Sunday 5 May 2024

Cinco De Mayo

Wikipedia says that -- 
"More popular in the United States than in Mexico,
Cinco de Mayo has become associated with
the celebration of Mexican-American culture."

Cinco de Mayo is not a big celebration
here in Canada, probably because our
Mexican community is historically a
small percentage of our population
(although growing these days).

Judging from the internet, however,
Cinco de Mayo seems to be more of an excuse for
general drinking and partying than anything else,
just like St Patrick's Day has become.

Perhaps Canadian bars make a big deal
out of Cinco de Mayo, I don't know.

I suspect not, though, because right now
every bar in Canada is catering to legions
of drunk hockey fans watching
the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.

That's where the money is in Canada, LOL! 

Well, this has turned out to be
a rather desultory post, hasn't it?

American readers, do YOU celebrate Cinco de Mayo?


  1. Not so as you'd notice.

  2. ...when I owned my nursery, I had a number of Mexican workers and Cinco de Mayo wasn't a big deal for them.

  3. That last photo is priceless!

  4. Cinco de Mayo is not only good for more drinking, but a really good excuse to go out for Mexican food!🫔🌮🌯I will be going to Ortega's for lunch today!

  5. I don't get all the hullabaloo about May 5th. Never was a big deal in Connecticut (except maybe at Chili's Restaurant. Even here in New Mexico is seems to have become a bit of a passing fad. Besides, why celebrate mayonnaise with tequila?

  6. Love the one with the cat and the Three Amigos one.

  7. I don't know anyone who celebrates it here, though like you, I don't hang out at bars either. Though in my cirlcle of friends, we don't do the Mexican drinking day either and it's not a popular thing here. I guess it depends on where folks live.

  8. Cleora BorealisSunday, May 05, 2024

    Love the last one! Cinco de Meow!! 😹

  9. The 3 Amigos! I have a crush on Martin Short.

  10. Nope not here. I never did either. I feel the last couple years, I don't hear as much about the day like I used to.

  11. Cinco de Mayo doesn’t seem to get a mention here in Spain. Even though we lived in Southern California for a number of years, we tended to just let Cinco de Mayo pass. Like you said, just an excuse for heavy drinking. (And who needs an excuse?)

  12. Ironic Americans celebrating a Mexican holiday given all the hostility and paranoia over the southern border.

  13. Shelly West and Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine...
    long time ago

  14. It's big in these parts, a sort of Mexican St. Patrick's Day to have some beer and food.
    Interesting 'all are Irish' on St P's day but 'all are Mexican' is not the slogan today - but the food is.

  15. I was still recovering from celebrating May the 4th!

  16. I think most of us down in this part of No. America use the 5th of May as day to get ripped. I know when I tended bar Cinco de Mayo would usually pretty crazy with folks necking too much tequila. My co-workers and I would call today 'Cinco de Drinko'. Har-har.

  17. we have watched lots of old cowboy movies and hubby still in love with them :)

    last one makes me smile

  18. Used to be we would celebrate the day with Mexican food more than drinking. Now I ignore it just like St Pat's.

  19. Any excuse to drink I guess..

  20. Unfortunately, any excuse to drink is popular around here.

    Hope you're well, SWS. have a great week!

  21. He He He - happy belated CDM! I'm just getting caught up on your posts from April 8th to today, so here are my comments for all the posts I missed:

    Loved the Coffee Memes. I’m a coffee goon myself.
    Loved the Cappuccino!
    Resume Lie Memes - awesome!
    Heaven is being Home time with Hubs, Harvey, and having Cocktails! End of discussion.
    I could spend hours a day scrolling through dog memes. Love ‘em!
    A little blasphemy is good for the soul (and a good laugh.)
    I think I posed for that heavily pregnant Mother Earth Gaia statue.
    Punch Nazis is ALWAYS the answer!
    LOVED the Shakespeare inspired Soap labels.
    GO SPORTS! Do the thing! Win the points!
    F*ck post was F*cking hilarious.
    Cat memes - see response to Dog memes above.
    LOVE “Everybody Goes to Hell,” thanks for bringing it into my life.
    The Adult memes made me giggle like a 5 year old.

  22. I love how white people celebrate the fact that white people got their ass kicked by Brown people.


  23. We don't usually celebrate, but I've been known to partake in Mexican food on May 5th. Why not?

  24. Again you have made me laugh. Thanks

  25. Not anymore but when I live in Texas it was a big deal. I had lots of Mexican American friends there.

  26. I used to drink a loooot of tequila on cinco de mayo..i would tell you some stories but it is a combination of roses, beatinh some guy up and know


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