Thursday 12 November 2009

Welcome, Knitty Kitty!

You may recall that last month I won a handsome Halloween Knitty Kitty (created by Thalia Took) in Mrs. B's 31 Days of Halloween contest. Well, he has now arrived in Edmonton after his long journey from the United States! We were overjoyed to meet him! All the household cats got together and threw a big party to welcome the newcomer. At first, Knitty Kitty was a little shy --

But soon he joined in with the others . . .

. . . and before he knew it, everyone was Best Friends Forever!!

Her Royal Highness joined the party as well and graciously extended the regal paw of welcome to her newest subject . . .

. . . and introduced him to the Lion Goddess Sekhmet, who fell for Knitty Kitty's charms immediately. Here they are, posing for the paparazzi --

Cat treats were consumed. Party games were played. Fun was had by all.

Knitty Kitty even went swimming in the pool with the Mermaid Goddess Yemaya and her Merkitty! Well, actually he just floated around in a lifesaver ring, but still!

Finally, the party wound down and everyone went to their various cozy corners and cubbyholes for a long catnap. Knitty Kitty finished his evening by getting a nice skritch behind the ears from Kwan Yin Herself. The Goddess loves all kitties.


  1. What precious photos...and what a poser your baby is.

  2. Lol! That is awesome! I'm glad Knitty Kitty was so well received!

  3. LOL, everyone was so dressed up for the occasion...wearing a tuxedo.

    much love

  4. Lots of fun, but getting the cat to pose - I'm impresswed.

  5. i love that..and love that green cat...

  6. All of the cats are adorable! Knitty would be chewed up and spit out by Henry the cat if he got hold of him (which wouldn't be allowed, Knitty's too cute).

  7. Hee-hee! Love Knitty kitty! You made me laugh!!

  8. Lol - so cute - knitty kitty is making himself right at home! He fits in puuurrrfectly! (Sorry - I had to!)

  9. Oh wonderful! Glad he arrived safe and sound, and that he received such a warm welcome!


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