Monday 25 May 2009

Vatican Infiltrated Again!

With her masterful espionage skills, Secret Goddess Agent "L" had no difficulty evading detection as she infiltrated the Vatican. She made her way swiftly to the central bronze canopy under the dome of St. Peter's. A huge marble statue of Pope Leo X caught her eye, surrounded as it was by saintly female goddesses or goddessy female saints, depending on your interpretation. Either way, she knew it was the perfect spot! It was there that Secret Goddess Agent "L" hid a small figurine of the Great Goddess of Willendorf and successfully reclaimed the Vatican for the Divine Feminine.

And at that precise instant, the earth shifted ever so slightly on its axis and a cold chill ran down Pope Benedict's back . . . . 

But was Secret Goddess Agent "L's" mission finished? No, she was just getting started! Details tomorrow.

[photo courtesy of Secret Goddess Agent "L"]


  1. Rofl... this would make good fiction too... did you know I publish Pagan/Heathen eBooks? Hint, Hint! ;)

  2. Oh, stop! You're giving me fantasies of being the next Dan Brown!

  3. My first reader -- thanks, Haley! Can a movie deal be far behind? I'm dreaming big, now!


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