, we are a family”

    I worked for a couple of companies that said that. They were more dysfunctional than my original family. So they weren’t REALLY lying.

  12. I loved that gif. Poor baby is gonna hit burnout before he's three.

  13. High quality Labour Lolz, Debra! I especially loved the one about telling your boss to Go Fuck Yourself... but, really, they were all funny.

    Great Goddess be Praised, I love being retired!

  14. Hello Debra, My favorites today were the Honesty and HTML ones!

  15. I always thought you should be able to call in well...I just feel too good to come in to day. Think I'll catch a movie and grab some lunch and then go take a nap.. see you tomorrow.

  16. OH MY! So many funnies. The Target/camera/murder one really got me.

  17. I'm also glad to be out of the IX to V rat race... thanks for the LOLs!

  18. I got a LOL at the Target one.

    The 'we are family' reminds me of the rah rah meeting we had back in the day. The last few years I just quit going to them. I had a young employee tell me one time, "But it's mandatory!" I just look at her and said, "Sign in for me, OK?"

  19. So so funny. Thanks for making me laugh

  20. These do spark some memories for me! I may work ridiculous hours these days, but self employment and being at home all day is so worth it!

  21. Very funny ones. I did not have Labour Day today because it's in May in England.

  22. Love them. And, my youngest daughter was born today--fifty odd years ago.

  23. Honestly, I don't know where you find these gems. I love all of them!

  24. Wow! The first photo reminded me of one of my past jobs :( Love this post.

  25. Oh, how I hate getting that "What is your greatest weakness?" question at job interviews. What, I'm supposed to perform an act of self-abnegation for them?

  26. Love being retired. Sending this to my kids who are not.

    Love those 'work documents'!


  28. So many of these that I can put into action ... like that honesty one. That will kill my boss!

  29. Great post! So glad I don’t have to work anymore although I do miss the people. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  30. That depressed cat is so funny.

  31. Bwahahaha! If one is going to be depressed anyway, getting paid for it sounds like a very workable idea.

    Timely post, Debra. Around here, we are going back to work outside and back to school (some of us might need the "work documents" disguise.

  32. Very accommodating Target employee!

  33. oh yea family where mostly you have all the duties and no right

    i enjoyed all ,so hilarious but the Ten years experience so true you know
    blessings to you and loved one dear Debra !
    hugs !

  34. Some of these were too relatable to positions I've had in the past. :D

  35. Hysterical, Debra! Such a funny collection. Our nephew, who lives on the east coast, spent the evening with us last night. He absolutely hates having to go into the office now. Not having to commute two or more hours a day in traffic gave him so much more time for his life. I don't think work will go back to the way it was. Stay safe and happy!

  36. Love them all Deb! Thanks! Big Hugs!


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