Tuesday 17 September 2024

September Full Moon Altar: Sarasvati

This month's altar honours Sarasvati, Hindu goddess of Creativity and Learning. Her name means "the flowing one," evoking both the creative flow of inspiration and also purification by sacred water. Her gifts to humankind are especially associated with communication in all its forms -- poetry, literature, oratory, music, languages, mathematics, etc.

On her altar, Sarasvati is surrounded by books of poetry and goddess lore, a paint brush with tubes of paint, and a rosewood recorder. She is flanked on each side by ever-changing lotus devotional lamps displaying a sequence of bright fibre-optic colours.

I found my statue of Sarasvati many years ago at West Edmonton Mall. All the other items are personal items of mine. This month I am starting more art classes and some poetry workshops as well, so I invoke Sarasvati's assistance!

[Photos © Debra She Who Seeks, 2024]


  1. Hello Debra, I am all for goddesses who encourage culture. I am sure you know that I am wondering the make of that beautiful recorder. I have a rosewood one here by Dolmetsch, but the wood is not as luminous as yours.

    1. @ Parnassus (Jim) -- It's an Ariel recorder made by Zamir, an Israeli company which was bought out by Gill abour 20 years ago. Their Ariels were direct copies of the Moeck Rottenburg design. The first wooden recorder I ever had was a Moeck and I loved it so!

    2. Hello again, Oh, yes, Moecks are great recorders. I have a Moeck in Cleveland, but it is a light-colored wood like maple. It plays well, but is not as attractive as your Ariel! --Jim

  2. ...keep expanding your arts.

  3. I hope you'll include music in your fall plans, too. That's a lovely recorder.

    1. @ Boud -- Thank you! I am hampered in my playing right now because I cannot see sheet music due to my cataracts. I'm hoping that situation will resolve itself once I have the surgery (sometime within the next year or two, my ophthalmologist tells me).

  4. Ohhh love!
    Have never heard of her, but I'm all for creativity and learning!


    P.S. good luck with the ophthalmologist!

  5. You cannot imagine how pleasantly surprised I am to see Saraswati on your blog. She is my favourite goddess!! Now I want to share my Saraswati's image too. :)

    1. @ How do we know -- Yes, isn't she a MARVELOUS goddess! I hope you do share your Saraswati image on your blog! I would love to see that!

  6. Another lovely altar. How do you decide each month which goddess to include?

    1. @ Kathy G -- Thank you! Sometimes I tie the chosen goddess to a holiday that month, sometimes I just pick a goddess who is overdue for her moment in the spotlight, and sometimes inspiration just strikes out of the blue, who knows why?

  7. I might have to invoke Saraswati. This is another especially beautiful altar.

  8. oooo dee mum loves dee lotus lampz!!! can't wait to look at dee moon tonite

    1. @ Gidget Blue Sky -- Tell your mum I got the lotus lamps on Amazon!

  9. This month's full moon has knocked my socks off. Guess it is because of Sarasvati

  10. What a rich and fulsome altar, so perfect for the harvest season. Sarasvati is gorgeous and looks pleased with all of the symbols of your creative life. May she bestow the creative flow on all aspects of your muse.

    Also, that shop at the West Edmonton Mall was a treasure trove!

    1. @ e -- Yes, it's amazing how much quality goddess and spiritual items I managed to find at WEM over the years, the last place you'd expect to find such stuff, LOL!

  11. When I saw that full moon 🌕 last night, my first thought was, I wonder what the altar will look like!
    As usual, I am not disappointed! It is beautiful and so is the goddess!

  12. I love this altar and your personal items associated with creativity. Your recorder is beautiful.


  13. Amazon does have some beautiful unusual items.

  14. Tonight there is supposed to be a super moon and a moon eclipse.

  15. Tonight's full moon is a Harvest Moon, apparently. No idea what that is or how is it different from other full moons, but I love the name.

  16. It is so interesting to learn about her

  17. Ah, the many-armed goddess. I've seen many statues and pictures of her over the years, but never knew her name.

  18. One of my favorite alters! The changing lotus devotional lamps are a nice touch, they make me happy for some reason.

  19. Love this, so interesting. She's beautiful. I like how you make everything appropriate.

  20. So many great Gods and Goddess out there.

  21. I continually learn cool things from you.

  22. So which of all of them is your alter ego?

    1. @ The Blog Fodder -- My only alter ego is HRH, lol!

    2. If I could over ride autocorrect, it should have been altar ego.

  23. Thank you for this. I wasn't sure why I got a surge of creative productivity lately. Now I believe Sarasvati's likely been with me. She's beautiful.
    I'm happy for your dive into more art and poetry classes.

  24. i am familiar with her through indian movies and shows
    she looks elegant
    i admire how beautifully you presented her qualities
    flow is one of the most divine among them

  25. Have fun with your classes..I hope she helps..I'm not so sure you need it..

  26. As an artist of both painting and clay I'm ashamed I wasn't aware of Saraswati. I will befriend her now. Thanks for sharing! With a record of 16 years of interesting and successful blogging, I would say she shines on you with many blessings.


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