Monday 3 October 2022

Important October PSA

A mammogram could save your life!

Plus, you might get
a free cookie afterwards!

Best wishes to everyone
who has fought cancer or
is fighting cancer now
(of whatever kind).

And hey guys, be sure to do
a chest check on yourselves as well!


  1. Ooh, those mammo-grahams are just too realistic!

  2. Too true about men getting breast cancer, rare but it happens. An acquaintance of mine did get it and said bitterly not only did I get cancer, I got a kind I didn't think I was even eligible for! So check.

  3. My wife has regular mammograms and has been part of a long term study for several years.

  4. Had to chime in here. Yes, get a mammogram regularly, even if you think nothing is wrong! Hey, nobody gave me a cookie!! -Jenn

  5. Remembering my mum. 36 years now.

  6. These gals appreciate the reminder.
    Thanks, Deb.

  7. Awwwww. You posted my yearly October PSA with the puppies.

  8. @ Leanna -- Sorry, didn't mean to steal your thunder! Somebody sent me this meme in an email, so at least I didn't steal that from you too (*phew*)

  9. One of my male cousins had breast cancer.

  10. Everyone should check even those who are very young too.

  11. Oh. My. Gawwddd!
    I'm dead.
    BTW, my doctor once told me I needed a mammogram. I ran to get it. And I'm a dude.


  12. I'm having mine done in November, plus a physical.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. What a great well-meaning meme post you did! I love the humour as well

  14. Love this post! Thanks for the reminder!

  15. Aww, we don't get cookies in my country. I'm wondering how they check the men, they don't have the amount of tissue we women have so they can't lay them out and squish them.

  16. Each of those dogs must have had an unusually small litter.

  17. Dear people, i am uncomfortable with us identifying too much with one of our important holidays. Every time we give them a holiday, they turn it into something shitty, and before you know it we have zombie republican christians all over the place.

    I could maybe compromise with them about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Beyond that, i don't want part of plastic spiders and creepy christian memes.

  18. I have nothing to say about this. I am not interested in titties and prostate glands. I try to pretend that the sun is not trying to give me skin cancer.
    I refuse the idea that my life is nothing more than a pathology.

    I don't what it is like to be a woman, even though that's who i mostly talk with.
    Is it wrong? Have we been wrong this whole time? What about my boyfriends? It is too confusing.

    I heard that they take your bubs and put them in metal plates and take an x-ray.

    Women are braver than men sometimes.
    anyway my friend survived the experience
    It turned out clean.

    This was important, because we are living in downwinder territory . From the bomb tests in Nevada.

  19. this post makes me think why men with breast cancer are so less than women?

    an investigation required in this area either

    devoting one day to some subject is indeed a great idea ,lots more to add in though such as "consciousness day"

  20. Those cookies - what a hoot. Yes I gotta get one - not looking forward to it.

  21. I don't know how they would test my negative a cup

  22. A very important reminder! I got checked at the end of August, but no one gave me a cookie. Ah well...

  23. Thanks for this, Debra! I make sure I get my mammogram every year. Love the humorous reminder, although the mammo-grahams remind me of the squatting process ~ lol. It's a lot easier to survive cancer when you catch it early.

  24. Bwahahahahahhahaha... the mamo-grahams! I always try to do something nice for myself after my yearly check because boy is that an annoying procedure.

  25. Any excuse to touch myself and my partner is a good one...and it's a smart thing to do!


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