Sunday 26 May 2024

My Caturday Adventure

Yes, I went to my city's 10th annual Cat Festival yesterday! It was a noisy, kind of chaotic experience, but fun as well. Lots of cat-related exhibits, speakers, info, activities, and vendors of products for cats and for their humans.

Oodles of cats and kittens too! Including the most adorable black sphynx kittens (squeeeeeee!) They are so much more attractive than pink-skinned ones, I think. I petted an adult sphynx just to see what they feel like -- warm, soft and ever-so-slightly fuzzy (probably just my imagination?)

I wore my "tarot reading cat" t-shirt to the event (which I got in Vancouver the last time I was there) and received many compliments on it from other discerning fashionista attendees, LOL --

Here's a couple of photos of an exhibit I enjoyed -- LEGO cats! The tuxedo one looks just like HRH! The only thing missing is her crown.

And look at this attention to detail, LOL --

There were three "celebrity cats" at the event as well, only one of whom I was familiar with -- Great Grams of Gary, the adventurous cat from right here in Alberta who hikes, skis, canoes, kayaks and camps with his human in all the Rocky Mountains parks and elsewhere.

Gary is huge on Instagram and every other social media platform as well. Here's just one of his videos --

As a major fangirl, I just HAD to buy some Gary merch, namely his latest t-shirt with this adorable art on the front --

I scored a freebie from another table too -- this cute little "yin/yang cats" cloth bag --

All net proceeds from the Cat Festival go to various cat rescue societies in Edmonton, so it's also a worthy charitable endeavour for local felines.


  1. I like the Lego cats, especially the black and white one.

  2. If we had a cat festival in Málaga, I’d be there in a heartbeat. What fun. The Lego cat butt is hilarious!

  3. Oh, very cool! I just looked up Gary the cat. Wow, no way either of mine would be sitting on our shoulders like that! (Mind you, I can't ski, so that's not really an issue). -Jenn

  4. That's pretty neat

    I was talking to my wife yesterday about a Cheerwine Festival as the founding city is only about a 2-hour drive from us. It happened right after we got back from Disney World so we were too tired to do it and she doesn't like cheerwine anyway LOL

  5. Sphynxes feel like live hot water bottles! Not how I'd thought.

  6. I've never heard of Catfest before. Looks like a fun/interesting event.

  7. Oh I love the stretching cat. Down to the last detail. Perfect!

  8. The hairless cats feel like velvet to me! So soft and warm and the cats are so loveable!
    I love your tarot T-shirt!

  9. @ Marcia LaRue -- Yes! "Velvet" is a much more accurate description than my clunky "ever-so-slightly fuzzy," LOL! Glad to know I wasn't imagining it after all (or hallucinating!)

  10. Gary is living his best life. I envy him.

  11. Wow! I was today years old when I found out about Gary, his ski partner, and his ambassadorship for outdoor safety. Now I'm a fan for life!! 🏂😻

  12. LEGO cats is a very cool concept. I would love to do a kitty.

  13. Looks like fun and a great cause to boot. Purrr…

  14. wow the butt hole on the lego cat is some detail.

  15. If DaVinci would have had legos, he could have created ten times as much as he did.

  16. Ha! Yes indeed that is definitely attention to detail.

  17. @ Ur-spo -- You mean "an orchestra of scorched cats" as you are so fond of saying on your blog? No, all the cats here were VERY happy and UNscorched!

  18. Never heard of a cat fest. Have you ever seen Fisher the Maine coon on Facebook and I think Instagram as well. You should follow them. Fisher and sailor.. They pretty much have their own motorhome.. Spend a lot of time on the water paddle boarding etc. I want to be them when I come back, if I come back.
    I love your T-shirt.

  19. Loved the Lego cat. Immediate flash back to my less than two year old toddler walking up to our cat, finger jabbing exactly as she announced "Hole!"

  20. @ This N That -- I'll have to check out Fisher and Sailor, thanks!

  21. @ Joanne Noragon -- Oh dear oh dear oh dear! I'm sure the kitty was NOT pleased, lol.

  22. Another testament to a cat's sense of balance.

  23. Lego cats are well made and certainly have attention to detail.
    Your shirt is perfect.
    Looks like you had a great time at the cat festival!

  24. A Cat Fest! And why not...

    The Lego cats are brilliant..and priceless..."pencil sharpener" included😎😄

  25. I need a Cat Fest down here!!
    Love Lego Cats!

  26. When I first saw the title I thought it might have a happy ending, with some kitty adopting you for rehabilitation. Alas.

  27. What a civilised and enlightened city you live in! I had no idea Edmonton was filled with cat lovers. Looks like it was great fun. Love your swag purchases.

  28. Wait, you went to a Cat Fest and took no photos of these exotic felines? Not even one shot of you allegedly holding a sphynx kitten? Methinks they were ALL made of Lego bricks, LOL!

  29. @ Tundra Bunny -- I thought of taking a photo of the sphynx kitten but it was crowded and everyone wanted to pet it, so I just enjoyed the moment and moved on.

  30. That's a great idea for a festival! On a side note, the Lego cat really looks like our Domino.

  31. Yay! What a great idea! We need a Cat Fest here down south.

  32. Thanks for reminding me to look up when my hometown's cat fest is.

  33. I would love attending a cat festival. What fun!


  34. Wow such a fun event. Thanks for taking along ❤
    Loved how event display cats
    Your shirt is DYNAMIC AND BEAUTIFUL 😍
    Enjoyed the Gary video. Amazing to have cute pet during adventure wow

  35. Oh what fun, Debra! I would love this event. Gary was wonderful!

  36. I wish I wasn't so allergic to cats, because that festival looks like fun!

  37. What a fun event and I too would love to get my paws on some of those more exotic cats, just to know wha they feel like.
    The lego cats are very creative.
    Wow--Gary the Cat is more adventurous than I am. How crazy is that? He likes skiing!


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