Tuesday 21 May 2024

May Full Moon Altar: Kwan Yin

Are you being storm-tossed on the turbulent seas of life? Then Kwan Yin, the Buddhist embodiment of the Divine Feminine, has compassion and assistance for you. 

See how the other sailboats on the altar cloth are pitching to and fro in the darkness, desperately trying to stay upright among the wildly crashing waves? We all know how that feels, don't we, when life is struck by tragedy or crisis.

But Kwan Yin floats serenely along amidst the chaos, sitting in her little vesica piscis goddess-symbol of a boat, unperturbed by the huge waves roiling beneath the bow. With meditative calm, she holds the Pearl of Enlightenment in her left hand. In her right hand she holds a small bottle containing her tears called the Balm of Compassion, collected as she weeps for the suffering of the world. She pours this healing balm over the world, which is her companion in the boat, to comfort and calm all who need it.

Kwan Yin stays in the Eternal Now, not in the Past, not in the Future. She does not try to control what she cannot control. She understands that all storms pass in the fullness of time and we will come once more to safe harbour.

If anyone who reads this is currently going through such a turbulent time, I hope that Kwan Yin will bring some sense of comfort and serenity to you in the midst of pain and anxiety.

The last time I was in Maui in 2018, I bought this little statue of Kwan Yin at a favourite labyrinth-walking location, The Sacred Garden, which is a not-for-profit retreat centre, spiritual shop and plant nursery in the upcountry region of the island. The altar cloth is made of paper napkins which caught my eye last year in a local Edmonton shop. The lotus candleholders came from Amazon and have been used before for some other altars.

[Photos © Debra She Who Seeks 2024; Affirmations meme from the internet.]


  1. This is beautiful and comforting. Thank you for sharing.

  2. ...I've been to the Sacred Garden!

  3. Nice timing for me. Thanks! This altar is beautiful.

  4. Excellent affirmations. We all go through stormy times. I like the idea of the now. I tend to dwell too much on the future or the past.

  5. This statue looks Divine undoubtedly wow❤
    I loved her look as whole strength and wisdom seems strongest expressions in her persona !
    Thanks for introducing how amazing and incredibly inspirational she is dear Debra
    I loved this insightful post

  6. A suitable goddess for the sportsball playoffs!

  7. Your altar is truly serene.

  8. The cloth images of the ocean are just perfect. This is a post worth revisiting when anxiety strikes, thank you.

  9. sun in gemini, moon in sagittarius, how chaotic!

  10. I only realized last night that we have a full moon going on! As usual, your altar is beautiful!

  11. "She does not try to control what she cannot control. She understands that all storms pass in the fullness of time and we will come once more to safe harbour."

    This is what I needed to read today.

    Thnx, Debs!!!


  12. Cleora BorealisTuesday, May 21, 2024

    Wow! Tranquility just from seeing a photo of your altar! You're pretty good, yah! 🥰

  13. A splendid bit of encouragement!! TFS ~

  14. This is welcome indeed...
    Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs by Heidrun

  15. This altar is absolutely wonderful, Debra, so calm and serene. Kwan Yin has gotten me through some stormy seas in my life. Other than the bathroom, she is present in every room of my house reminding me to breathe and let go.


  16. Another full moon? It seems like we just had one less than a month ago! 😁

  17. Hi, Debra
    Love your alter cloths and display. Especially the explanation

  18. Hounding myself in the present…a goal for sure!

  19. Reminds me of the Serenity Prayer.

  20. I think that maybe many of us are being tossed on the turbulent seas of life currently, but thank you for explaining how Kwan Yin floats serenely along amidst this chaos pouring healing balm over the world.

  21. I need to keep tap of full moons.

  22. I always love your alters. So full of meaning and so very beautiful

  23. Right time to read the post.
    It will make me a little calmer in the stormy seas I'm going through!
    Thank you❤️

  24. Hello Debra, I am sure you know that Guan Yin (sorry, the more common Chinese-pinyin spelling) was originally portrayed as male. Who knows what layers of significance this adds to your altar. I like your figure of Guan Yin, who has so many attributes that each portrayal can be a little different. I don't know what this portends, but the earth held by your Guan Yin reminds me a little of Audrey, Jr. in The Little Shop of Horrors.

  25. @ Parnassus (Jim) -- Nice to hear from you again, I hope you've been keeping well! Yes, I know about Guan Yin's male origins and why she is always portrayed as flat-chested. One of my past full moon altar posts discussed her transgender nature:


  26. Hey, Debra! The altar is beautiful. I have missed your fun and interesting posts, and I will pop in to visit from time to time. I hope you are doing well and life is being good to you!

  27. This is beautiful Debra, I love Kwan Yin.

  28. Excellent affirmations for these stressful times, Debra. I was wondering why Kwan Yin had no breasts, but thanks to you and Parnassus, I don't have to ask that rude question!

  29. A sensible and useful goddess to be sure, unlike some others i know that want blood

  30. Very peaceful and beautiful, Debra.


  31. An exquisite altar, Debra. You can feel compassion radiating from Kwan Yin! She is serene and at peace. Great affirmations for worrying too. I slid that off onto my desktop.

  32. Lovely! I needed that bit of Kwan Yin in my day.


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