Saturday 24 October 2009

Halloween Knitty Kitty Update

Woo hoo, I won! Thank you, Mrs. B and Thalia! The Halloween Knitty Kitty will have a good home with me, I promise!

Now I'm off to do my Happy Dance!


  1. You won, that is so funny.

    Now about the cherry, you get it because it isn't a real one.

    If it was real, well then I would have to thumb wrestle you.

    Have a great weekend.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. YAY!!! Lucky duck...that is the cutest thing ever!

  3. Congratulations on your prize. I know how much it meant to you. Much fun and enjoyment are coming your way.

  4. Fantastic! Happy dancing with you!!

  5. Yay to you! Oh my gosh, that really is the cutest kitty! Give 'em a big hug for me!

  6. thankyou so very much for your continued supportive comments, they are truly appreciated as I work through all that is going on..
    blessings of love & light being sent your way xoxo R

  7. Not sure how to email you, so I'll just leave a note here to let you know I popped it in the mail this afternoon, and Kitty is on his/her way to you.

    Congrats again!


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