Thursday 1 October 2009

Personal Revelation # 2

2. I have beheld The World's Largest Perogy.

It's found in the small town of Glendon, Alberta which is a couple of hours north of Edmonton. A few years ago, my Rare One and I made a pilgrimage there to see The World's Largest Perogy and to take in the annual Glendon Perogy Festival. I have the t-shirt to prove it. Also, incriminating photos of me with The Perogy.


  1. OMG - I have to go see this! My Ukranian mother would be so proud of you! I think she's very disappointed I haven't learned how to make these yet!

  2. my friend shady lane is polish and her mother taught her the family perogy recipe...which she passed on to me..i love perogys..they rock..her husband, pure texan calls them pedogies..

  3. I love perogies!!! I lived behind a Polish deli a few years ago in Chicago...they would keep the side door open and you could watch the Polish ladies making them...pillowy potato and cheese filled bites of heaven! GAH! I am hungry!

  4. Perogies! Love them. I haven't had one since I came back to the Maritimes. But in Northern Ontario they are in the Chinese all-you-can-eat buffets. Does this happen anywhere else?

  5. Gosh, I haven't had one in so long, I have forgotten what they taste like. Guess that will be on next week's menu.

  6. You and I both know that perogy should be located in Manitoba.

    Love Renee xoxo

  7. You bring the crowbar, Renee, and I'll supply the flatbed trailer! We'll be halfway across Saskatchewan before they miss it!

  8. My husband and I had our second date over perogies ... I remember at one point feeling like my mouth was glued shut 'cause of the ... well, the sheer *bulk* and numminess of what I had in my mouth ... Interesting to conduct an alluring conversation ... had to wash it all down with lots of wine! :-D


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