Monday 8 July 2024

My One-Item Bucket List

I've never really maintained a formal bucket list. It's just not my style. Oh sure, there are things I'd like to experience and places I'd like to go. Maybe they'll happen and maybe they won't. I don't get too bent out of shape about it. Que sera sera, that's what I say. And I have already done some bucket-worthy things and gone on some bucket-worthy trips, so it's not like I'm deprived or anything.

But secretly, I do have ONE item on my bucket list.

I would love to see Wagner's operatic epic Der Ring des Nibelungen (usually referred to as "the Ring Cycle") performed live. It consists of four very long, very German operas based on Germanic-Norse folklore that is massive in scale and epic in subject-matter. The Ring Cycle concerns nothing less than Greed, Betrayal, Heroism and the Downfall of The Gods. Tolkien stole its basic plot to write The Lord of the Rings but left out all the gods and stuck in wizards and hobbits instead.

Yes, I've seen various Ring Cycle productions on film or heard recordings of them. And they're great! But I'd love to see a live production, which is not terribly easy to do without paying for major travel and tickets purchased often years in advance.

However, The Gods (or someone like them)* have smiled on me recently! My city's own Edmonton Opera has decided to stage a Ring Cycle! There will be one opera of the Cycle performed each year over the next four years. The operas will be scaled-down versions, with a lot of the blah-blah-blah parts omitted, but still with the basic plots and all the famous musical parts intact. This will make the operas easier and less expensive to stage and at the same time, more palatable to the Younger Audience (Millennials and Gen Z, not us old Boomers) that the Opera Biz is trying so desperately to attract for the future.

Hey, that's good enough for me! I often say anyway that the Great Classics of every old art form usually need a serious editor (I'm looking at YOU, Shakespeare, Dickens and Melville) so why shouldn't Wagner be subject to some judicious pruning as well?

In May, Edmonton Opera performed the first opera of the Ring Cycle -- Das Rheingold.  I'll tell you about it in my next post. I know you will all be on pins and needles until then, right? Right?

But in the meantime, here's a question for you. Answers on a postcard please**

*   phrase shamelessly stolen from Dr Spo of Spo-Reflections

** phrase blatantly stolen from John Gray of Going Gently


  1. ...I have no bucket list, but a long list of places that I'd like to see. Most of which I will never see.

  2. Interesting - I have not heard about this opera. Hopefully they don't change it to much for the younger generations like have it performed on skateboards or virtually or with influencers performing key roles. I have no buckets list - just happy to go with whatever and wherever life takes me.

  3. Never had a bucket list...if I did, opera would not be on it. Like you, I've done some things and been some places, but I'll be content to get to the ocean once again this September.

  4. How exciting for you!!!! I never thought I was an opera person till an ex, the professor took me to one. Everyone should experience an opera at least once.

    Like you I don't really have or keep a bucket list. I'm to spur of the moment but what was/is on my bucket list, are often trips to more obscure places I'd say. Run of the mill place like cities where everyone goes are often not on my list, but not that I wouldn't want to see them. They are just further down.

  5. No bucket list here. Time in nature is all I want, as long as I can do it.

    A friend of ours attended that first opera and loved it too.

  6. i really liked your first para ,it seemed my words in your mouth :)

    in the corner of my heart there lives a mild harmless gentle wish of traveling such as Japan ,China Turkey Spain and some Russian countries. i know it's is impossible but still what is harm in dreaming :)
    in your case it seems that Universe as brought your dream closer to turn into reality for you Wow :) miracle happens Congrats my precious Debra !

  7. I do love opera, but this Ring is a bit too much; even Carlos, who is a huge opera fan, shies away from the Ring Cycle.

    My Bucket List? Be happy.

  8. I imagine shorter operas might be suitable for Boomers as well, given bathroom breaks and such. But now you have something to look forward to for the next three years!

    Did you ever make that road trip to pee on your former coworker's grave? That sounds like a second item for the bucket list.

  9. Enjoy the shows.
    Bucket list? Scotland, see the house my grandmother was born in, hot air balloon ride, visit Japan.

