Sunday 15 November 2009

Our Sunday Ritual

Every Sunday morning, my Rare One and I go for strawberry waffles at a nearby restaurant. It's our own special time. While enjoying our waffles, we try to answer the trivia questions in the local Coffee News. After that, we read our horoscopes for the upcoming week. Then we do the crossword puzzle in the newspaper.

In order to avoid any Sunday morning line-ups at the popular breakfast spot, we get there fairly early. We roll right out of bed and go. We don't even wash the stink off, as they say. Consequently, some Sundays we show up looking pretty much like this:

Ah, good times. Good times.


  1. Strawberry waffles ~ oh yum! Isn't it amazing how the rituals we share with our loved ones make life so sweet!

  2. he-he...I should try that at my local coffee house. They have the most amazing pancakes but very few tables and they always seem to be full, no matter how early you show.
    The pancakes are worth the wait, but Sunday mornings aren't for impatient line standing...

  3. Waffles are totally worth not washing the stink off for :). What a great thing to do on a Sunday morning....mmmmmmmmm.

  4. Oh, they look wonderful. Yummy!!! I tend to strange breakfasts on the weekend. How does Chicken Fajitas with Cheese sound to ya? That's what I had this morning....but I sure would love some of those waffles.

  5. Yay waffles! Sometime again, I hope, when this cursed diet is over. I'd love to share there with my sweetie - but she has that gluten-free thingie.

  6. I would not blame you. Those waffles look amazing and I would go in my pajamas if it meant I would eat them sooner! What lovely ritual, big fella and I tried one for our cafe but I couldnt get him out of bed!

  7. Is it pancake house.

    A good crossword, nothing I like better.


  8. LOL! What a great and wonderful ritual; waffles, horoscopes, puzzles and a little authentic self in the mix. Waffles!

  9. Sounds like a perfect way to start a Sunday. Enjoy, savor, connect, dream a little ... and who cares how you show up!

  10. Oh my, I absolutely LOVE the

  11. Hahahaa! That's hilarious! Rituals are a good thing. Especially when they involve whipped cream and strawberries! Yum!

  12. LOL - I have a place like this. An amazing breakfast spot no one used to know about - but now everyone goes, so you have to get there really early or really late!

    What a great way to spend a Sunday morning!


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