Tuesday 9 August 2022

We Introverts Get An Undeserved Bad Rap


  1. How can you tell the difference between an extroverted accountant and an introverted accountant? The extrovert looks down at your shoes when they talk with you, the introvert looks down at their own shoes. (other professions can be substituted.)

  2. I wonder if I would have been extroverted if I hadn't been bullied for most of my childhood

  3. I'm sometimes an extrovert and sometimes an introvert. That's me in the elevator.

  4. That elevator one is me.
    Also that last one.
    Also, well, all of them.

  5. So fed up of people thinking being introverted means shy, socially anxious, all that. We're terrific in a group and have friends. But our batteries run down and we need recovery time.

  6. INFP here. Me when phone rings: Oh shit, why are you bothering me?
    Love these memes.

  7. Im not introverted....but even im relived when I get the elevator to myself.

  8. So describes my husband. These are great! The time to recharge is so important!

  9. I think these are all true. Funny, but true.

    Have a lovely day.

  10. Once, when someone asked me "why are you so quiet?", I asked them "why are you so loud?". They did not know how to take that, but I sensed they were not happy with my response. Why is it people think pointing out my quietness will "fix" that*, yet my pointing out their loudness is rude? GRRRR. Harumph! And get offa my lawn.

    And why is my being a quiet person something that needs fixing?!

  11. "I'm reserved, until I'm not."
    That's the one I have to watch out for. It can get me in trouble really quickly.

  12. All this time I thought I was shy. A closeted extrovert, if you will. Turns out, I'm actually an introvert. This makes more sense.

  13. In my experience, being quiet and somewhat introverted has meant that people are more likely to feel free to tell me things that should probably have been kept secret.

  14. Yes. I resemble this. And why don't we try to change the one who really needs changing? The extrovert. Hear that, HRH?

  15. Hahaha
    love them!
    And I'm not an introvert, but that's ME when I get to be alone in the elevator...


  16. Tom and Lorenzo nailed it! I love these memes, all of them. And the pole vaulter? Perfection.
    Also agree with Brewella - we are often the recipients of secrets. Luckily for my friends I'm known as 'the vault'.
    It's so much easier to be social on line but even that is exhausting. In person? A week to recover. Hasn't the pandemic been wonderful for us? :^)

  17. I’d love a few of these for my home. So people can read them and let me be
    People ask if I’m lonely all by myself everyday. They don’t believe me when I say I love it

  18. @ Rawknrobyn -- Why, WHATEVER do you mean? I am PERFECT IN EVERY WAY and need not change ONE LITTLE WHISKER. Such impertinence!

  19. These are very funny I love the dog one "introverted but still willing to discuss treats." XD

  20. It must have been an "extrovert " that made this concept. Those extroverts think they need introvert friends.
    Secretly they feel sorry for us and think we have deep thoughts.

    I got news for you buster
    Sometimes we don't think at all

    Same as you.

  21. Why does it have to be an either/or scenario in terms of personality? Perhaps being extroverted or introverted is as fluid as sexuality or gender these days....

  22. @ Tundra Bunny -- No, you're right. No one is ever 100% introverted or 100% extroverted. Everyone is always a combination, but usually one or the other is more pronounced. It's a spectrum, a sliding scale, yes, just like sexuality for many people.

  23. This is so hilarious again! I am an introvert and I can relate to everything written here. Some even say introverts are the insidious ones to watch out for. I kind of agree.

  24. I'm an introvert and get annoyed at people telling me I just need to get out and meet people!

  25. Yeah....I'll mingle at get togethers if I know a few people (and that includes family), but otherwise, I try to fly under everyone's radar, and usually succeed.

    But...sadly, I am the walking definition of a keyboard warrior, but I can (usually) back up what I say face-to-face, so all hope is not lost.

  26. haha the last made me laugh loud and the first oh it was so sweet and very very true :)))
    you rock dear Debra

  27. other than family I'm good around people for about 30 minutes..now when I drank??? different story.

  28. I would so go to that party.

    I don't really answer the phone to anybody if I can avoid it.

  29. Good to know it's not a negative thing - being introverted (I am!).

  30. I love these. The best one is the "Three day recovery period". I want to use that line!

  31. As one myself, I love these.

  32. HAHAHA! Loved these. Very funny and very true!

  33. I am not an introvert. I just don't like people.
    Cats are ok - they are not introverts, they just barely tolerate people. I can understand cats.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  34. all this fuss! An introvert is someone who stays to themselves to recharge themselves. Extroverts recharge around others.

  35. I'm such an introvert! Thanks for sharing these funny, funny memes, Debra!


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