  10. @ Old Lurker -- I'd forgotten about my little revenge fantasy, LOL! Man, do you have a photographic memory or what? So yeah, I guess I have TWO items on my bucket list now.

  11. My everyday bucket list is 'make it to tomorrow'.

    That first * was hard to find. You hid behind a ).

  12. No bucket list for me. I just wish I knew how much longer I will be alive so I could plan my budget...

  13. Well, my bucket has a hole in it! LOL No list and I will not fly anywhere! So, I travel to faraway and exotic places via bloggers ... today I am in Rio with Steve Reed and Dave! Saves me a boatload of money and panic attacks!!
    Just staying cool and hydrated in S. Colorado!!

  14. I'm so happy for you! (I have no idea what any of this is, but it's YOUR thing!)

    I also don't have a bucket list per se, but I do want to get to Canada one day and see some of its highlights!

  15. Like so many of your commenters (a content bunch, it seems!) I don't have a true bucket list. I've been some places and seen some things and lived a lot, so... it's all good. One thing I would like to do but probably won't ever manage is to walk part of the Camino de Santiago. Not for religious purposes but for the meditative aspect. I suppose I could substitute another long, thoughtful walk.

    Enjoy your Ring Cycle!

  16. It sounds a bit too much but maybe the edited version would be okay.
    A Bucket List? Nothing springs to mind. I am boring!

  17. I’m not a believer in bucket lists. Have I failed if I die before I get everything done? I just do bucket-worthy things and TRY and take life as it comes. Life throws a lot of curve balls.

    That’s exciting about the Ring Cycle. I couldn’t sit through the whole thing and this series sounds like something I’d enjoy.

  18. **Sit with a gorilla and chipanzees. I so wanted to "sign" with Koko but she's gone now so I missed that opportunity.
    I've done most on my bucket list believe it or not.
    **Win a very large lottery.

  19. No bucket list for me. I'm not even sure where I left my bucket.

  20. My bucket list involves taking photos of beautiful places, wherever I go. I shall have to work on that. Bloom where you are planted:)

  21. I don't have a bucket list. Too much potential angst involved.

  22. I'm not a fan of the (ugly name) list. To me life's now,not some time in the future anyway. I suspect these concepts originated in travel agencies catering to boomers!

    I have had to travel, life, work, and found it disturbing. Most of my travel is mental and/or art making. I guess I'm pretty dull.

    My mom loved the opera and theater, would buy standing room tickets, couldn't afford seats!

  23. Love!
    The idea of going to the Opera is so fab!

    And my bucket list?
    I guess traveling? Anywhere outside the US to be honest... LOL


  24. I do have a bucket list of sorts.
    Most of it has to do with traveling and exploring other places.

    Since I haven't been able to travel in 14 years, I am anxious to get at that again.
    Hike in the desert.
    See Waterfalls.
    See Iceland.

    Simple stuff.

  25. I think we had to read that epic saga in university. I wish I could remember it!
    I don't know if I have a 'must do/see' on the proverbial bucket list. Nothing quite springs to mind...hmmm...

  26. Edmonton Opera? Those are two words that I didn't know go together. Love that you're able to take in this exciting cultural experience, SWS. Woohoo.

    I don't have a formal bucket list either. There's a national park I didn't get to in my recent escapade. I suppose that's the one item on my non-official bucket list now.

    Cheers and keep enjoying.

  27. I used to have a bucket list but can't do now what I would have wanted to do when I made that list. I did get most of it done, but I still have four more things I want to do. I'll have to write about it on my blog sometime later.

  28. My bucket list is long and huge. But I just focus on the moment more lol Realistically

  29. I'm going through my bucket list and doing things which I can now.

  30. Hello Debra, I agree with you about "bucket lists" but the phrase has become so common. I am glad for you for achieving this desire, but if I did have a list, one of the things on it would be avoiding Wagner. Not that I have anything against opera or trained singers (you may recall I have done a few posts on classical singers), but Wagner--YUCK!
    One problem with bucket lists is that very often we don't know what our interests and opportunities will be like in the future, so it is impossible to plan too much in advance.

