Monday 10 October 2022

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

No, I'm not totally burned out
on Thanksgiving.

I can still show gratitude!

So to all my blogging buddies,
faithful readers that you are --


  1. oh you made me feel sad for the poor turkey dear Debra

    gratitude is due to every soul who is given body to live because as you see nothing is like a moment when you inhale with all the countless blessings you have and you if even one was missed your life would have not as lovely as it is for you right now ,so thanking one who not just gave life but numerous ways to enjoy it is worth it believe me :)
    hope i did not make you angry ,if so please forgive hugs and blessings!

  2. I need that banner!

    And some of that cranberry "sauce."

  3. Indigenous Peoples Day here (I think because it hasn't been made official), formerly Columbus Day, but he has been totally dissed of late. Celebrating by having neighbors over for homemade ravioli. Our Thanksgiving in November has always been my favorite holiday - no church, no presents, just food. (OK I totally avoid watching football, which can ruin an otherwise good holiday).

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. Are you doing / did you do something special? I'm thankful for you, too! -Jenn

  5. I don't know why, but I figured Canadian Thanksgiving would use something other then turkey as the feasting beast!
    Oh well ...Happy Thanksgiving Canadian style!

  6. Happy fucking thanksgiving and thank you for making me laugh.

  7. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving, Debra. The memes are so funny.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving you crazy Canuck. I'm letting you know that I'm stealing all of these.

  9. Had completely forgotten it was Thanksgiving and have only been out of Toronto for 8 years

  10. Much gratitude for all you've done for blogland and me.
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

  11. So fucking sentimental! Wishing you the same.

  12. Bring me solo and the wookie!!!!!!!!! Now that is funny as hell! But I hope you have a wonderful day and thanks Debs to you and the rare one!

  13. Taco turkey is safe from me. I don't like tacos.

  14. I love that turkey dressed as a taco. Cutie!

  15. Happy Turkey Day, eh?! Now pass me a jug of that cranberry sauce and let's eat Gonzo!

  16. I am thankful for having you as a blogger buddy

  17. These were great! Happy Thanksgiving, Debra!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I hope your day is satisfying all around.
    I'm grateful for your blog!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Or would it be better to wish you a Happy Lawless Wasteland of Dietary Anarchy???


  20. That last one is something…lol.

  21. I am so thankful to have you in my life too ya little shit.

  22. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving friend!

  23. Happy Thanksgiving, Debra! I consider you one of the greatest fuckers around. And I want to adopt that turkey.


  24. I am thankful for you keeping this blog running :) So good to see your humour after a hard morning

  25. Thanks for the awesome Thanksgiving laughs, Debra! I hope you and your Rare One had a wonderful time today!.

  26. And THANKS to you for inviting us into your mind and sharing a glimpse of the world through your eyes.

  27. Belated happy Thanksgiving to you! I always prefer the time of the Canadian Thanksgiving than the American one. In October it's just perfect and you get a bank holiday in October.

    On a side note, I commemorated Thanksgiving on my blog as well:

  28. Happy Thanksgiving and I think 4 drinks sounds about right!

  29. I love all of these. Especially the last one.

  30. Thank you Canada i hope to eventually visit every one of your provinces for this feast. Because you are Canadians, i would not expect you to serve turkey and sweet potatoes.

    I would start in Quebec and move on to Ontario and the vast prairie provinces. Onward to the Rocky mountains, where no doubt we shall meet the Hudson Bay Company and dine on beaver tail and bison tongues.

    Next stop, finally, will be Vancouver B.C. where we can eat Chinese food and look at the ocean.

    After that, we will go to Northwest Territory to see if any Mounties are still alive. While we are there we will lament the queen and drink tea. It is not your business.

    Onward to Nunavut. We will be happy to see them, but they seem to not be so happy. They have things they want to talk about.

    Ok,we can take a hint, we moved on.

    Our trip around Canada is almost finished, but before we returned to Toronto, we still had questions.

    We wanted to know about Anne of Greene Gables, but not very much. We were more interested about Acadie, and how they became the Cajuns.

    By this time our travels around Canada had exhausted us and we had run out of resources. So we returned to Toronto.

    Just in time because they were having a Canadian Thanksgiving!
    They were trying to do a Norman Rockwell thing on their own people!

    I think Canada is great.

  31. Love that Jabba the Hut. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.

  32. This is hilarious! Happy Thanksgiving!

  33. Hope you had a good Canadian holiday 🇨🇦

  34. Happy belated Thanksgiving, Debra! I hope you had fun!

  35. Is that the rule here too? The week of Thanksgiving a lawless wasteland of dietary anarchy??? If so, I'm gonna start stockpiling Snickers bars.

  36. Adam, it was a great road trip. We got a little bogged down down in the prairie country. Especially in Winnipeg, because we are foreigners. We were hoping to see that space alien that landed there back in the day. We heard that she was blue.
    We heard that she came from a different planet.

    Anyway, it was a sensitive subject. Because we are guests, we decided not to go there.

  37. You are so winning the holiday meme posts this year.

  38. OK, I want the "Thankful for you fuckers" wall hanging.


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