Saturday, 22 April 2023

It's Earth Day Once Again


  1. The earth is very resilient, humans not really.

  2. Earth day is a good day to pick up the garbage around after the snow goes. The older I get, the worse it appears to be every spring.

  3. My opinion is this: Every damned day our feet hit the floor is Earth Day!
    Trouble is ... how many of us act like it is? Hmmmm?

  4. The last has happened before, and it will happen again.

    I'll be out gardening and planting more things today in the garden for our butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.

    Happy Earth Day!!!!

  5. Very appropriate memes today, D. I remember when Earth Day started and our generation was seen as the hope for the future. Now we are the old fart generation who changed very little and just kept on with our polluting ways. Tragic.

    As others have pointed out, the Earth will survive. We, as a species, are writing our own death sentence (and that of most other species as well.) The bacteria, the viruses, the cockroaches will have a heyday.

  6. “Handing off the planet...” is my favorite — and chilling.

  7. Hello Debra, All these are great! I didn't know that Chris Madden had a website, so I will be taking a look.

  8. "It's science not Santa Claus" - love that quote.

  9. I especially like the Reserved for Green Vehicles, and the electric outlets in the rain.

  10. Happy Earth day, Debra. :)

  11. The earth does not need us to survive.
    But we do need the earth.
    I think once people really understand this we might see some change
    Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later

  12. We all have the Earth in common, it's a shame that some people don't care.

  13. We should all want to take care of Mother Earth. I would guess a large percentage of the population here now. Will end up coming back.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  14. Great collection of memes. And it was a shiny, bright Earth Day, too.

  15. I enjoyed all of them. The flooded parking lot of charging sites is great.

  16. "without a liveable Planet nothing else matters"
    So true.

  17. LOVED last one most how true dear Debra again You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Oh, the last one! True. The earth will rid itself of us and start again.

  19. Yeppers. When Mama Earth is done with us, she'll let us know.

  20. That last one says it all. It's what I tell people: the Earth will go on, humans, not so much.

  21. Valerie makes a very good point. I shall have to remember that.

  22. Really every day should be Earth Day. 😁

  23. That mars vs trees one really had me. Agreed 1000%

  24. Thank you! Happy Earth Day to you too!
    I love my Mother.
    I kept the celebration on the down low this year
    She already knows
    I was a little concerned about angering some of my neighbors.

    I was afraid they would call me woke
    or burn some books
    or go on a rampage and hurt some people
    Everyday is Earth Day.

  25. The eyesores one nails it.

  26. All very appropriate, especially the "handing Off the Earth to the next generation" one. 😳

  27. These are (unfortunately) very appropriate memes for Earth Day, dear Debra... sigh...
    Hugs, Traude 😘

  28. The green vehicle parking space meme reminds me of those who put their green doggie waste bags into the green compost bin. Huge FAIL.

  29. Thanks for your comment this AM..It came thru as anonymous...When I clicked on Anonymous your email came up...Happy Earth Day to you as well...It's very scary..Glad I'm old!!!

  30. I've always said that one day the goddess is going to no longer be amused by humans and just shrug her shoulders and toss us off and start from scratch.

  31. Education about climate change is the key. Happy Earth day!

  32. Some very thoughtful memes there!

  33. When we are gone, the earth and all that it in it will recover. It may take a millennium or two but it will happen. Perhaps a new higher species will evolve but if not the animals will live in harmony and balance

  34. Ohhh
    The Tesla chargers under water? Never a better metaphor for the state of the environment, the world and Twitter.


  35. I welcome our Catbus overlords. And yeah, that last meme is very on point.


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