  31. @ Parnassus (Jim) -- Yes, when it comes to Wagner's music, people either love it or hate it! I respect both sides, LOL!

  32. It's lovely you've identified something that will fulfill a want and have taken steps to make it happen.

  33. No bucket list for me..... If I haven't done it by now it's not going to get done. Not that I have done everything I want to do. I just have to be satisfied with what I've done and let the rest go.... I'm really not in to traveling anymore..
    So glad that you will be able to hear/see the Ring don't even have to go out of your way to make it happen..Enjoy!!

  34. Dunstan SkinnerTuesday, July 09, 2024

    Congratulations on having Wagner be your bucket list - to be achieved in the next couple of years. I have no bucket list and perhaps I should.

    I have a recording of the Ring cycle and I listen to it every couple of years. I'm envious of you and I hope you find it delicious from the first note to last

  35. Are you seeing it in the original German or an English translation ?
    I have a bucket list. Must blog today about one items anniversary today.
    Liz covers them too. I have seen auroras and 3 volcanoes blow. Havent seen Oberammargau though, only runs once per decade.

  36. @ Ola phat Stu -- The operas are being sung in German, but an English translation is broadcast digitally on an electronic runner sign on the stage. Subtitles, essentially!

  37. It's great that such a different opera will be staged in your city!
    I'm sure you'll enjoy it, we'll definitely find out from your future post!
    I definitely have America and Japan on my list, but I don't really care if I go! I am very happy that in this period of my life I was simply given free time, it is something magical for me!
    Have a great day Debra!

  38. How cool to be able to see your opera in person. The smaller the bucket list is, the bigger the "check" is when you reach it!

    I have a bit of a wavering bucket list. I want to photograph autumn trees in the eastern U.S. and the Aspens in Colorado...or not.

    There are things I think "how nice it would be if...." but I don't make plans for those things because in the end of it, I'm pretty content! I think I've got a huge bunch of "checks" already!

  39. My bucket list? So many of my dreams have come true I'm and I'm a little-things guy. Sitting on our sunny deck with a cold drink in the breeze. Awesome. Trip to Ireland where it rained every day (last summer). Awesome. Grandkids. Awesome. Tuna and pickles. Awesome. Your post today. Awesome.

  40. Debra, here is Ole Phat Stu again.

    Starting on 17th october 2024, there will be a movie released called
    Hagen – Im Tal der Nibelungen
    The official trailer is now on YouTube at
    But I dont know when/if it will appear for release in English.

    Just thought you might like to know in advance.

  41. @ Ole Phat Stu -- Thanks so much for the info about the upcoming Hagen movie. I went to the link but alas, the video is not authorized to play in Canada so I couldn't watch it. Perhaps someday I will able to see it in translation or with subtitles. Until then, I'll just have to wait for Hagen's villainous turn in "Twilight of the Gods."

  42. I hope you enjoy both of your Bucket List items, Debra. I don't have a formal list. I've had dreams realized, like visiting Moorea last year. I'm at that point in life when I don't know what the future may hold or how much future I have left. I'm happy to curl up on the couch with Terry and watch something on tv with him. At this point every new adventure is a gift, but not nearly as important as time with the people I love.

  43. Debra pleased you got to see that wonderful opera.
    As for my bucket list, I just want to be healthy and enjoy life and then die very quickly with little pain.
    Peggy xxxx

  44. Darling I have seen several Ring Cycles and I love them so.
    It is not live but see if you can see the MET doing theirs on what they call The Machine.
    Did I ever tell you if I could sing opera it would be Wotan?

  45. @ Ur-spo -- Oh yes, I have watched the DVDs of Robert Lepage's MET production of the Ring Cycle. Musically, I love that particular production and often play the MET CD collection of its highlights. In terms of its staging on "The Machine," however, I'm not a fan. The Machine has its (rare) moments of awesomeness but mainly I found it to be awkward and surprisingly visually boring over the course of those very long operas. As a Canadian who is proud of Robert Lepage's international reputation for freshness and inventiveness in the arts, I was disappointed that was the best he could come up with.

    1. Directors have a field day staging The Ring. Anything goes There have been some doozies


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