Saturday 22 June 2024


Last night the Oilers beat the Panthers 5-1!
Now the series is tied 3-3 and on Monday,
the Oilers will play for the Stanley Cup!

And may
Nike the Greek Goddess of Victory 
smile on them once more!



  1. A thumbs up to Nike your Greek Goddess of Victory statue.

  2. this is SO exciting! this has only happened one by the leafs and i think that was in 1942. please, goddess of hockey, bring the cup back to canada!!!

  3. Why does Stanley have a cup everyone wants? 😳

  4. The Stanley Cup, the only one that needs a whole team to wave it aloft! Let's hope the Oilers come through.

  5. How wonderful. What can we sacrifice to what gods to make it happen?

  6. Okay, okay. The Oilers got lucky. But Jesus works in mysterious ways. He probably wants the Panthers to enjoy their Stanley Cup victory on home turf rather than in the frozen tundra of Alberta. Plus it will be a real stab in the heart for the Oilers to claw their way back from a 3-0 deficit only to fall in Game 7.

    Hopefully there is a blizzard in Edmonton on Monday night. Otherwise there could be rioting. I trust you have good property insurance for your stuff? You might also want to arrange wellness checks for Tundra Bunny and Fundy Blue.

  7. @ Old Lurker -- Well, it DID snow in southern Alberta just last week, so a blizzard in Edmonton may, alas, be possible. Crazy, man, crazy.

  8. I lived in Edmonton for a few years, and would sometimes get to watch the Oilers practice at W. E. Mall rink. My guy was a hockey player and would go to a rink at 4 am to play with friends as that was when it was available. I scooted around stiffly on ice, but my guy could hold me up as he was such a strong skater.
    and the metallic watercolor paints are a set of 10 from Finetec... really good

  9. @ LA Paylor (LeeAnna) -- So cool that you used to live in Edmonton! I was just recently watching some skaters at the WEM ice rink. I can't skate worth a damn myself, so I haven't been on skates since 1978.

  10. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you!

  11. awe hurry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    congratulations for the win of your favorite team dear Debra :)))
    i am soooo happy for you
    love !

  12. I've just googled The Oilers and from some of the comments I now know that they are your favourite hockey team. Congratulations to them, I hope they go from strength to strength. Your goddess is impressive :-)

  13. Yes! I was cheering them on last night, Debra! I didn't know the story behind "La Bamba," although you likely do. It's really heartwarming and poignant. The Oilers had a super fan and locker attendant, Joey Moss, who had Down syndrome. He loved to sing and dance to "La Bamba" during team festivities like their Christmas party. Sadly Moss died in 2022, and the Oilers honored him by adopting "La Bamba" as their celebratory song. And now the Oilers chant, "Play La Bamba, baby!" It sure beats throwing rats on the ice! I hope to sing and chant on Monday night. May the victory goddess on your altar work her magic!

  14. iPara bailar La Bamba!

    The Oilers have been on fire for the last three games! GOOOOOOO OILERS!!! Bring the Cup back to Canada!!!

    I'm almost scared to watch, but can't look away. I hope they CRUSH Florida!

    Woo Hoo!

  15. I thought of you last night when I read the news ~ knew you would be smiling this morning!!
    Good luck!

  16. Yay! I definitely won’t be able to watch! Too hard on the nerves!

  17.'s too hot far me to think about hockey. It once was a winter sport, wasn't it?

  18. Ah, the complacency of a 3-0 lead. Whoops!

  19. Hello Debra, I am not involved with any of these teams, so you can have my cheers by proxy.

  20. Yay! You sent me an Oilers bookmark years ago. I will put it next to the TV for luck!

  21. @ Kay G. -- You still have it? I'm impressed!

  22. Family in Edmonton was excited about the Oilers game. I live in Florida, and had no clue there was ice hockey team. Anyway, congratulations!

    We'll coming for a wedding in Oct. Hopefully, it won't be so cold :-) The last time was a wedding in Feb! Brrr.

  23. @ mvmaithai -- Yes, everyone in Edmonton has Oilers Fever right now, LOL! October can be a very lovely autumn month here in Alberta. Or we could have snow. It's a toss up. But I hope you get the NICE weather while you're here again!

  24. HOLY CRAPOLY, the Oilers are going to Game 7! I hope they take the Alberta Rat Patrol with them to clean out the Panthers for good.... GO OILERS!!

  25. If not for you and Nike, none of this would hav happened. :) Congratulations!


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