Tuesday 26 May 2009

Duomo di Orvieto Infiltrated!

Secret Goddess Agent "L" has raised the bar for all of us who work in Her Divine Secret Service by infiltrating a second cathedral during her trip to Italy! The magnificent 14th century cathedral (duomo) in Orvieto (between Rome and Florence) now has a small figurine of the Great Goddess of Willendorf within its walls, making the entire church sacred to the Divine Feminine. In a daring act of infiltration, Secret Goddess Agent "L" placed the Goddess inside a sculpture of a house topped by Jesus wearing his crown of thorns.

Her work complete, Secret Goddess Agent "L" came home to Edmonton to well-deserved accolades and admiration for her stellar work. She is a true Daughter of the Goddess!

[photo courtesy of Secret Goddess Agent "L"]


  1. Agent 'L' is truly an inspiration to us all, I wonder where else we can reinstate the power of the Goddess?

  2. Any Secret Goddess Agent out there who wants to reclaim a local church or cathedral for the Divine Feminine should do so and then post about it on her blog. We could start an international movement!!


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