Saturday 3 October 2009

Personal Revelation # 4

4. My first and only knitting project was an utter disaster.

When I was a girl, I spent three years in 4-H being taught how to sew, embroider and knit. My knitting project was to make a very simple pair of slippers.

Oh, it started off well enough. I bought some nice red yarn that I liked. I picked an easy pattern of basic ribbing. I diligently knitted and purled and kept my tension firm but not excessively tight. However, for reasons that are still a mystery to me, my ribbing went terribly awry. Halfway through one of the slippers, the hills became valleys and the valleys became hills, if you know what I mean. There was no way to fix it without starting all over again, so I just sewed the slippers together and left it at that. The judge at Achievement Day pursed her lips a bit, but who cares?

My greater error became apparent after Achievement Day when I actually started wearing the slippers. It turned out that the yarn I had chosen was much, much too lightweight to withstand any of the normal demands made on slippers. After only a couple of wearings, the slippers had big holes in them. They were absolutely useless and went straight into the garbage.

I never picked up knitting needles again.


  1. You achieved more in that department than I ever did.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. I have never learned to knit, but I can crochet. Oh gosh, and boy did you bring up a memory. I was sitting on the sofa one day crocheting a skarf (one year everyone got this for Christmas) and my cat was playing with the yarn next to me. Well, cats are supposed to play with yarn, right? Wrong!!! I looked up in time to see a 6 inch thread go down her throat. Tried to grab it but I was too late. I hate to tell you what it cost me. I had to take her to the vet who then told me if it didn't come out, she would need surgery or it would wrap around her intestines. Thankfully, she excreted it the next day...but vets don't come cheap around here.

  3. You can't give up after only one try!

    By the way, I love the picture. :)

  4. ah Debra, the trials of knitting! Their is a wee something for you on my blog..................

  5. Ditto Renee! The art of knitting is totally lost on me...sigh!

  6. my grandmother taught all of my female cousins (and a few male ones) to knit and crochet..except grandmother never drank, but i think afte a 3 hour session of trying to teach me to knit I saw her take a sip of daddy red's whiskey

  7. Try, try again. I hear there are great knitting circles that can give you great tips. I am no knitter though. I would like to take it back up again at some point. :)

  8. Knitting has always baffled me. Like eating truffles or chasing tornados...I can fully appreciate the end result, however, but the act--it makes me cross my eyes!

  9. I failed Home Ec in Grade 8 ... !!

  10. Funny post. You are hilarious! One word of advice: NEVER back down from nuttin EVER again. Cheers!!


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