Wednesday 21 August 2024

Guess Who I Met? Part One

Debra She Who Seeks: Hello everyone! So far in 2024, I've had the pleasure of meeting two blogging buddies in person! Part One today is about the first meetup and Part Two on Friday is about the second, so be sure to come back for that post too.

Her Royal Highness the Cat: Of course, the BIGGEST THRILL for both of them was to meet ME, GLORIOUS ME!

DSWS: First I met Allen Hingston of The Blog Fodder. He came to Edmonton at Easter to visit his son, daughter-in-law and adorable little grandson, so I went over and had coffee with him! It was great to sit and chat about so many things. I heard about his career in Saskatchewan, how he met his wife Tanya in Ukraine and got married, and how they had to flee the war to come back to Canada for their safety.


DSWS: We had lots of blogging stuff to talk about too, plus our shared love of noir detective fiction and bad puns.

HRH: But then YOU had to go and pick a FIGHT with him about the Edmonton Elks and the Saskatchewan Roughriders, didn't you? You just COULDN'T leave that football club rivalry alone, could you?

DSWS: . . . . . . . what?

HRH: I'm in despair about your LACK OF PEOPLE SKILLS, I really am. GOOD THING I was there to step BETWEEN you two before things got UGLY.

DSWS: What the hell are you talking about? Nothing like that happened!

HRH: Don't lie to your readers! I have PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF of the intervention I had to perform to SAVE THE DAY! Take a look --

DSWS: Oh for gawd's sake, get some decent photoshop skills, willya? That photo is so obviously fake!

HRH: You think you're SO CLEVER, Miss Smarty Pants! I know that in the comments Allen will confirm MY story about you picking a fight with him. Just wait and see! JUST WAIT AND . . . .


  1. I wouldn't ever mess with HRH!

  2. OMG. This is so fun and SO funny!! HRH is such a bitch, causing all sorts of drama. ;)
    I love meeting up with blog friends too---and have yet to have a confrontation such as this one that HRH fabricated.

  3. Sounds like a nice get together! HRH is wacky! Fun post!

  4. HRH isn't a bitch! She is a molly, who sometimes ("sometimes") acts like a bitch.

    Having said that I find myself sympathetic to HRH's despair. Wearing a Washington Capitals jersey to a blogger meetup? Oh dear.

  5. It sounds like a case of [s]he said/she said. I suppose the truth will come out in a future post?

  6. OK. I’m watching the comments to see if Allen backs up YOUR questionable version. Are these alternative facts... fake news... taken out of context?

  7. LOL ... that is just too funny and HRH throwing a hissssy fit!

  8. Oh Hr is being unjust i believe
    I am thrilled every time i hear that a blogging friend met another blogging friend: )
    Happy you got this chance twice dear Debra πŸ€—

  9. Haha. Someone has to keep defending the Elks, though.
    Glad you had a fun meetup. As far as HRH, well, that level of narcissism is rather insufferable. Bless you for your tolerance.

  10. Allen has an interesting blog.

    I've met 5.

    1. Counting the two bloggers I've met this year, I have now met ten over the nearly 16 years that I've been blogging. Always a good time!

  11. Next time I’m in the states next time xx

  12. OMG fun!
    For a hot minute we were trying to make a Blogger meetup happen here in the States but it fell through. I think the pandemic happened??
    I swear, if I go to Canada, I will make sure I drop by your neck of the woods!!


  13. HRH needs to get between a lot of folks these days! LOL!

  14. Hi, Debra. It was so nice to meet another blogger. Never let the truth get inthe way of a good story. HRH is the best. I will start blogging again this fall. This summer had been crazy. Fighting with IRCC and doctoring. If I were a car I would jack up the radiator cap and drive a new vehicle underneath. Old age is catching up. If it works it hurts. If it doesnt hurt it doesnt work. Went to Saskatoon for McGinty's s econd birthday. Will send pictures. Walked Lucky to the dog park almost every day.

  15. @ The Blog Fodder -- I'm glad you'll be blogging again in the fall! Your comments about aging remind me of that line about aging from Leonard Cohens "Tower of Song" lyrics -- "I ache in the places where I used to play." Yes, it's always fun to meet a blogging buddy!

  16. How nice that you had a lovely meet & greet. I've met a few blogging friends in person and made sweet, sweet love with one of them. Those were the days. I've also talked to some bloggers on the phone but haven't met them in person. Some of the people I trust the most are my long-term blogging friends.


    1. @ Janie Junebug -- Well, I must say, Janie, I've never gotten THAT close with a blogging buddy, lol -- way to go! Is he the "Maxwell" you address blog posts to sometimes?

  17. When I first read the title I thought, Cap (Chris Evans).

    It is fun to meet bloggers though. Very cool.

    1. @ The Happy Whisk -- Hahahahaha, if I ever did meet Chris Evans, my sister would die of envy!

  18. You're going to have to sneak out of the house while HRH is asleep.

  19. It's all kicking off up there in Canada!

  20. I stop by blog fodder.
    I haven't yet meant a blogger in person.

  21. Never a dull moment with HRH telling the tale! But, seriously, was that Caps shirt photoshopped? You're going to lose your Oilers cred, woman!

  22. You can rely on HRH to tell the truth I find.

  23. Congrats. So awesome that you have met a fellow blogger in person. I have talked to a few but never have we shared the same physical space.

  24. @ e -- Wait, wait, I can EXPLAIN! Yes, it's a Washington Capitals tee but I only have it because the player's name and number on the back belong to the only NHL hockey player who has my surname. At the time, he played for the Caps.

  25. Hilarious! You're so funny, Debra!


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