Wednesday 30 September 2009

Personal Revelation # 1

1. I adore Leonard Cohen.

One day when I was about 15, I found a record album called Songs of Love and Hate in our local pharmacy's discount bin. In solidarity with the advancement of Canadian culture [yes, that's how I thought in those days but gimme a break, it was the early 70s], I bought it. My first thought after listening to it was "Geez, this Leonard Cohen guy can't sing worth a shit!" But his song lyrics were very intriguing and I just had to keep listening. Then I started reading his poetry and novels. And I grew to love his music, especially once he got a jazzier sound with more complex instrumentation and percussion, along with fabulous female backup singers to offset his still rather monotonous bass-baritone voice.

As he aged and matured (or perhaps as I aged and matured), I found his music got more spiritual, more political and more humorous. The man's a genius, what can I say? It's beyond me how anyone can think that Leonard Cohen can't sing or that his music is depressing. They're just not listening.


  1. Have you heard, and I am sure you have, Hallelujah.

    Love it.

    Renee xoxo

  2. Oh yes, Renee, Hallelujah is a personal fave! I love k.d. lang's version too.

  3. OMG, yes, and "Suzanne", a 70's anthem. I love Leonard Cohen. Hallelujah gives me chills every time I hear it! He is such a poet.

  4. i owe many things to my friedship with shady lane in austin, texas, but turning me on to leonard cohen is right there at the top..I LOVE HIM...

  5. Whoo hoo - love that one too - geesh I'm old!! Love this idea!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  6. Who cannot love The Man? ... I remember being introduced to his music when I was sixteen ... I think it was "Suzanne" that hooked me ...


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