Thursday 5 September 2024

Thursday Art Date with Rain -- "Wings"

Here's my contribution to today's art prompt at

Last year I did this
butterfly on a flower
in pen and ink.

Then I decided to add a watercolour wash to it.
I wish now that I'd made the flower a 
different colour, though.

It's too "matchy-matchy" with the butterfly
and detracts attention from it. The butterfly
should be the focal point of the drawing, I think.

Oh well, live and learn!

[Art and photos of art © Debra She Who Seeks, 2023]


  1. It is beautiful the way you did it, Debra. Love it!

  2. ..."matchy-matchy" or not, it what you would find in nature.

  3. I agree about the color of the butterfly, but it’s all beautifully done.

  4. GREAT drawing. It's pretty in yellow but... I use watercolor too and learned a pale wash in another color, or drops in another color will always be accepted, it never really sets. If you're not happy with the finished piece of course, yours is dynamic

  5. The pen and ink version is my favorite!

  6. Ohh
    Love the pen and ink version, but the color one is beautiful. And I don't see it too matchy-matchy...
    But you're the artist, so....


  7. So delicate! You've got a steady hand.

  8. I'm always so impressed with your artwork. Once you drew the flower type, the colour was almost decided as well. You could have done pink, like an echinacea but most flowers that shape are yellow or white.

    1. @ Pixie -- You know your flowers! Its colour in the original photo was pink, so it must be echinacea.

  9. I don't know. I think a butterfly would like a matching flower to camouflage it. Like your lady and enormous bee on the right.

  10. It still looks pretty darn awesome. Nicely done, Debra.

  11. I like the "matchy-matchy", dear Debra. It looks very harmonious. And the butterfly is VERY GOOD to see, no question about it!
    All the best, Traude

  12. I love both of them but I see what you mean you could make the butterfly monarch and put a little orange wash on it or make the coneflower orange? Excellent drawing..

  13. I love it. We are always our worst, and hardest critics

  14. Oh they're both good, so good. And I don't see the matchy-matchy. Love it.

  15. Lovely. I know butterflies are summery, but these colours are quite autumnal. Maybe that is just me being obsessed with the season.

  16. It's a bit matchy-matchy but it looks good. I'm always impressed by your talent. Perhaps you could recolor the flower digitally? I actually prefer the black and white more.

    Have a lovely day.

  17. It's not too matchy matchy! I love that yellow butterfly! What a great color!

  18. Go over the dark lines on the petals with dark white.

  19. I like it - It's so monochromatic

  20. Not too matchy-matchy at all; instead, I think it highlights the synergy between the two subjects. Impressive!

  21. It's a beautiful drawing and wash, Debra! There was a piece of art in our hotel room at the Wynn. Only part of it was painted, the rest left sketched with a charcoal pencil. The flower is a strong, heavy element when compared with the delicacy of the butterfly. Maybe only washing the butterfly would have made the flower less compelling. But then I'm not an artist ~ lol! Your growth as an artist has been inspiring, my friend!

  22. Well, butterflies DO sometimes land on similarly colored flowers, so it's not necessarily an unrealistic depiction.

  23. I am Stunned with your Splendid art each time my wonderfully Talented friend!!!
    This is Breathtaking wow❤❤❤

  24. The artwork is exceptional. When I saw the butterfly, I pictured it as orange like the Monarch, then I saw your yellow version and liked that too. Actually I think it is beautiful as is ... don't you? Great job, Debra ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  25. lovely! At first I thought the first one was a photo.

  26. Without going through a five month backlog, have you got any sketches to inspire Rick O'Shea?

    1. @ The Blog Fodder -- Alas, no, I haven't posted anything "noir-ish" for awhile.


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