Friday 2 October 2009

Personal Revelation # 3

3. I have beautiful handwriting.

Back in the days of the dinosaurs when I was in elementary school, great emphasis was placed on the development of fine cursive penmanship. We used to have classes devoted to it. The teacher would make us practice endless circles with our pens on a piece of foolscap so it would become second nature to stay within the lines. Beautiful handwriting is all in the wrist, you know. If you have good wrist control, the world is your oyster. It also helps to have some natural artistic ability.

Anyway, not to brag or anything (well, perhaps a bit), I have beautiful handwriting. I used to win prizes for it at the local fair when I was a kid. It's hard to believe that penmanship contests once existed -- how antiquated that seems now! People still remark on my beautiful handwriting, probably because it's such a rarity these days. Now everyone types, prints in block capitals, or scrawls.

I am the practitioner of a dying art.


  1. Whoo hoo - so glad someone else remembers this!! I love to see beautiful handwriting - I really do!! Give us a pic girl!!!
    Again loving this.......

  2. I miss lovely, handwritten notes! My boss has incredible penmanship as well, which isn't common for a man. I wish they'd continue to teach the kids at school this art - but no one seems to care in the age of computers - it's sad!

  3. I love it, this is so fun and of course I remember the writing. They should still do that.

    Love Renee xoxo

  4. I do remember that. And we all had such beautiful penmanship.

  5. I used to have beautiful penmanship, but arthritis has made my writing almost un readable..

  6. I learned how to write with a fountain pen ... after the big, round #1 pencil, of course ... :-)


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