Saturday 31 August 2024

Omega-3, Orville Peck, and Lost in Space

Cue The Excitement!
I braved Costco this week to buy a big honkin' bottle of fish oil pills. Yes, this is what "Retired Life" is like, folks!

Who's That Masked Man?
I've also been busy listening to Orville Peck's latest album of duets, Stampede. Here's his duet with Willie Nelson. I love the two-stepping lesbians in the video, especially the sexy butch with the Mayan nose. Rowrr!

News Story of the Week
I feel bad for those two NASA astronauts who were supposed to remain at the International Space Station for a short 8-day stay which, due to Boeing's faulty spacecraft transport, morphed first into an 80-day extension, and now will require a further 180-day stay until they can be brought home to Earth next year in a rival SpaceX vehicle.


  1. Orville and Willy make me love country. May the goddesses bless them both.

  2. Those Omega 3's look familiar ... like the ones in our cupboard!
    Orville is a hottie with a sexy voice, yes please.
    Boeing is having a no good awful very bad horrible year.

  3. Love the song! I’ve been taking omega-3 for years. That’s how old I am!

  4. Did the have the jumbo bottles of ibuprofen? I traded messages the other day, with a cousin who works for Boeing on the Starliner project, oh the embarrassment.

  5. ...thanks for the introduction to Orville Peck. Boeing is TOO BIG to fail. Be well and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. That video was great! Sooo true. About the astronauts, what have they been eating? Are they tired of knitting? Are they texting a lot? Can they vote?

  7. To be in space, let alone, LOST in space is just so hard to imagine. Of course, these folk are trained well for their journey, but I would probably crack up if it were me up there.

  8. The astronauts are on the ISS, so they are with other folks up there, floating around the heavens! I wonder if they will be able to report seeing any UFOs or if our government will tell them to keep quiet!!

  9. So that's who Orville Peck is. I saw him as a judge once on Drag Race and didn't recognize him as a celebrity, which is what the judges usually are. I'm not holding my breath those astronauts will ever be rescued and, if by some miracle they are, will they still be sane.

  10. I'd be pissed if I was stuck in space because of Boeing's mistakes.
    I love that song, thanks for reminding me. And Costco, I let my membership lapse and I am thankful for that.

  11. The astronauts aren't lost...they know exactly where they are, have friends, and the greatest view of our planet anywhere.

  12. I don't mind gong into Costco during the week, but avoid it with my whole being on the weekends.

  13. I love that song, and the dancing is pretty sexy! I don't have too much trouble going to the Costco nearest to me. I'll even go on the weekend. My city has another Costco. My son and I went there once and left within five minutes because it was so crazy.


  14. Haha, we should do that and all get into those ape costumes!

  15. My dad used to have a spoon of cod liver oil once a week in winter. I would sometimes have one too, and, believe it or not, I still actually like the stuff. I always chew omega 3 capsules.

  16. Being away from home that long, yikes. That's one big honkin' bottle.

  17. Fish oil is my essential supplement daily

  18. When I heard about the astronauts I felt for them. I’d be up there wondering if they were ever going to be able to bring them home I hope they have ample supplies to last them So scary

  19. I can't fathom those poor astronauts situation. I know they are working but if there are any two people that need a drink it's them!

  20. I'm sorry for the stranded astronauts. A bit worried, too.

  21. Love that Willie is an ally. As for that Omega-3 Fish Oil, despite the name that's right above it, I have no connection with that company.

  22. Very good move to buy fish oil,
    I think it helps the body a lot!
    It's really shocking that astronauts will stay in space this long!! Have a beautiful month Debra!

  23. I'm doing fish oil twice a day at the request of my heart doctor.

  24. Be careful about buying large quantities of Omega-3 capsules as most brands are already rancid by the time they hit store shelves according to CBC Marketplace investigations....

    1. @ Tundra Bunny -- Rancid or not, the deed is done!

  25. Look at Willie Nelson---I love that duet.
    I keep forgetting to take my fish oil; this moving stuff has got to end! HA.
    Those poor astronauts. Damn, but that meme is pretty funny.

  26. oh, that fish oil! I have been avoiding it for decades. And yes, the Boeing fiasco is something else. I hope they come back safely.

  27. We should all periodically ask ourselves, what would Willie Nelson do?
    Also: that really is the ultimate prank. Thumbs way up to that idea.

  28. Bravo for the fish oil pills my friend, i realize how important they are in this part of age, hope not much late to the club
    Such embarrassment for the responsibie space company
    Voice of the singer is really something appealing, thanks for sharing

  29. That last one made me smile !

  30. OMG, the last one! I do feel sorry for the stranded astronauts. Beyond inconvenient.


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