Friday 13 November 2009

It's Friday the 13th Again!

This is 2009's third and final Friday the 13th, so enjoy it! If Friday the 13th is doubly sacred to the Goddess at the best of times, then a rare third Friday the 13th must be triply sacred!


  1. Hate to admit it, but there was a time this day put fear in my heart. LOL!!! You'd never know that today...but that was way back when.

  2. this year is all about the threes... (and nines) isn't it? So interesting. I wish i knew a little more about numbers and their significance. I have my own ideas and theories...which seem to work fairly well.
    Funny that Friday the 13th doesn't bother me too much...but i will knock a little wood three times just to let the Goddess know i'm being careful.

  3. I didn't even realize the date.


  4. my favorite and most lucky friday the 13ths

  5. This has just got to be a really brilliant day!

  6. I wasn't familiar with the Goddess connection; a wonderful new learning for me! Thank you! To me, it was always just the day between Thursday the 12th and Saturday the 14th. :-)


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