Monday 26 October 2009

The Deborah Award!

I am so honoured to receive this blessing from Sarah at Cottage Garden Studios! Thank you so much, dear Sarah, I am very touched by your generosity of spirit.

This award was created by Ces of Ces and Her Dishes to honour her friend Deborah of Midlife Poet -- "poet, friend, not just a mother but a soldier's mother too. Oh, the sleepless nights, the anxiety and worries, yet she is perpetually pleasant and cheerful, kind and gentle, diplomatic and tactful. She exudes courage, hope and faith."

This award honours "friendship . . . there is nothing more wondrous a blessing for anyone than for a friend who came and never left your side."

Now it is my pleasure to pass the Deborah Award on to others. I nominate everyone who is an "official follower" of my blog to receive this friendship award! It is a very special kind of friendship to voluntarily read someone else's thoughts, opinions, hopes, dreams, complaints and assorted mutterings over the course of time . . . and I thank all of you so much for doing so! If you want to accept this award, please post it on your blog and pass it on in turn to your special friends in the blogosphere.


  1. Very well deserved hon!!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  2. Congratulations on the award. You truly do deserve it. So glad that I met you.

  3. I am happy to read all that you have to say.

    Sarah, how I love that girl.

    Love Renee xoxo

  4. Yay you! What a dear presence you've become to so many online.

    I'm still composing a post re: the award you graced me with ... I'm just such a slowpoke ...


  5. Congrats! I love Ces, she is a beautiful spirit and so talented. She finds the beauty in everything.

    much love

  6. cant think of any one that deserves it more.

  7. Congrats on your award - I love your blog - of course you'd receive this!

  8. Congrats!!! And thanks for the extra luck...those snugglemonsters are so stinkin cute!

  9. Congratulations on the award! Isn't it beautiful? ((hugs!))

  10. Congratulations on the award! Very well deserved!
    And such a sweet thing to say.


  11. Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments! Oh, you make me blush!


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