Monday 26 August 2024

My Olympic Pet Peeve

I really enjoyed watching the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics. For two weeks, my TV setting scarcely left the CBC channel (the official Olympic network in Canada). It was like the "olden days" 60 years ago of being a kid growing up in a small prairie town in the middle of nowhere when the CBC was literally our one and only available TV channel, lol.

However, I have one major pet peeve about the Olympics -- all those #!@*&% athletes biting their #!@*&% medals! Gawd, I wish that hackneyed gesture would go the way of the dodo bird! By the end of the two weeks coverage, I was ready to put my foot through the TV screen every time I saw another athlete perform that stupid ritual.

In case you don't know why that gesture occurs, here's the background. Historically, tradespeople from long ago would bite gold coins to test their authenticity, since a comparatively soft metal like gold is susceptible to small dents or scratches from being bitten, unlike "fake gold coins" made of harder, inferior metals. Today, this biting gesture is an anachronism, of course. There is now very little actual gold in "gold" medals. However, the ritual is still performed by many athletes (regardless of whether their medal is gold, silver or bronze). It is, apparently, often done at the behest of photographers who see it as an iconic pose, no matter how clichéd it is.

Okay, rant over. At least for another two years until the 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics in Italy.


  1. Did anyone break any teeth in the biting ritual?

  2. Thank you for that rant. It drives me crazy, too. And, yes, it’s mostly the photographers. AND... who knows where that thing has been?!?

  3. ...the Olympics seems to be about money these days.

  4. The Winter Olympics are a favourite in our house but the athletes did so well this summer!

  5. For me, anyone who wins an Olympic medal can do anything they want! Way back the first person I ever saw bite a trophy was Nadal.

  6. I don't recall seeing it happen that much. I should pay closer attention!

  7. First comment made me laugh because reading about bitting medals gave me same thought and my teeth felt scratchy lol
    Olympics lots of excitement come in the mind 😀

  8. Everyone is entitled to a pet peeve. Now we know yours.

  9. Having read that medals are tarnishing/flaking off already, I'm surprise the biters haven't come down with lead poisoning.

  10. That is kind of a dumb thing to do, like being ungrateful for winning the metal unless it is real gold,

  11. How did the creator of that ranting gif steal my image? That's what I look like several times a day and I should receive remuneration! 🤭

  12. I am also a dedicated watcher of the Olympics and I share your peeve!
    I did like the new 'ringing the bell' for the winners of the track and field events.

  13. I didn't watch the Olympics but I saw the photos of the medal biting all over the place. It annoys the hell out of me.


  14. I can't agree more. By the second week I was imaging all those winners going home with chipped teeth and a little bit afraid that my thoughts were manifesting those chipped teeth.
    We watched daily and were blown away by the speed climbing events. Made me think that there really could be a Spiderman!

  15. Hahaha
    I actually watched that segment where the one girl just did what the others two did! She was at a loss!!


  16. having a background in dentistry, i say bite that gold and then visit me!!! mucho money!

  17. A valid rant. If nothing else, may they look back at the pictures in fifty years and think, "What an idiot!"

  18. It can't be good for the teeth.

  19. The gold is actually just gold plate. If they put a little dint into it, it will start to come off. So it really is idiotic to do it.
    Yes the photographers ask them to do it. I agree it’s silly

  20. Yep! Never understood that either.


  21. Intriguing. I didn't watch the Olympics, but considering some of the medals, allegedly, are already showing signs of deterioration, perhaps that it's not out of date that people are saying it is.

  22. I totally agree. Biting the medal is ridiculous and so rude.

  23. That is so weird! I watched quite a bit of the olympics, but only saw a few medal ceremonies; luckily I missed the biting of the medals part. Yuck.

  24. Yes, it is kind of annoying.. I guess it's done for show! I thought the Olympics were well done. I don't think California is going to come close if the preview was any clue...

  25. I've been wondering about that ever since I saw a few photos of the winners. Thanks for clearing it up but still, it seems like a stupid gesture. If the medals were made of chocolate, it would make more sense.

    Have a lovely day

  26. Hilarious gif at the end, Debra! I hadn't noticed them biting their medals, but then I have tunnel vision.


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