Wednesday 7 October 2009

Personal Revelation # 7

7. I once swam with the dolphins.

A few years ago, my Rare One and I holidayed in the Mayan Riviera of Mexico. While visiting Xel-ha National Park, we booked an appointment to swim with the dolphins! Of course, I did feel a few twinges of conscience about exploiting these poor captive creatures for my own selfish amusement. But then it occurred to me that they were simply "dolphins with jobs," doing what they had to do to put fish in the bucket. Just like me, really, doing what I have to do for 40 hours a week to earn my keep in the world. Oh, sweet valium of rationalization, how you soothe me!

I expected the experience to be kind of mystical and New Age-y, but it wasn't at all. The well-trained dolphins were friendly and fun. They swam around us, let us pet and stroke them, carried us through the water on their backs and leaped over us on command in stunning aerial displays of fishy athleticism. Two dolphins popped up unexpectedly from the water and simultaneously kissed me on either cheek. It was tremendous fun! And the dolphins were magnificent and beautiful creatures. It was a privilege to interact with them.


  1. That sounds like so much fun Debra.

    I love these revelations.


  2. That is so cool. I just love their little faces. They always look so happy.

  3. Sounds mystical to me...please stop by my blog...

    much love

  4. dolphins are magical..some day I want to swim with them too..some day

  5. Oh, wow, that sounds amazing. I want to swim with dolphins!

  6. I saw dolphins this summer whilst I was on a ferry. They were leaping alongside. It was a special day.


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